Yansong Shen is a full Professor (tenured) and ARC Future Fellow (A/Prof, 2019-2021, Senior Lecturer, 2016-2018, UNSW; Lecturer, 2014-2016, Monash). He is the director of a vibrant research lab - Process Modelling and Optimisation of Reactiing Flows "ProMO Lab" (www.promo.unsw.edu.au), with applications to a range of complex reactive flow processes in traditional and emerging industries particularly resource and energy sectors, including process metallurgy, solid fuel preparation/utilization, water treatment, recycling processes of e.g. solar panels, plastic, and renewable energy processes e.g. solar cell/biomass/hydrogen. His research interests range from understanding fundamentals to optimising & developing new, cleaner and more efficient technologies, powered by advanced numerical and experimental approaches. He is the member of the editorial boards of "Advanced Powder Technology" and "Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B".