1. Qi Zhang *, Peng Di, Arash Farnoosh, Study on the impacts of Shanghai crude oil futures on global oil market and oil industry based on VECM and DAG models, Energy, 2021,223 :120050
2. 张奇*,刘江枫,李彦,基于演化博弈的垃圾分类管理策略研究绿色积分,运筹与管理,2021(已接收)
3. Ge Wang, Qi Zhang*, Bin Su, Bo Shen, Yan Li, Zhengjun Li ,Coordination of tradable carbon emission permits market and renewable electricity certificates market in China, Energy Economics, 2021, 93 :105038
4. 张奇*,叶慧颖,刘雪飞,信息共享对互联网金融机构信用风险异质性影响测度研究,中国地质大学学报 (社会科学版),2021, 21(1):141-156 (CSSCI 期刊)
5. Fei Teng, Qi Zhang*, Wang Ge, A Systematic Review on Energy Blockchain: Application Scenarios and Development Trends, Int J Energy Res. 2021;1-17. https://doi.org/10.1002/er.7109
6. Qi Zhang*, Yanyan Tang, Derek Bunn, Hailong Li, Yaoming Li Comparative evaluation and policy analysis for recycling retired EV batteries with different collection modes, Applied Energy, 2021, 303: 117614
7. Xinzhu Zheng, Ranran Wang, Arjen Y. Hoekstra, Maarten S. Krol, Yaxin Zhang, Kaidi Guo, Mukul Sanwal, Zhen Sun, Junming Zhu, Junjie Zhang, Amanda Lounsbury, Xunzhang Pan, Dabo Guan, Edgar G. Hertwich, Can Wang*. Consideration of culture is vital if we are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. One Earth, 2021, 4:307-319. (Cell子刊)
8. 郑馨竺, 张雅欣, 李晋, 王灿*. 后疫情时期的经济复苏与绿色发展:对立还是共赢. 中国人口·资源与环境, 2021, 31: 1-13.(国家基金委管理学部认定的30种国内重要期刊)
9. XinZhu Zheng, et al. Individualism and nationally determined contributions to climate change, Science of the Total Environment, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146076
10. Sheng Zhou, Qing Tong, Zunzhang Pan, Research on low-carbon energy transformation of China necessary to achieve the Paris agreement goals: A global perspective, Energy Economics, 2021 ,10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105137
11. Lijing Zhu, Yi Ou. Enhance financing for small- and medium-sized suppliers with reverse factoring: a game theoretical analysis. Ann Oper Res (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-021-04361-0
12. Qi, Y., Farnoosh, A., Lin, L. et al. Correction to: Coupling coordination analysis of China’s provincial water‑energy‑food nexus. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2021 (Accepted). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-18113-x
1. Siyuan Chen, Qi Zhang *, Philip Andrews-Speed, Benjamin Mclellan. Quantitative Assessment of the Environmental Risks of Geothermal Energy: A Review[J]. Journal of Environmental Management 276 (2020) 111287
2. Yaoming Li, Qi Zhang*, Yanyan Tang, Benjamin Mclellan, Huiying YHiroshi Shimoda, Keiichi Ishihara, Dynamic optimization management of the dual-credit policy for passenger vehicles, Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119384.
3. Boyu Liu, Xinzhu Zheng, Qi Zhang*, Xunzhang Pan, Benjamin Mclellan. Drivers of global metal footprint during 1995–2013[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 256 (2020) 120467
4. Huiying Ye, Qi Zhang*, Xunzhang Pan, Arash Farnoosh. Market-induced carbon leakage in China's certified emission reduction projects[J]. Post-Print, 2020.
5. Xi Yang, Alun Gu, Fujie Jiang, Wenli Xie, Qi Wu. Integrated Assessment Modeling of China's Shale Gas Resource: Energy System Optimization, Environmental Cobenefits, and Methane Risk[J]. Energies, 2020, 14.
6. Yaxin Zhang, Xinzhu Zheng, Wenjia Cai,Yuan Liu, Huilin Luo, Kaidi Guo, Chujie Bu, Jin Li, Can Wang. Key drivers of the rebound trend of China's CO2 emissions[J]. Environmental Research Letters, 2020, 15(10):104049 (10pp).
7. Xunzhang Pan, Wenying Chen, Sheng Zhou, Lining Wang, Jiaquan Dai, Qi Zhang, Xinzhu Zheng, Hailin Wang. Implications of near-term mitigation on China's longterm energy transitions for aligning with the Paris goals. [J]. Energy economics,2020,90.
8. Xunzhang Pan, Lining Wang, Jiaquan Dai, Qi Zhang, Tianduo Peng, Wenying Chen. Analysis of China’s oil and gas consumption under different scenarios toward 2050: An integrated modeling[J]. Energy,2020,195.
9. Mingming Liu, Yifan Shao, Chunxia Yu, Jiacheng Yu, Alessio Ishizaka. A Heterogeneous QoS-Based Cloud Service Selection Approach Using Entropy Weight and GRA-ELECTRE III[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2020(1):1-17.
10. 张奇*,李曜明,唐岩岩,高原,刘伯瑜.新能源汽车“双积分”政策对生产商策略与社会福利影响研究[J].系统工程理论与实践,2020,40(01):150-169.
11. 刘雪飞,张奇*,李彦,余乐安,王歌. 普惠金融支持光伏发电发展的空间效应研 究.中国管理科学,1-10[2020-08-14]
12. 叶慧颖,张奇*,潘勋章,林绿.自愿减排项目碳泄漏:内涵、类别及应对[J].中国环境管理,2020,12(03):98-106.
13. 林绿,孟椿雨,刘慧,刘蒙,张奇*.中国绿色信贷成本收益核算研究[J].中国环境管理,2020,12(05):115-124.
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