姓 名:蒲景阳
l 2023.07至今,中国石油大学(北京),碳中和示范性能源学院,副教授
l 2023.02-2023-06,中国石油大学(北京),碳中和示范性能源学院,讲师
l 2020.11-2022.10,中国石油大学(华东),师资博士后
l 2019.05-2020.10,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,化学工程,助理博士后
l 2013.01-2019.05,美国密苏里科技大学,油气井工程,博士研究生
l 2008.09-2012.09,哈尔滨工业大学,材料化学,本科
l 复杂油气强化开采工程应用:1)裂缝性油藏水窜水淹自适应深部调控技术;2)水平井体积压裂复杂缝网残留堵塞物高效清除技术;3)低渗油藏CCUS-EOR CO2气窜防控技术;4)采油污泥深度处理资源化利用技术
l 国家自然科学青年基金“致密油水平井体积压裂温控型纳米胶囊破胶剂构筑与释放调控机理研究”,2022.01-2024.12,30万元,主持
l 中国博士后科学基金“基于“温控开关”的纳米胶囊破胶剂构筑释放主控因素与影响规律研究”,2020.11-2022.11,8万元,主持(结题)
l 山东省自然科学青年基金“温度响应型过硫酸铵纳米胶囊的构建及其应用基础研究”,2022.01-2024.12,15万元,主持
l 中央高校自主科研项目“致密油藏缝网压裂纳米胶囊破胶剂构筑及其温控释放机理研究”,2021.01-2022.11,10万元,主持(结题)
l 青岛市博士后应用研究项目“低渗油藏增产作业添加剂纳米胶囊的构建及温度响应机制”,2021.03-2022.11,5万元,主持(结题)
l 长庆油田分公司横向项目“长庆油田分公司第二采油厂2024年西峰长8油藏低产井提单产技术研究与应用项目”,2024.06-2024.12,142万元,主持
l 长庆油田分公司横向项目“长庆油田第七采油厂2024年环江油田采出水水质提升技术研究技术服务合同”,2024.07-2024.12,22.9万元,主持
l 长庆油田分公司横向项目“环江油田超低渗油藏增注技术攻关与试验技术服务”,2022.08-2022.12,26万元,主持(结题)
l 长庆油田分公司横向项目“环江油田罗228欠注治理工艺分析及优化”,2021.07-2021.12,19万元,主持(结题)
l 国家自然科学基金-专项项目,“页岩油储层超临界CO2聚能压裂与封存基础研究”,2024年1月至2024年12月,5/10,200万元,主研
l 国家重点研发计划“重大自然灾害防控与公共安全”重点专项项目,“高稳定性环保泡沫灭火剂研发与示范应用”,2022年9月至今,10/29,1124.9万元,主研
l 胜利油田“揭榜挂帅”横向项目,“陆相页岩功能压裂液体系研发及原油置换动用机制和水岩作用机理研究”,2022年7月至今,7/15,380万元,主研
l 中石油长庆油田分公司横向项目,“油田新区难压储层预处理酸化体系优选及试验”,2021.5至今,2/9,69万元,主研
l 美国工业合作项目:道达尔公司/美孚公司,“Conformance control:nanocapsule coating and mobility,BEG-20-001 Use case 4”,2019.7-2020.10,3/15,96万美元,主研
l 美国工业合作项目:壳牌公司,“Feasibility study on chemical delivery of scale inhibitors through polymer nanocapsules or nanoparticles at suitable field conditions (AEC)”,2019.11-2020.10,3/11,11万美元,主研
l 美国能源部项目,“Development of swelling-controllable particle gels to enhance CO2 flooding sweep efficiency and storage efficiency, DE-FE0024558”,2015.6-2019.3,4/11,124万美元,主研
l 美国工业合作项目:康菲公司/美国西部石油公司,“Particle gel conformance control industry consortium(JIP)”,2014.10-2019.5,3/10,180万美元,主研
l 美国能源部项目,“Study and pilot test of preformed particle gel conformance control combining with surfactant treatment, DE-FE0031606”,2012.11-2015.8,4/13,176万美元,主研
l Kai Wang et al., Effect and Mechanism of Zirconium Crosslinker on Retarding Degradation of HPAM/PEI Gel System in Medium-Salinity Reservoirs , SPE Journal, 2024, SPE-223597-PA(通讯作者)
l 蒲景阳等, 过硫酸铵纳米胶囊的构筑及滑溜水残留堵塞物降解性能评价,油田化学2023,录用
l Jingyang Pu et al., Fabrication and Release Mechanism Study of a Nanocapsule Breaker for Controlling Degradation Rate of Insoluble Residue in Slickwater at Moderate-Temperature Reservoirs, , SPE Journal, 2024, SPE-217981-PA
l Jingyang Pu et al., Facile synthesis of chromium chloride/poly(methyl methacrylate) core/shell nanocapsules by inverse miniemulsion evaporation method and application as delayed crosslinker in secondary oil recovery, Petroleum Science, 2023, 21(1): 396-406
l Jingyang Pu et al., Temperature-triggered release of chromium chloride from nanocapsules for controlled burst release and gelation of HPAM to plug high permeability channels, SPE Journal, 2023, SPE-212872-PA
l Jingyang Pu et al., Dual crosslinked poly(acrylamide-co-N-vinylpyrrolidone) microspheres with re-crosslinking ability for fossil energy recovery, Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2022, 224:211604.
l Jingyang Pu et al., Polyelectrolyte complex induced stimuli-responsive self-association and reinforcement of interpenetrated poly(AM-co-VA)/alginate particles for fossil energy recovery. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 343: 117596
l Jingyang Pu et al., Systematic Evaluation of a novel self-healing poly(acrylamide-co-vinyl acetate)/alginate polymer gel for fluid flow control in high temperature and high salinity reservoirs. Polymers, 2021, 13(21), 3616(封面论文,期刊年度封面论文奖)
l Jingyang Pu et al., A recrosslinkable preformed particle gel for conformance control in heterogeneous reservoirs containing linear-flow features. SPE Journal, 2019, 24 (04): 1714-1725
l Jingyang Pu et al., Preparation and salt-insensitive behavior study of swellable, Cr(Ⅲ)-embedded microgels for water management. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, 273: 551-558
l Jingyang Pu et al., Effect of the chromium ion diffusion in polyacrylamide/chromium acetate gelation system with surrounding water on gelation behavior. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 171: 1067-1076
lJingyang Pu et al., Development of thermo-transformable controlled hydrogel for enhancing oil recovery. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(12): 13600-13609
l Jingyang Pu et al., On some studies about the dynamic mechanisms of carbon monoxide flow and diffusion during high energy gas fracturing. Safety Science, 2012, 50(4), 903-908
l Jingyang Pu et al., Development of re-assembling performed particle gel (RPPG) for conformance control in mature oilfields with conduits/fractures/fracture-like channels. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2018, Dallas, TX, USA
l Jingyang Pu et al., Swelling behaviors of Cr(III)-modified acrylamide-based superabsorbent polymer microsphere in brines. AICHE Annual Meeting, 2017a, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 196p
l 致密油藏渗吸排油效应及工程应用,石油工业出版社,2024,排名3/6
l 石油百科储层改造,石油工业出版社,2022,排名6/6
l 一种输送和释放可控的纳米胶囊破胶剂及其制备方法与应用(发明专利),2023, 专利授权号:ZL202110243616.1
l 一种磁响应清洁压裂液智能压裂方法(发明专利),2023,专利公开号:ZL202111057563.0
l 一种微纳米孔道油水响应膜材料、制备方法及其应用(发明专利),2022,专利授权号:ZL202210314779.9
l一种用于高温油藏深部调剖的微乳液缓释交联堵剂体系及其制备方法与应用(发明专利),2022, 专利授权号:ZL202210926906.0
l 一种水平井的体积压裂差异化改造方法(发明专利),2022,专利授权号:ZL202210111563.2
l Fiber assisted re-crosslinkable polymer gel and preformed particle gels for fluid loss and conformance control(发明专利),2022,专利授权号:US11268009B2
l Re-assembling polymer particle package for conformance control and fluid loss control(发明专利),2021,专利授权号:US11162016B2
l 中国石油和化工自动化行业科技进步奖一等奖(2023),排名12/15
l 青岛市科学技术二等奖(2022),排名4/10
l 延安市“十三五”突出贡献创新成果奖(2021),排名3/15
l 密苏里科技大学工程院年度院长学者奖(2019),10人/年
l 密苏里科技大学石油工程系杰出博士生奖(2017),1人/年
l 第三届北京大学生创新创业大赛-百强创业团队指导教师(2024)
l 中科院一区TOP期刊《Petroleum Science》青年编委