长期致力于核辐射测井的研究,内容涉及核辐射测井方法基础、仪器优化设计、仪器刻度、数据处理及解释研究。目前,作为课题负责人,先后承担并完成了包括国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、国家重大专项、中国石油集团等资助的课题多项。在三探测器密度测井、过套管伽马水泥密度测井、可控源中子密度和中子孔隙度测井、可控源一体化测井、地球元素测井、阵列中子测井、随钻核辐射测井等方面开展了较为深入的研究。主讲本科生课程有“核物理基础”、“地球物理测井”、“核测井”和“测井地质学”等。在Geophysical Journal International、Geophysics等期刊上发表论文30余篇,其中被SCI收录17篇,被EI收录12篇。
微 信:loXXing123456,其中大写字母X代表小写字母g。
1、Wu Wensheng, Chen Bing, Yu Gang, et al. Response s and data inversion of four-detector scattered-gamma-ray logging in cased holes, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 159(2017).
2、Wu Wensheng, Yue Aizhong, Xiang Wei, et al. Influence of borehole and formation characteristics on elemental standard spectra in geochemical logging, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2017, 14(5).
3、Wu Wensheng, Chen Bin, Yu Gang, et al. A data inversion technique for four-detector gamma-ray logging in cased holes, Geophysical Journal International, 2017, 210(1).
4、Wu Wensheng, Tong Maosong, Niu Wei, et al. Influences of Al, Mg, and K on calculating concentrations of other formation elements and their corrections in geochemical logging, Acta Geophysica, 2015, 63(2).
5、Wu Wensheng, Yue Aizhong, Tong Maosong, et al. The calculation and characteristic of elemental sensitivity factor in geochemical logging, Petroleum Geoscience, 2015, 21(2).
6、Wu Wensheng, Niu Wei, Luo Li. Quantitative analysis of neutron-capture gamma-ray energy spectra using direct demodulation, Geophysics, 2014, 79(2).
7、Wu Wensheng, Zhang Lijuan, Luo Li. Quantitative analysis of neutron capture γ spectra using a sequential quadratic programming method, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2014, 124.
8、Wu Wensheng, Fu Yaping, Niu Wei. Numerical simulation of responses for cased-hole density logging, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2013, 810(2013).
9、Wu Wensheng, Gao Biao, Wang Jianbo. Methods of correcting for the influence of surrounding rocks using a three-detector density logging tool, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2013, 10(2).
10、Wu Wensheng, Tong Maosong, Xiao Lizhi, et al. Porosity sensitivity study of the compensated neutron logging tool, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2013, 108(20).