姓名: 吴克柳
职称: 教授/博导
2021-至今 中国石油大学(北京)教授
2018-2021 中国石油大学(北京)副教授
2016-2018 University of Calgary 副研究员
2013-2016 University of Calgary 博士后
2008-2013 中国石油大学(北京)硕博连读生
2004-2008 中国地质大学(武汉)本科
个人主页: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0021-5007
电子邮箱: wukeliu19850109@163.com;kwu@cup.edu.cn
所在系所: 油气田开发工程系
研究方向: CO2埋存提高采收率、页岩/致密油气藏开发、油气藏型储气库建设、碳酸盐岩油气藏开发、凝析气藏开发、超深超高压气藏开发、油藏数值模拟和人工智能在油气领域基础理论与技术
截止2022年2月,以第一作者/通讯作者在PNAS(与Nature, Science 和 Cell 被百度百科列为世界四大期刊)、Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 等期刊发表论文,论文总引用为5200+次(Google scholar),包括2010年度诺贝尔物理学奖获得者Andre K. Geim院士、2012 年度国家最高科学技术奖获得者郑哲敏院士 、2017年度美国物理协会流体力学奖获得者D. Lohse 院士等引用。
[1] Wu, K*., Chen, Z., Li, J., et al. Wettability effect on nanoconfined water flow. PNAS. 2017,114(13): 3358-3363.SCI, IF=11.205
[2] Wu, K*., Chen, Z., Li, J., et al. Manipulating the flow of nanoconfined water by temperature stimulation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2018,57(28): 8432-8437.SCI, IF=15.336
[3] Wu, K*., Chen, Z., Li, X. Real gas transport through nanopores of varying cross-section type and shape in shale gas reservoirs. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2015,281: 813-825.SCI, IF=13.273
[4] Wu, K*., Chen, Z., Li, X., et al. A model for multiple transport mechanisms through nanopores of shale gas reservoirs with real gas effect–adsorption-mechanic coupling. Int.J.Heat Mass Transf. 2016,93: 408-426.SCI, IF=5.584
[5] Wu, K*., Li, X., Wang, C., et al. A model for gas transport in microfractures of shale and tight gas reservoirs. AIChE Journal. 2015,61(6): 2079-2088.SCI, IF=3.993
[6] Wu, K*., Li, X., Wang, C., et al. Model for surface diffusion of adsorbed gas in nanopores of shale gas reservoirs. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015,54(12): 3225-3236.SCI, IF=3.720
[7] Wu, K*., Chen, Z., Li, X., et al. Methane storage in nanoporous material at supercritical temperature over a wide range of pressures. Scientific Reports. 2016,6: 33461.SCI, IF=4.379
[8] Wu, K*., Li, X., Guo, C., et al. A Unified Model for Gas Transfer in Nanopores of Shale-Gas Reservoirs: Coupling Pore Diffusion and Surface Diffusion. SPE Journal. 2016,21(05): 1583-1611.SCI, IF=3.478
[9] Wu, K*., Chen, Z., Li, J., et al. Ultrahigh Water Flow Enhancement by Optimizing Nanopore Chemistry and Geometry. Langmuir. 2019,35: 8867-8873.SCI, IF=3.882
[10] Wu, K*., Chen, Z., Li, J., et al. Nanoconfinement Effect on n-Alkane Flow. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2019,123: 16456-16461.SCI, IF=4.126
[1] 国家级青年人才
[2] 中国高被引学者
[3] 美国化学学会 Energy & Fuels 青年科学家
[1] ACS Petroleum Research Fund(美国化学学会石油研究)基金项目国际评委
[2] Mitacs Accelerate Project (加拿大神达加速)基金项目国际评委
[3] Nature Communications、Science Advances 等70+个SCI期刊审稿专家
[4] 《中国科学:技术科学》、《石油学报》、《天然气工业》、Engineering、Petroleum Science 等期刊青年编委