姓名: 姚约东
职称: 教授、博导
1991-1995 中国石油大学(华东) 本科
1995-1997 中国石油大学(北京) 硕士研究生
1997-2000 中国石油大学(北京) 博士研究生
2011-2012 美国Colorado School of Mines大学 访问学者
2011-现在 中国石油大学(北京) 教授
电子邮箱: yaoyuedong@163.com
联系电话: 010-89732216
所在系所: 油气田开发工程系
研究方向: 油藏工程, 油气渗流理论与应用, 非常规油气田开发
教学情况: 自2000年从教以来,一直从事油气田开发方面的教学和科研工作,先后主讲《油藏工程》、《油层物理与油藏工程》、《气藏工程》、《油气田开发》和《现代试井分析》等课程,其中《油藏工程》课程为北京市精品课程,获得省部级奖励4次(一等奖和二等奖各两次)。参与编著的博士生教材《现代油藏渗流力学原理》被北京市教委评为精品教材,连续获得中国石油大学(北京)第六届和第七届优秀教学成果一等奖,被评为全国石油工程设计大赛优秀指导教师和中国石油大学(北京)“优秀硕士学位论文指导教师”,被授予中国石油大学(北京)2016-2018年度“优秀教师”等荣誉称号。
[1]A Fractal Model for Oil Transport in Tight Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media, v 121, n 3, p 725-739, 2018
[4]Analytical model for pressure and rate analysis of multi-fractured horizontal wells in tight gas reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, p 1-14, 2018
[5]Pressure transient analysis of multi-fractured horizontal wells in tight oil reservoirs with consideration of stress sensitivity. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 11(11): 285, 2018
[6]The heat and mass transfer characteristics of superheated steam coupled with non-condensing gases in horizontal wells with multi-point injection technique. Energy, v 143, p 995-1005, 2018
[7]A numerical model for predicting distributions of pressure and temperature of superheated steam in multi-point injection horizontal wells. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v 121, p 282-289, 2018
[8]Exploitation of heavy oil by supercritical CO2: Effect analysis of supercritical CO2on H2O at superheated state in integral joint tubing and annuli. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 2018
[9]The flow and heat transfer characteristics of superheated steam in offshore wells and analysis of superheated steam performance[J]. Computers & Chemical Engineering,100: 80-93,2017
[10]Analytical model for production performance analysis of multi-fractured horizontal well in tight oil reservoirs [J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 158: 380-397, 2017
[13]Analytical method for performance evaluation of fractured horizontal wells in tight reservoirs[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering,33:419-426, 2016
[14]Potential of carbon dioxide miscible injections into the H-26 reservoir[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering,34:1085-1095, 2016
[15]An improved model for the prediction of liquid loading in gas wells[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering,32:198-204,2016
[16]随机生长四参数生成孔隙模型及其分形描述[J]. 天然气与石油,34(3):64-68,2016.
[17]裂缝性致密油藏非稳态窜流规律[J]. 断块油气田,23(3):329-333,2016.
[18]The CO2 storage and EOR evaluation in Daqing Oilfield[J]. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, v 6, n 2, p 251-259, 2016
[19]Multifractal Description of Fractures in Tight Reservoir Based on Fracture Image[C]. Advances in Engineering Research,40(1):255-260,2015.
[20]A new evaluation model for fractured horizontal wells in tight reservoirs[C]. Advances in Engineering Research,40(1):405-410,2015.
[23]Seepage features of high-velocity non-Darcy flow in highly productive reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 27(3),1732-1738,2015
[2]中国石油集团科学技术研究院, 特高含凝析油页岩气藏流体相态特征分析和分段压裂水平井数值模拟方法研究
[3]中石油, 王徐庄油田沙一下生物灰岩油藏重构地下认识体系与增加可采储量研究
[4]中石化, 砂砾岩油藏采收率标定方法研究
[5]教育部, 高产及特高产油藏渗流特征与高效开发设计
[3]非均质裂缝性油藏大尺度物理模型研制,中国石油和化工自动化行业科学技术奖 ,技术发明奖一等奖
[1] SPE会员
[2]《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》, 《Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering》,《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》,《Transport in Porous Media》,《Special Topics and Reviews in Porous Media》和《Petroleum Science》等审稿人