姓名: 董平川
职称: 教授/博导
1982-1986 昆明理工大学 本科
1986-1989 东北大学 硕士研究生
1989-1998 西南石油大学 讲师
1994-1998 东北大学 博士研究生
1998-2000 中国石油大学(北京) 博士后
2000-2009 中国石油大学(北京) 副教授
2009-至今 中国石油大学(北京) 教授
电子邮箱: dpcfem@163.com;dongpc@cup.edu.cn
联系电话: 13901282036
教学情况: 北京市精品课程《油藏工程》、研究生课程《有限元方法》
[1] 国家自然科学基金委“碳中和”专项,CO2封存的地质体结构透明化表征方法与埋存场地选址,2021.1~2025.12
[2] 塔里木油田分公司项目,碳酸盐岩缝洞储层及不同开发阶段流体空间分布表征实验研究,2022-2024
[3] 塔里木油田分公司项目,塔里木盆地重点区块储层多尺度表征实验与应用,2022-2023
《Petroleum Science》、《Fuel》、《Energy》、《Energies》、《石油学报》、《岩石力学与工程学报》、《岩土工程学报》、《石油勘探与开发》、《中国石油大学学报(自然版)》等审稿人
论文著作( *第一/通讯作者):
[1]Xiaodong Gao, Pingchuan Dong *.Prediction Model for the Viscosity of Heavy Oil Diluted withLight Oil Using Machine Learning Techniques. Energies 2022, 15, 2297.
[2]Mvomo Ndzinga Edouard, Pingchuan Dong*.Optimization of triple‑alternating‑gas (TAG) injection technique for enhanced oil recovery in tight oil reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2022, 12:215–225
[3]Xiaodong Gao, Pingchuan Dong*. CFD modeling of virtual mass force and pressure gradient force on deposition rate of asphaltene aggregates in oil wells. 2022, 40(8), 995–1017.
[4] Qichao Gao, Pingchuan Dong*.Study on the Influence of Shale Storage Space Types on Shale Gas Transport
[5] Gao Qichao, Dong Pingchuan*, Liu Chang. Modeling and Simulation of Shale Fracture Attitude. ACS OMEGA,2021.6(11): 7312-7333.
[6] Luan Jian, Dong Pingchuan*, Zheng Jilong. Experimental studies on reaction laws during the process of air injection into the oil reservoirs with low permeability. JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020,194:107526.
[7] Li Yudan, Dong Pingchuan*, Zhou Dawei. A dynamic apparent permeability model for shale microfractures: Coupling poromechanics, fluid dynamics, and sorption-induced strain. JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020,74:103104
[8] Cao Nai, Lei Gang, Dong Pingchuan*. Stress-Dependent Permeability of Fractures in Tight Reservoirs. ENERGIES,2019,12(1),117.
[9] Wu Zisen, Dong Pingchuan*, Lei Gang. Study on the micro-scale effect in the micro-nano organic pores of a shale reservoir. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018, 232(3): 491-501.
[10] Tian Xiaoming. Dong Pingchuan*.Well-flow behavior of reorientation fracture considering permeability anisotropy. Engineering Computations,2018,35(7):2459-2479.
[11] Lei Gang, Dong Pingchuan*, Mo Shaoyuan. Theoretical Study of the Gas Slippage Effect in the Pore Space of Tight Sandstones in the Presence of a Water Phase. Chemistry And Technology Of Fuels And Oils, 2015,51(3):268-279。
[12] Lei G. ,Dong P. C. ,Mo S. Y. A novel fractal model for two-phase relative permeability in porous media. FRACTALS,2015, 23(2): 1550017.
[13] Lei Gang, Dong Pingchuan*,Wu Z.S. A Fractal Model for the Stress-Dependent Permeability and Relative Permeability in Tight Sandstones. Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology,2015,(1):36-48.
[14] Lei Gang, Dong Pingchuan*,Wu Z.S. Multi-scale structures of porous media and the flow prediction. JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,21:986-992.