

On 14th July, University of Calgary (UC) and China University of Petroleum-Beijing (CUP) held an online meeting to exchange each party's updates on some of the existing initiatives and discuss how two institutions pivot base on the new normality and long impacts caused by COVID-19. The attendees of the webinar include Dr. Janaka Ruwanpura, vice-provost (international), Ms. Buffy StAmand, director, International Relations, Mr. David Wong, china representative and Ms. Uli Ng, regional manager, Asia Pacific from University of Calgary International, Prof. YAO, Jun, Deputy Director, International Office, Mr. LU Shang, Deputy Director, International Office and Dr. FENG Jinyu, Section Chief, International Office from China University of Petroleum-Beijing.

UC and CUP mainly discussed in recent progress, areas of focus as well as dual degree updates. Dr. Ruwanpura on behalf of UCalgary summarized achievements of University of Calgary International and illustrated three goals of its Global Engagement Plan (2020-2025), such as increasing diversity of campus community, improving intercultural capacity and enhancing global partnerships, among others. Delegates of CUP concluded the key internationalization activities of CUP in recent years, including university ranking, international joint laboratory and research funding, etc. Two parties discussed to focus more on joint graduate programmes, research collaboration, and shifting to short term study-abroad programme from CUP side, etc. Regarding dual degree and articulation programmes, two parties will continue making efforts to support these programmes.

On the whole, UC and CUP agreed to start working towards exploring Chinese students short-term learning opportunities at UC and ways to connect researchers from both universities. UC and CUP will continue conversation and advancing the partnership between two institutions