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On 2nd October, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of China-Ecuador diplomatic relations, the "Luna Compartida Vida Iluminada" Mid-Autumn Gala was held online by the Chinese Consulate General in Guayaquil and the Confucius Institute at San Francisco University of Quito. Zhang Tao, Consul General of the Chinese Consulate General in Guayaquil; José Borja, Director-general of the Ministry Foreign Affairs Department of Asia and Pacific and the Former Ambassador to China of the Ecuadorian, and Jin Jianfang, Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute from CUP attended the party. More than 200 Ecuadorian political leaders and friends from various industries, overseas Chinese in Ecuador, representatives of Chinese-funded institutions, teachers and students of Confucius Institutes gathered online for the celebration.

Zhang Tao extended holiday greetings and best wishes to the guests. She said that generations of Chinese nationals in Ecuador had been working hard, making important contributions to local economic and social development. On this very note, they had been the witnesses, builders and promoters of China-Ecuador relations. This year marks the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Ecuador. It is time for the two countries to enjoy closer people-to-people ties and cultural communications. Zhang also expressed her wish for the two peoples to continue deepening their friendship and work together to promote the harmonious and stable development of China- Ecuador relations.

José Borja extended Mid-Autumn Festival greetings to everyone and expressed his sincerest congratulations to the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. He affirmed China's important contributions to global economic development and international cooperation. And José Borja said that since Ecuador and China have established diplomatic relations for 40 years, the two countries have made long-term and substantial progress in politics, economy and trade, culture, multilateral diplomacy and other areas and become comprehensive strategic partners. He believed that the relations between Ecuador and China will definitely enjoy a better tomorrow and the friendship between the two countries will be further deepened.

The evening got off to a good start with a video clip showing the development of China and the beautiful moonlight, as well as with the Chinese classical music "the Night of Spring Flowers, River, and Moon", which was performed by string and wind instruments. Along with the music, the audience were treated to sand painting, an art form rarely known by local people. By watching video clips about the myths of the Mid-Autumn Festival, local customs and the making of moon cakes, the foreigners gained a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the cultural meaning of the festival and its cultural value for Chinese people.

Renowned Chinese calligraphers and painters, including Wang Youquan, Liu Wei and Jin Xinguo, showed their talents in "cloud", writing in running script and oracle-bone inscriptions, which mean "May the Chinese and Ecuadorian people be friendly from generation to generation", "Enjoy the bright moon and wish a bright future together" and "Mutual understanding and cultural harmony", conveying the best wishes to the audience at home and abroad. Pei Xuefeng, vice-chairman of Chinese Painter Calligrapher Association, and Ma Xianfeng, a renowned freehand brushwork painter, showed Chinese ancient painting techniques and the pursuit of national spirit through their works. Pillajo, Chairman of Ecuadorian Violinist Association and concertmaster of Guayaquil National Symphony Orchestra, together with members of the orchestra performed the classic Chinese concerto "The Butterfly Lovers", which went beyond borders to pay tribute to the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Ecuador.

At the end of the evening, students from the Confucius Institute and representatives of Ecuadorians studying in CUP sent videos to express their good wishes for the friendship between the two peoples for generations. The party ended in the quiet and beautiful melody of "Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon".

The gala showed the charm of traditional Chinese culture and achievements in modern development to local Ecuadorians, and promoted the people to people exchanges between China and Ecuador, which was highly praised by people from all walks of life.