
News & Notice

By the end of July, the "CMG latest progress and special development mechanism simulation seminar of oil and gas reservoir" was held online, sponsored by CUP-CMG reservoir numerical simulation joint laboratory and organized by CUP unconventional oil and gas science and technology research institute. CMG China experts were invited and more than 100 teachers and students attended the meeting online.


At the meeting, CMG China experts Mr. Liu Dabao gave a report entitled "new development of CMG numerical simulation technology". The participants proposed the simulation requirements for special development mechanism based on their research interests. The participants discussed with CMG experts onfire flooding of heavy oil reservoirs, carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage, stress sensitive acid fracturing, nanoparticle flooding, complex fracture network modeling, platform zipper fracturing, and CMOSTAI surrogate model validation, multiphase flow reaction solute migration, refracturing considering the change of pore pressure and in-situ stress of injection production well pattern, etc.

The CUP-CMG oil and gas reservoir numerical simulation joint laboratory was established in September 2017. With the strong support of CUP and CMG, the joint lab has improved the research of CUP in oil and gas developmentand promoted the popularization of CMG software. In the future, the joint laboratory will continue to promote the in-depth cooperation between the CUP and CMG through various forms.