
News & Notice

  On October 31, Dr. Amos Nur, academician of the American Academy of engineering and professor of geophysics at Stanford University, visited our university. Vice President Li Gensheng met with him and representatives of College of Geosciences and the International Office.

  At the meeting, Li Gensheng welcomed Professor Amos Nur's visit, introduced the basic situation and development history of the university, and expressed his great welcome to Professor Amos Nur to carry out joint scientific research activities in our university. Professor Nur thanked Li Gensheng for his welcome, introducing the focus of his research achievements and some cooperation with other universities in China. Subsequently, the two sides discussed scientific research issues of interest such as petrophysics, geothermal, unconventional oil and gas development, and reached a preliminary intention to carry out related academic cooperation in the future.

  After the meeting, Professor Amos Nur visited the State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Resources and Exploration. In addition, Professor Nur was invited to give a lecture entitled "the challenge of the intersection of rock physics, rock mechanics and tectonics?” is warmly welcomed by teachers and students!

  Amos Nur is a professor in the Department of geophysics at Stanford University. He is one of the most authoritative rock physics experts recognized in the world. He has been the director of the Department of geophysics for a long time. He graduated from MIT in 1969 with a Ph.D. in geophysics. He has worked in the Department of geophysics at Stanford University since 1970 and was promoted to Professor in 1979. In 1977, he founded and developed the research group of petrophysics and borehole geophysics. Under his leadership, Stanford University's petrophysics research has long been in the top position in the world. He was elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering in 2001. In 2008, he retired from the Department of Geophysics and won the title of honorary professor. Professor Nur has a wide range of research interests, including rock physics, structural crust physics, fossil energy exploration and earthquake archaeology. Professor Nur has been concerned about and supported the development of geophysics in China for a long time. He has visited China many times since 1975. He often gives academic lectures to teachers and students of universities and research institutes in China, and conducts technical guidance and exchanges.