电 话:010-89731962 / 13701343900
[1] Ligeng Wang, Yuanzhong Zhang, et al. Pore structure characterization and permeability estimation with a modified multimodal Thomeer pore size distribution function for carbonate reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 193, 107426:1-16
[2] Ligeng Wang, Yuanzhong Zhang, et al. Influence factors of pop-in in the nanoindentation micromechanical property measurement of gas-bearing shale. Materials Testing, 2019, 61(10): 973-980
[3] Yunlong Liu, Yuanzhong Zhang, et al. The pore structure of tight limestone-Jurassic Ziliujing Formation, Central Sichuan Basin, China. Applied Geophysics, 2018, 15(2): 165-174.
[4] Yuanzhong Zhang, et al. Review of well logs and petrophysical approaches for shae gas in Sichuan Basin, China. The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2015, 8: 316~324.
[5] Yuanzhong Zhang, et al. Numerical calculation of NMR response for the 3D digital core constructed with CT images of the tight rock, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2015, 719(720): 1089~1092.
[6] 张元中 等. 新世纪第二个五年测井技术的若干进展. 地球物理学进, 2012, 27(3): 1133-1142.
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[8] 张元中 等. 单轴载荷下岩石核磁共振特征的实验研究. 核电子学与探测技术, 2006, 26(6): 731-734.
[9] 张元中 等. 井孔声电效应转换电磁波的特征. 地球物理学报, 2005, 48(2): 452-458.
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[1] Yuanzhong Zhang, et al. Fracture porosity calculation based on imaging logging with images processing for gas-bearing shale. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Information and Autonmation, Maucu 017.
[2] Yunzhong Zhang, et al. Characterization of the pore size distribution with SEM images processing for the tight rock. IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, ICIA 2015, Liangjiang 2015.
[3] Yuanzhong Zhang, et al. Experiment investigation of NMR porosity for gas-bering shale. 77th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Mrida, 2015.
[4] Yuanzhong Zhang, et al. Experiment investigation of electrical resistivity response characteristics for gas-bearing shale. 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Viena, 2016.
[5] Yuanzhong Zhang, et al. Petrophysical analysis of the oil-bearing for the tight oil- a case study of the outcrop in Sichuan Basin, China. 2016 SEG Rock & Borehole Geophysics Workshop,Beijing 016.
[6] Yuanzhong Zhang, Kaijin Zhou, Jianbing Zhao, Shuwen Liang, Porosity analysis based on the CT images processing for the oil reservoir sandstone, 2012 The International Conference on Automatic Control and Artificial Intelligence, March 24-26, pp1292-1295, Xiamen, China, 2012.
[7] Yuanzhong Zhang, Real-time monitoring of the security for the large construction with wireless FBG sensor network, Proceeding of 2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, pp8133-8136, Shanghai, China, 2011
[8] Yuanzhong Zhang, Numerical simulation study of the acoustic wave propagation in a drilling mud invasion borehole, 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Technology, July 26-28, pp2222-2225, Hangzhou, China, 2011
[9] Yuanzhong Zhang, Experimental study of the matrix paramagnetic effects on nuclear magnetic resonance T2 measurement for volcanic breccia, SEG Las Vegas 2008 Annual Meeting: 1779-1783
[10] Yuanzhong Zhang, et al, Oil Well Real-time Monitoring With Downhole Permanent FBG Sensor Network, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation , IEEE 07EX1625C, 2007: 2591-2594
[11] Yuanzhong Zhang et al, Seismoelectric conversion wave propagation in a fluid-filled borehole and numerical simulation, 2006 7th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, IEEE 06EX1293, 2006:1073-1076
[12] Yuanzhong Zhang et al, The perspective of the permanent monitoring with FBG sensor network in oil and gas production in China, International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology, Proceeding of SPIE Vol.6041, 2005,186-191
[13] Zhang et al, Cause of casing damage and detection technology in China, Proceeding of the World Engineers Convention 2004,Recources and Energy, China Science and Technology Press, Vol. F-A: 481-485