王坤喜,博士,讲师,校青年拔尖人才。主要从事智能地球物理信号处理、地震多次波智能化衰减、地震外源噪声衰减、地震面波衰减、混叠数据波场分离等方面的研究工作。以第一作者在IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing、Geophysics、Geophysical Journal International、 Geophysical Prospecting、地球物理学报等期刊发表SCI论文14篇,获授权国家发明专利3项。
[1] Kunxi Wang, Tianyue Hu, Bangliu Zhao, and Shangxu Wang. Surface-related multiple attenuation based on a self-supervised deep neural network with local wavefield characteristics. Geophysics, 2023, 88(5): V387-V402.
[2] Kunxi Wang, Tianyue Hu, and Shangxu Wang. Iterative deblending using unsupervised learning with double-deep neural networks. Geophysics, 2023, 88(3): V187-V205.
[3] Kunxi Wang, Tianyue Hu, Shangxu Wang, and Jianxin Wei. Seismic multiple suppression based on a deep neural network method for marine data. Geophysics, 2022, 87(4): V341-V365.
[4] Kunxi Wang, Tianyue Hu, and Bangliu Zhao. An unsupervised deep neural network approach based on ensemble learning to suppress seismic surface-related multiples. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60: 1-14. Art. no. 5924514.
[5] Kunxi Wang, and Tianyue Hu. Deblending of seismic data based on neural network trained in the CSG. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60: 1-12. Art. no. 5907712.