刘汇川,男,1986年生,博士(后),博士生导师,副教授,国家一级注册建造师(矿业工程)。2009年获中国矿业大学资源勘查工程专业学士,2014年获中国科学院广州地球化学研究所地质学博士学位。长期聚焦于壳幔相互作用及伴生氢氦等气体资源效应研究,在Geology、GSA Bulletin、American Journal of Science等期刊发表学术论文61篇,总引用超2100次,第一作者SCI论文单篇引用最高超135次.2020年获得北京市优秀毕业设计指导教师,2021年获全国发明展览会“发明创业奖项目奖”金奖,2022年获中国科技产业化促进会科技产业化特等奖。
(1) 2014/12-2018/09,中山大学地球科学与工程学院,特聘四级研究员;
(2) 2018/10至今,中国石油大学(北京)地球科学学院,副教授,博士生导师。
(1) 板片混杂岩底辟作用;
(2) 天然氢气-氦气生成和运聚过程;
(3) 盆地基底构造活化对天然氢-氦等气体资源生成和富集过程的影响。
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上基金项目,42472181,深层高过成熟烃源岩磷酸盐矿物原位定年对晚期生烃的约束,2025-01-01 至 2028-12-31,结题,主持
(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金项目,41502210,滇老泰毗邻区早古生代中基性岩浆成因及对原特提斯东缘演化的制约,2016-01-01 至 2018-12-31,结题,主持
(3) 中国博士后基金委员会,面上项目,2015M582456,哀牢山蛇绿岩形成过程Re-Os和铂族元素联合示踪,2016-01-01 至 2017-12-31,结题,主持
(4) 科技部,国家重点研发计划“变革性技术关键科学问题”重点专项专题,2021YFA0719000-1,富氦天然气成藏机制及氦资源分布预测技术,2022-01 至 2026-12,在研,主持
(5) 中国石油天然气股份有限公司,石油科技创新基金,2022-01-17,磷酸盐矿物原位U-Pb测定含油气盆地油气成藏期次,2022-01 至 2023-12,在研,主持
(6) 国家自然科学基金委员会,联合基金项目,U1701641,华南陆壳结构与南海北部地质过程研究,2018-01-01 至 2021-12-31,结题,参与
(7) 中国石油大学(北京),校基金-优秀青年学者,ZX20180401,滇西白垩纪基性岩浆作用成岩过程示踪,2018-10 至 2021-12,结题,主持
(8) 中国石油天然气股份有限公司,企业技术服务,HX20210016,苏北盆地古近纪辉绿岩及伴生变质带特征研究,2021-01 至 今,主持
(9) 中国石油天然气股份有限公司,企业技术服务,HX20220081,苏北探区地热及氦气资源潜力调查评价,2022-01 至 今,主持
(10) 中国石油天然气股份有限公司,企业技术服务,HX20220622,原位微区、同位素分析实验技术开发及应用,2022-08 至 2023-08,在研,主持
(11) 中国石油天然气股份有限公司,企业技术服务,HX20220448,塔里木和华南元古代地层磷酸盐矿物U-Pb测年,2022-05 至 2022-12,结题,主持
(12) 中国石油天然气股份有限公司,企业技术服务,HX20210053,四川古老层系岩石元素和同位素分析,2021-01 至 2022-08,结题,主持
(13) 中国石油天然气股份有限公司,企业技术服务,HX20190592,塔里木盆地西部烃源岩及原油地化分析,2019-08 至 2020-08,结题,主持
(1) Liu, H.C., A.R. Hastie, and C.M. Petrone, High-field-strength-element enriched arc rocks witness subducted mélange recycling in upwelling asthenosphere. Lithos, 2024. 464-465.
(2) Liu, H.C., S.G. Neilsen, and G.Y. Zhu, Sponge-rich sediment recycling in a Paleozoic continental arc driven by mélange melting. Geology, 2023. 51: p. 75-79.
(3) Liu, H.C., P.P. Huangfu, and G.Y. Zhu, High-temperature altered oceanic crust recycling into oceanic-island basalt−;like mantle produces alkaline continental crust driven by mélange diapirs: Insights from isotopic tracing and numerical modeling. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2023. 136(3-4): p. 1651–1660.
(4) 于志琪, 刘汇川, 朱光有, 陈玮岩, 和桂丽黎, 基于蛇纹石化生氢影响因素的制氢方式新思考. 天然气工业, 2023. 43(8): p. 156-169.
(5) 于志琪, 刘汇川, 陈希, 李文奇, 王. 凯, 和任威威, 高分异花岗岩双胞胎元素解耦与稀土元素四分组效应机制. 地球化学, 2023. 52(3): p. 344–359.
(6) 李文奇, 刘汇川, 李平平, 倪智勇, 和王艺壬, 四川灯影组白云石化流体多样化特征及白云岩差异性成因. 地球科学, 2023. 48(9): p. 3360-3377.
(7) Zhu, G.Y., H.C. Liu, J.W. Zi, W.Y. Chen, C.Q. Zhu, and Z.Y. Zhang, Using monazite U-Pb geochronology of Precambrian shales to constrain fluid flow and hydrocarbon accumulation events of a petroliferous basin. Gondwana Research, 2023. 115: p. 107-115.
(8) 王凯, 刘汇川, 任威威, 李文奇, 和于志琪, 新生代辉绿岩侵入对围岩物性的影响: 以苏北盆地洋心次凹为例. 现代地质, 2022. 36(6): p. 1-11.
(9) 张永旺, 刘汇川, 于志琪, 和王凯, 塔里木克拉通古元古代晚期A型花岗岩成因及对哥伦比亚超大陆演化的指示意义. 岩石学报, 2021. 37(04): p. 1122-1138.
(10) Zhu, G.Y., H.C. Liu, T.T. Zhang, W.Y. Chen, J.W. Xiao, K. Zhao, and H.H. Yan, Internal versus external locations of the South China Craton within Rodinia during the Cryogenian: Provenance history of the Nanhua Basin. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2021. 133(3-4): p. 559-579.
(11) Liu, X.P., H.C. Liu, P. Gao, W.Q. Li, H. Liu, and J.K. Hou, Detrital zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopes from the Yanliao intracontinental rift sediments: Implications for multiple phases of Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic juvenile crustal growth in the North China Craton. Gondwana Research, 2021. 96: p. 76-88.
(12) Liu, H.C., J. Shao, G.Y. Zhu, and Y.L. Li, Neoarchean Basement, mantle enrichement and crustal extraction in central Asia: Petrogenesis of 2.5 Ga amphibolite and metadiorite in NE China. American Journal of Science, 2021. 321: p. 1-30.
(13) 刘汇川, 刘小平, 张永旺, 于志琪, 和王凯, 印支运动启动的时间:来自云南点苍山晚二叠世辉长岩和闪长岩的证据. 大地构造与成矿学, 2020. 44(03): p. 527-542.
(14) Liu, H.C., J.W. Zi, P.A. Cawood, X. Cui, and L.M. Zhang, Reconstructing South China in the Mesoproterozoic and its role in the Nuna and Rodinia supercontinents. Precambrian Research, 2020. 337: p. 1-10.
(15) Liu, H.C., J.C. Wang, C.K. Lai, Y.L. Li, J.F. Wang, C.Y. Song, J.D. Zhang, X. Zhao, and J.D. Qin, Anatomy of two Permian greenschist- to blueschist-facies tectonic mélanges in the Solonker Suture Zone (Inner Mongolia, NE China): Evidences for divergent double subduction and soft collision. Journal of the Geological Society, 2020. 177(5): p. 981-996.
(16) Liu, H.C., Y.L. Li, Z.F. Wan, and C.K. Lai, Early Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Erguna Terrane (NE China) and its paleogeographic location in Rodinia supercontinent: Insights from magmatic and sedimentary record. Gondwana
(17) Liu, H.C., Q.T. Huang, I.U. Tonguç;, Z.R. Cai, Z.F. Wan, B. Xia, H. Zheng, and P. Yang, Geodynamics of the divergent double subduction along the Bangong-Nujiang tethyan suture zone: Insights from late mesozoic intermediate-mafic rocks in central Tibet. Gondwana Research, 2020. 79(2020): p. 233-247.
(18) Xu, G., H.C. Liu, Y.L. Li, Z. Xu, and Y. Xie, Early Permian Sunidyouqi suprasubduction-zone ophiolites in the central Solonker suture zone (Inner Mongolia, China). Geoscience Frontiers, 2019. 10(2019): p. 1101-1111.
(19) Liu, H.C., Y.L. Li, L.W. Wu, P.P. Huangfu, and M. Zhang, Geochemistry of high-Nb basalt-andesite in the Erguna Massif (NE China) and implications for the early Cretaceous back-arc extension. Geological Journal, 2019. 54(1): p. 291-307.
(20) Liu, H.C., M.W. Bi, X.F. Guo, Y.Z. Zhou, and Y.K. Wang, Petrogenesis of Late Silurian volcanism in SW Yunnan (China) and implications for the tectonic reconstruction of northern Gondwana. International Geology Review, 2019. 61(11): p. 1297-1312.
(21) Ji, D., H.C. Liu, and Y.L. Li, Large-scale early cretaceous lower-crust melting derived adakitic rocks in NE China: implications for convergent bidirectional subduction and slab rollback. International Geology Review, 2019. 6(18): p. 2324-2343.
(22) Liu, H.C., X.P. Xia, C.K. Lai, C.S. Gan, Y.Z. Zhou, and P.P. Huangfu, Break-away of South China from Gondwana: Insights from the Silurian high-Nb basalts and associated magmatic rocks in the Diancangshan-Ailaoshan fold belt (SW China). Lithos, 2018. 318: p. 194-208.
(23) Liu, H.C., Y.J. Wang, Z.H. Li, J.W. Zi, and P.P. Huangfu, Geodynamics of the Indosinian orogeny between the South China and Indochina blocks: Insights from latest Permian-Triassic granitoids and numerical modeling. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2018. 130(7-8): p. 1289-1306.
(24) Liu, H.C., T.P. Peng, and X.F. Guo, Geochronological and geochemical constraints on the coexistent N-MORB- and SSZ-type ophiolites in Babu area (SW China) and tectonic implications. Journal of the Geological Society, 2018. 175(4): p. 667-678.
(25) Liu, H.C., Y.L. Li, H.Y. He, P.P. Huangfu, and Y.Z. Liu, Two-phase southward subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk oceanic plate constrained by Permian-Jurassic granitoids in the Erguna and Xing'an massifs (NE China). Lithos, 2018. 304: p. 347-361.
(26) Liu, H.C., Y.J. Wang, and J.W. Zi, Petrogenesis of the Dalongkai ultramafic-mafic intrusion and its tectonic implication for the Paleotethyan evolution along the Ailaoshan tectonic zone (SW China). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2017. 141(2017): p. 112-124.
(27) Liu, H.C., Y.J. Wang, X.F. Guo, W.M. Fan, and J.J. Song, Late Triassic post-collisional slab break-off along the Ailaoshan suture: insights from OIB-like amphibolites and associated felsic rocks. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2017. 106(4): p. 1359-1373.
(28) Liu, H.C., Y.J. Wang, P.A. Cawood, and X.F. Guo, Episodic slab rollback and back-arc extension in the Yunnan-Burma region: Insights from Cretaceous Nb-enriched and oceanic-island basalt-like mafic rocks. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2017. 129(5-6): p. 698-714.
(29) Liu, H.C., Y.J. Wang, P.A. Cawood, W.M. Fan, Y.F. Cai, and X.W. Xing, Record of Tethyan ocean closure and Indosinian collision along the Ailaoshan suture zone (SW China). Gondwana Research, 2015. 27(3): p. 1292–1306.
(30) 刘汇川, 王岳军, 范蔚茗, J. ZI, 蔡永丰, 和杨光林, 滇西哀牢山地区晚三叠世高ε(Nd)(t)-ε(Hf)(t)花岗岩的构造指示. 中国科学:地球科学, 2014. 44(11): p. 2373-2388.
(31) Liu, H.C., Y.J. Wang, W.M. Fan, J.W. Zi, Y.F. Cai, and G.L. Yang, Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of Late-Triassic high ε(Nd)(t)-ε(Hf)(t) granites in the Ailaoshan tectonic zone (SW China). Science China-Earth Sciences, 2014. 57(9): p. 2181-2194.
(32) 刘汇川, 王岳军, 蔡永丰, 马莉燕, 邢晓婉, 和范蔚茗, 哀牢山构造带新安寨晚二叠世末期过铝质花岗岩锆石U-Pb年代学及Hf同位素组成研究. 大地构造与成矿学, 2013. 37(1): p. 87-98.