彭旸,吉林人,博士,副教授,2020获中国石油大学(北京)“校青年拔尖人才”。从事含油气盆地中碎屑岩沉积学和层序地层学的研究,主要通过地层和沉积数据(包括地震、测井、露头、岩心等)来研究碎屑岩沉积体系中沉积过程对沉积物供给、构造和海平面升降、气候等因素的沉积响应,对浅海陆架三角洲等海陆过渡体系中的河流、潮汐、波浪等沉积过程及沉积响应有一定深入研究。研究涉及古河流、浅海陆架三角洲、陆架边缘到深水陆坡等沉积体系目前在《Geology》、《Sedimentology》、《Marine Geology》等国际高水平SCI 刊物上,以第一作者和通讯作者发表论文。兼职担任《Marine and Petroleum Geology》、《Journal of Sedimentary Research》、《Petroleum Science》和《Geological Field Trips and Maps》等期刊审稿人。
联系方式: ypeng@cup.edu.cn或yang.peng1@hotmail.com
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yang-Peng-22
2013.8-2018.8 美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,地质学博士
2010.8-2012.8 美国奥本大学,地质学硕士
2006.9-2010.6 中国地质大学(北京),地质学(基地班)学士
2017.6-2017.8 美国休斯顿哈里伯顿Landmark研发部,实习生
2016.5-2016.8 美国休斯顿哈里伯顿Landmark研发部,实习生
2013.8-2018.8 美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,研究助理和教学助理
2010.8-2012.8 美国奥本大学,研究助理和教学助理
2. 陆架边缘三角洲及其深水沉积
Peng, Y*., Olariu, C., and Steel, R.J., 2020. Recognizing tide- and wave-dominated compound deltaic clinothems in the rock record, Geology, 48(12): 1149-1153.
Peng, Y*., Steel R.J., Olariu C., Li, S., 2020. Rapid subsidence and preservation of fluvial signals in an otherwise wave-reworked delta front succession: Early-mid Pliocene Orinoco continental-margin growth, SE Trinidad, Sedimentary Geology, 395: 1-16.
Peng, Y*., Steel, R.J., and Olariu, C., 2018.Amazon fluid mud impact ontide- and wave-dominated Pliocene lobes of the Orinoco Delta, Marine Geology,406: 57-71.
Peng, Y*., Steel, R.J., Rossi, V.M., and Olariu, C., 2018.Mixed-energyprocess interactions read from a compound-clinoform delta (paleo–orinoco Delta, Trinidad): preservation of river and tide signals by mudinducedwave damping, Journal of Sedimentary Research, 88(1): 75-90.
Peng, Y*., Steel, R.J., and Olariu, C., 2017. Transition from storm wave-dominated outer shelf to gullied upper slope: The mid-Pliocene Orinoco shelf margin, South Trinidad, Sedimentology, 64(6): 1511-1539.
Zhang, J., Rossi, V. M., Peng, Y., Steel, R., and Ambrose, W., 2019. Revisiting Late Paleocene Lower Wilcox deltas, Gulf of Mexico: River-dominated or mixed-process deltas? Sedimentary Geology, 389, 1-12
Hagstrom C.A., Hubbard S.M., Horner S.C., Martin, H.K., Peng, Y.,in press, Comparison of the morphology, facies, and reservoir quality of regional channel bodies in the southern Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta, Canada.AAPG Bulletin
Gong, C., Li, D., Steel, R. J., Peng, Y., Xu, S., and Wang, Y., in press, Delta-to-fan source-to-sink coupling as a fundamental control on the delivery of coarse clastics to deepwater: Insights from stratigraphic forward modelling. Basin Research, 00, 1– 24. https://doi.org/10.1111/bre.12591
Peng, Y., Hubbard, S.M., Hagstrom, C.A., Horner, S.C., Martin, H.K., Leckie, D.A., Hodgson, C., and Pedersen, P.K. 2020 (Oral).Sequence stratigraphic and sedimentological record of the McMurray and Wabiskaw depositional systems, Lower Cretaceous, Athabasca Oil Sands Area. GeoConvention, Calgary, Canada, 21st-23rd Sep, 2020
Horner, S.C., Peng, Y., Hagstrom, C.A., Martin, H.K. and Hubbard, S.M. 2019 (Oral). Application of a Revised Stratigraphic Framework for the McMurray Formation, Southeastern Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta. CSPG Core Conference, Calgary, Canada, 16th-17th May, 2019
Zhang, J., Ambrose, W., Steel, R., Rossi, V., Peng, Y. 2019. Mixed Processes From Regressive and Transgressive Cycles: Examples From the Wilcox Group, Gulf of Mexico. AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 19th-22nd May, 2019
Peng, Y., Olariu, C., and Steel, R.J. 2018 (Oral). Recognition of ancient compound deltaic clinothem and how they are clothed by wave-, tide- and river-generated facies. 9th International Conference on Asian Marine Geology, 10th -12th Oct, 2018
Peng, Y., Steel, R.J. and Olariu, C. 2018 (Poster). Amazon fluid mud impact on wave- and tide-dominated Pliocene Orinoco Delta shoreline. AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, 20th- 23rd May, 2018
Peng, Y., Steel, R.J., Olariu, C., Shunli Li and Clarke A. Clayton 2017 (Poster). The rapidly prograding Moruga clastic wedge: wave & river driven delta lobes, the Pliocene Orinoco shelf margin, Trinidad. AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Houston, TX 2nd- 5th April, 2017
Peng, Y., Steel, R.J., Rossi, V.M. and Olariu, C. 2016 (Oral). Mixed Energy Processes Interactions Read from a Tide-Dominated Shoreline (the Paleo-Orinoco Delta, Trinidad): Preservation of River- and Tide-Signals by Mud-Induced Wave Damping. AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Calgary, AB 19th-22nd June, 2016
Peng, Y., Steel, R.J., Rossi, V.M. and Olariu, C. 2016 (Poster), Mixed Energy Process Interactions from a Muddy Deltaic Shoreline (the Paleo-Orinoco Delta, Trinidad), RioMAR Consortium Meeting, Houston, TX. Oct 2016.
Peng, Y., Steel, R. J., Olariu, C., Clayton, C. A. and Li, S. 2015 (Poster). Transition from Storm Wave-Dominated Outer Shelf to Gullied Upper Slope: The Paleo-Orinoco Shelf Margin (Moruga Formation), South Trinidad. AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Denver, CO 31st -3rd June, 2015