葛智渊,浙江人,挪威卑尔根大学博士,教授,博士生导师。自2020年6月入选石油大学(北京)“优秀青年学者培育计划”,并于同年底获得国家级人才项目。我的研究聚焦于盆地分析,旨在应用多种研究手段(地震、数模和物模)开展构造与沉积相互作用的基础理论研究。具备较为丰富的与国际工业界合作经验,已作为核心研究者承担多个国际石油公司委托项目,包括法国道达尔公司、挪威国家石油公司等。目前我们小组正与挪威卑尔根大学和德国国家地学中心物理模拟实验室合作,致力于运用物理模拟和数值模拟手段研究被动大陆边缘含盐盆地演化和相关深水沉积系统。截至目前,已经在国际一流的地学期刊如《Geology》、《Basin Research》、《Sedimentology》上发表文章10余篇。
联系方式:E-mail: gezhiyuan@cup.edu.cn 或者也可以在我的个人主页上与我约定时间讨论
I am an associate professor at College of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum (Beijing).
For more information, please visit my website here https://geogezhiyuan.com/#
2011.10 – 2015.10 挪威卑尔根大学地球科学系石油地质博士
2009.09 – 2010.09 英国伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院地球科学系地质硕士
2005.09 – 2009.06 浙江大学地球科学理学学士
2021.07 至今 中国石油大学(北京)地球科学院地质系教授
2020.06 – 2021.06 中国石油大学(北京)地球科学院地质系副教授
2016.07 – 2019.12 挪威卑尔根大学地球科学系博士后研究员, 博士生导师
2013.09 – 2014.06 挪威卑尔根大学地球科学系助教
2010.10 – 2011.10 英国伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院地球科学系研究助理
② 深水沉积系统对复杂构造地貌的水动力响应及沉积物分布
4.EON能源公司与EPOS (European Plate Observing System)联合资助项目负责人, “Minibasin evolution in passive margin salt basins”,2018
5.卑尔根大学SPIRE国际研究战略项目的子课题, 2017–2018
1.挪威国家石油公司项目, “Turbidites, Topography and Tectonics (T3): understanding the response of turbidity currents to structurally controlled seafloor topography”,核心研究人员,2016-2019
2.道达尔公司项目,“Late Jurassic tectono-stratigraphic development of the Norwegian Central Graben and the influence of normal faulting on turbidite sedimentation”, 核心研究人员,2011-2015
3.巴西国家石油项目,“Kinematics and Mechanics of Salt-related Fold & Fault Structures in South-Atlantic Passive Margin Sedimentary Basins”,核心研究人员,2009–2011
1.Ge, Z.*, Rosenau, M., & Warsitzka, M., (2021), How Topographic Slopes Control Gravity Spreading in Salt-bearing Passive Margins: Insights from Analogue Modelling. (preprinted in EssoAr, doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/essoar.10506599.3).
2.Ge, Z.*, Nemec, W., Velling, A., & Gawthorpe, R., (2021), How is a turbidite actually deposited? Science Advances (accepted).
3.Maselli, V.*, Micallef, A., Normandeau, A., Oppo, D., Iacopini, D., Green, A., Ge, Z., (2021), Active faulting controls bedform development on a deep-water fan. Geology. doi: https://doi.org/10.1130/G49206.1
4.葛智渊*. (2021), 被动大陆边缘盐构造研究进展. 地质论评.
doi: https://doi.org/10.16509/j.georeview.2021.01.012
5.Howlett, D.*, Gawthorpe, R., Ge, Z., Rotevatn, A., & Jackson, C. A-L, (2021), Turbidites, Topography and Tectonics: Evolution of submarine channel-lobe systems in the salt-influenced Kwanza Basin, offshore Angola. Basin Research doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/bre.12506.
6.Ge, Z.*, Gawthorpe, R., Zijerveld, L., & Oluboyo, A. P., (2021), Spatial and temporal variations in minibasin geometry and evolution in salt tectonic provinces: Lower Congo Basin, offshore Angola. Basin Research, doi: 10.1111/bre.12486
7.Ge, Z.*, Warsitzka, M., Rosenau, M., & Gawthorpe, R., (2019), Progressive margin tilting controls thin-skinned deformation in salt-bearing basins. Geology, 47 (12), 1122-1126 doi:10.1130/G46485.1
8.Ge, Z.*, Gawthorpe, R., Rotevatn, A., Zijerveld, L., Jackson, C. A.-L., & Oluboyo, A. P., (2020), Minibasin depocentre migration during diachronous salt welding, offshore Angola. Basin Research. doi: 10.1111/bre.12404
9.Ge, Z.*, Rosenau, M., Warsitzka, M., & Gawthorpe, R., (2019), Overprinting translational domains in passive margin salt basins: Insights from analogue modelling. Solid Earth. doi: 10.5194/se-10-1283-2019
10.Howlett, D. M.*, Ge, Z., Nemec, W., Gawthorpe, R., Rotevatn, A., & Jackson, C. A.-L., (2019) Response of unconfined turbidity current to deep-water thrust fold-belt topography: orthogonal incidence on solitary and segmented folds. Sedimentology, 66 (6) 2425-2454. doi: 10.1111/sed.12602
11.Ge, Z.*, Nemec, W., Gawthorpe, R., Rotevatn, A., & Ernst, H., (2018) Response of unconfined turbidity current to relay-ramp topography: insights from process-based numerical modelling. Basin Research, 30 (2), 321-343. doi:10.1111/bre.12255
12.Ge, Z.*, Gawthorpe, R., Rotevatn, A., & Thomas, M., (2017) Impact of normal faulting and pre-rift salt tectonics on the structural style of salt-influenced rifts: the Late Jurassic Norwegian Central Graben, North Sea. Basin Research, 29 (5), 674-698. doi:10.1111/bre.12219
13.Ge, Z.*, Nemec, W., Gawthorpe, R., & Ernst, H., (2017) Response of unconfined turbidity current to normal-fault topography. Sedimentology, 64: 932–959. doi:10.1111/sed.12333
14.Adam, J.*, Ge, Z., & Sanchez, M. (2012). Salt-structural styles and kinematic evolution of the Jequitinhonha deepwater fold belt, central Brazil passive margin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 37(1), 101-120.
15.Adam, J.*, Ge, Z., & Sanchez, M. (2012). Post-rift salt tectonic evolution and key control factors of the Jequitinhonha deepwater fold belt, central Brazil passive margin: Insights from scaled physical experiments. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 37(1), 70-100.
16.葛智渊, 李东平. 基于GIS的浙江省地震快速评估模型构建研究[J]. 华北地震科学, 2009, 27(3): 12-16.