廖宗湖主要研究领域为油气构造地质,同时关注人工智能和区块链等新兴技术在油气行业的交叉应用。在EPSL、GJI、AAPG Bulletin等国际主流期刊上发表论文30余篇、会议50余次,发表英文著作《应用地震地质学》等,获北京市人民政府北京市科学技术奖二等奖、教育部科技进步一等奖、人工智能学会华为学术奖励金等。
网站: https://faulting.org/ 或 https://nft.cup.edu.cn
电子邮箱:zonghuliao@163.com; zong@cup.edu.cn
2024年:Liao, Z., Applied Seismic Geostructures, Springer.
2022年:廖宗湖,孙竹, 元宇宙金融基础设施:DeFi九讲, 机械工业出版社
2021年:廖宗湖, K. J. Marfurt, Seismic Interpretation, 哈尔滨工业大学出版社
[1] 科技部,国家重点研发政府间合作项目,2024/12—2027/11, 在研,主持。
[2] 国家自然科学基金委员会,国际(地区)合作项目, 2021/10—2024/09, 在研, 主持。
[3] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 2017/01—2019/12,结题, 主持。
[4] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 联合基金项目, 2016/01—2019/12, 结题, 参与。
[5] 科技部, 重点研发计划(子课题), 2020/06—2023/06, 结题, 主持。
[6] 中国科学院, 战略性A类先导科技专项, 2017/06—2022/06, 结题, 参与。
[7] 一种断层破碎带宽度的确定方法及装置 CN111856572A
[8] 一种断裂带结构识别方法、装置及系统CN111948709A
[9] 断褶系统的宽度确定方法和装置CN112198552A
[10] 基于双扭实验测量岩石亚临界裂纹扩展特性的装置CN212159370U
[11] 岩石亚临界裂纹扩展实验研究装置 CN212932236U
2015年 入选中国石油大学(北京)校青年拔尖人才
2017年 获北京市人民政府北京市科学技术奖二等奖
2021年 入选中国石油大学(北京)首批“石大学者”
2022年 获教育部科学技术进步奖一等奖;
2023年 入选自然资源部高层次科技创新人才工程(青年科技人才)
SCI期刊《Applied Sciences》特邀主编
《Petroleum Science》青年编委
[1] Yuan, S., R. Wang, X. Huang, Z. Liao (2024), Seismic attributes and fault-fold systems: Quantitative analysis for methane exploration in the southern Qinshui basin, China. Interpretaiton, (accepted).
[2] Zhang, L., D. Zhu, Z. Reches, S. Deng, H. Zou, F. Hao, Z. Liao (2024), Fluid migration through fault damage zones in Sichuan Basin, China, Tectonophysics, (submitted).
[3] Zhang, L., Z. Liao, Z. Reches (2024), Fault damage zones: Subsurface analysis of a frontal thrust in eastern Longmen Shan Range, China. Tectonophysics, (in print).
[4] Yang, N., R. Wang, X. Chen, Z. Liao (2024), Fluid migration and permeability in evolving fault damage zones: A study of carbonate reservoir from Qingzhou, eastern China, Journal of Asian Geological Sciences, (submitted).
[5] Wang, M., G. Luo, F. Qin, Z. Liao, S. Zhou, N. Yang (2023) Numerical Simulation of Pore Pressure Change Caused by Hydrocarbon Generation in Chezhen Sag and Its Influence on Hydrocarbon Accumulation. Processes, 2023-07-01
[6] Liao, Z.*, L. Zhang, H. Zou, F. Hao, Z. Reches (2023), Damage stratigraphy as a controlling mechanism of earthquakes distribution and fault patterns. Tectonophysics,229261.
[7] Jian, S., Li-Yun Fu*, Z. Liao, W. Deng, Q. Du (2022), Elastic characteristics of fault damage zones within superdeep carbonates in Tarim Basin, Northwest China. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 19(4), 650–662.
[8] Zhang, L., Z. Liao*, K. Long, B. M. Carpenter, H. Zou, F. Hao (2022), Fundamental constraints of lithologically-controlled fault networks on gas migration and accumulation for fractured carbonates in the western Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Sciences and Engineering, 208, Part C, 109502.
[9] Liao, Z., W. Chen, W. Li, H. Liu, H. Zou, F. Hao (2020) Fault-fracture systems of the Xujiahe tight sandstone in the Northeast Sichuan Basin, Part I: Distribution of fault damage zones. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 04: 441-448 (In Chinese).
[10] Liao, Z., R. Fan, W. Li, W. Chen, H. Liu, H. Zou, F. Hao (2020) Fault-fracture systems of the Xujiahe tight sandstone in the Northeast Sichuan Basin, Part II: Structure characteristics of fault damage zones. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 04: 449-457 (in Chinese).
[11] Liao, Z., S. Deng, X. Chen, M. Wu, Y. Kang, L. Zeng, H. Zou (2020), Fracture behavior of Longmaxi Shale with implications for subsurface applications. Interpretation, 8(4), 1-20.
[12] Chen, Y., Z. Liao*, L.-Y. Fu, G. Zhou, L. Xu, K.J. Marfurt, X. Mu, H. Zou (2020), Effect of main frequencies on characterizing fault damage-zones using forward modeling and attribute of variance. Interpretation, 8(4), 1-44.
[13] Liao, Z.*, L. Zhang, L. Wen, L. Zeng (2020), Collapse columns in Permian and Carboniferous Formations of coal, Qinshui Basin, China. Interpretation, 8(4), 1-14.
[14] Liao, Z.*, W. Li, H. Zou, F. Hao, K. Marfurt, Z. Reches (2020), Composite damage zones in the subsurface. Geophysical Journal International, 222: 225–230.
[15] Liao, Z., M. Wu, X. Chen*, H. Zou (2020), Fracture mechanical properties of carbonate and evaporite caprocks in Sichuan Basin, China with implications for reservoir seal integrity. Marine and Petroleum Geology, doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104468
[16] Liao, Z.*, L. Hu, X. Huang, B. Carpenter, K. Marfurt, S. Vasivela, Y. Zou (2020), Characterizing damage zones of normal faults using seismic variance in the Wangxuzhuang oilfield, China. Interpretation, 8(4): http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/INT-2020-0004.1.
[17] Liao, Z., L. Fu, L. Zeng, H. Zou, X. Chen, B.M. Carpenter, F. Hao (2020), Introduction to special section: Seismic interpretation of fractures in deep subsurface. Interpretation, 8 (4), 1-5
[18] Liao, Z.*, W. Chen, X. Chen, H. Zou, F. Hao (2020), Multiscale fracture and damage zone characterization in a tight sandstone reservoir, Sichuan Basin, China. Interpretation, 8(4): 1-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/INT-2019-0107.1.
[19] Liao, Z.*, and Z. Reches (2019), An experimentally-based friction law for high-velocity, long-displacement slip-pulse events during earthquakes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 515:209-220.
[20] Liao, Z.*, H. Liu, B. Carpenter, K. Marfurt, and Z. Reches (2019), Analysis of fault damage-zones by using 3D seismic coherence in Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma. AAPG Bulletin, DOI:10.1306/1219181413417207
[21] Liao, Z.*, N. Gupta, Z. Reches, and K. Marfurt (2017), Fault damage zone at subsurface: a case study using 3D seismic attributes and clay model from the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma. Interpretation, 5 (2), T143-T150.
[22] Liao, Z.*, Z. Reches, G. Paton, V. Lyakhovsky, A. Ouenes, H. Cao, and S. Busetti (2017), Introduction to special section: Fault damage zones. Interpretation, 5 (4), SPi-SPi.
[23] Lyu, W., L. Zeng, Z. Liao, Y. Ji, P. Lyu, S. Dong (2017), Fault damage zone characterization in tight-oil sandstones of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the southwest Ordos Basin, China: Integrating cores, image logs, and conventional logs. Interpretation, 5(4), doi.org/10.1190/INT-2016-0231.1
[24] Yan, R., L. Zeng, X. Zhao, Z. Liao, and M. Chen (2016), Fracture development characteristics and its formation mechanism in Lower Member 1 Shahejie biolithite reservoir, Z oilfield, Bohai Bay. Chinese Journal of Geology, 51(2):484-493 (in Chinese).
[25] Liao, Z., J. Chang, and Z. Reches (2014), Fault strength evolution during high velocity friction experiments with slip-pulse and constant-velocity loading. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 406:93-101.
[26] Liao, Z., Y. Hong, D. Kirschbaum, R. Adler, J. Gourley, and R. Wooten (2011), Evaluation of TRIGRS’s Predictive Skill for Hurricane-triggered Landslides: A Case Study in Macon County, North Carolina. Natural Hazards., 58(1), 325-339.
[27] Liao, Z., Y. Hong, J. Wang, H. Fukuoka, K. Sassa, D. Karnawati, and F. Fathani (2010), Prototyping an experimental early warning system for rainfall-induced landslides in Indonesia using satellite remote sensing and geospatial datasets. Landslides, 7(3): 317-324.
[28] Liao, Z., Y. Hong, D. Kirschbaum, and C. Liu (2010), Assessment of shallow landslides from hurricane Mitch in central America using a physically based model. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66(6), 1697-1705.
Conference Abstracts and Papers
[1] Chen, Sixian, Z. Liao (2024), Prototyping an explainable artificial intelligence model (XLSTM) for forecasting the Bitcoin price. 2024 China Fintech Research Conference, CFTRC2024, Shanghai, April 20-21 (submitted).
[2] Zhang, J., S. Chen, F. Sun, Z. Liao (2024), Is machine learning interpretable for Bitcoin price forecasting? 2024 China Fintech Research Conference, CFTRC2024, Shanghai, April 20-21 (submitted).
[3] Yang, S., X. Liu, R. Wang, Z. Liao (2024), How do Russia-Ukraine and Palestinian-Israeli conflicts impact crude oil prices? 2024 China Fintech Research Conference, CFTRC2024, Shanghai, April 20-21 (submitted).
[4] Sheng, F., Z. Liao (2024), Financial risk spillover effects among China's crude oil futures market, stock market, and bond market during the Covid-19 pandemic, 16th International Conference on Modern Research in Management Economics and Accounting, Berlin, Mar. 14-16 (Virtual).
[5] Yang, N., Z. Liao (2024), Geometrical characteristics of buried fault damage zones in the Bohai Basin, eastern China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, April 14-19 (submitted).
[6] Zhang, J., S. Chen, Z. Liao (2024), Machine learning reveals the width of fault damage zones in northeast Sichuan Basin, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, April 14-19 (submitted).
[7] Yang, N., Z. Liao (2023), Internal structure and permeability of fault damage zones in carbonate rocks: A case study of strike-slip fault in Qingzhou area, Shandong Province, China. Poster in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec. 12-15 (Virtual).
[8] Chen, S., S. Yang, Z. Liao (2023), Characterizing the Price Movements of Bitcoin using an Interpretable CNN-LSTM Model, CCF China Blockchain Technology and Application Summit Forum, Hainan, CN, Dec. 15.
[9] Zhang, J., F. Sheng, Z. Liao (2023), Agent interpretation and price prediction of cryptocurrency using a LIME-based algorithm, CCF China Blockchain Technology and Application Summit Forum, Hainan, CN, Dec. 15 (accepted).
[10] Chen, S., J. Zhang, Z. Liao (2023), Forecasting the price of Bitcoin using an explainable CNN-LSTM model, 2023 Bench Council International Symposium on Intelligent Computers, Algorithms, and Applications, Sanya, CN, Dec. 5 (accepted).
[11] Wang, M., Z. Liao, G. Luo, etc (2022), The formation mechanism of pore fluid overpressure in the Chezhen Depression and its implications for oil and gas migration and accumulation, Proceedings of the 2022 China Earth Science Joint Academic Annual Conference, Beijing Botong Electronic Publishing House, 2022:14. DOI: 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.084584.
[12] Jian, S., L. Fu, Z. Liao, Z. Wang (2022), Tthe study on the elastic characteristics of fractured zones in ultra-deep carbonate reservoirs, Proceedings of the 2022 China Earth Science Joint Academic Annual Conference - Topic 31: Progress in Theory and Methods of Seismic Wave Exploration for Deep Earth Resources, DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.083168
[13] Zhang, L., D. Zhu, S. Deng, Z. Liao, H. Zou, K. Long (2021), Fluid communication within dolostone reservoir in the Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation constrained by Pengxian fault damage zone: A case study using comprehensive methods for the western Sichuan Basin, China. In AGU annual meeting (Vol. 2021, pp. T55C-0091).
[14] Zhang, L., Z. Liao, D. Zhu, S. Chen, H. Zou (2021), 3-D fault architecture in Pengxian thrust, eastern of the Longman Shan Range, China. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2021, pp. T55C-0090).
[15] Zhou, Y., S. Chen, Z. Liao, H. Chen, Y. Zhao, F. Niu (2020), Preliminary analysis of seismic tectonic background and fault rupture mechanism in Weiyuan Shale gas development zone, Proceedings of the 2020 China Earth Science Joint Academic Annual Conference, Chongqing China, DOI 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2020.060986.
[16] Deng, S., Z. Liao, X. Chen, H. Zou (2020), Fracture behavior of the Longmaxi Shale with implications for reservoir evaluation, poster presentation at AGU annual meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 16 Dec.
[17] Liao, Z., W. Chen, H. Zou (2020), Characterization of fault-fracture system for tight sandstone reservoirs in Sichuan Basin, China, poster presentation at AGU annual meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 16 Dec.
[18] Zhang, L., K. Long, H. Zou, Z. Liao (2020), Mapping Subsurface Fault Networks by Using 3D Seismic Attributes: A Case Study in Sichuan Basin, China, poster presentation at AGU annual meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 16 Dec.
[19] Chen, Y., Z. Liao, L. Fu, and H. Zou (2020), Characterization of fault damage zones by using seismic coherence and different main frequencies, poster presentation at AGU annual meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 14 Dec.
[20] Liao, Z., M. Wu., X. Chen, H. Zou (2019), Mechanical properties of sub-critical fractures within carbonate and evaporate: implications for caprock integrity in Sichuan Basin, China, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019, abstract #H33N-2171.
[21] Wu, M., Z. Liao, X. Chen, and B. Carpenter (2019), The mechanical properties of fractures in carbonate and evaporite caprocks from the Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for seal integrity in deep gas reservoirs, University of Oklahoma Spring Symposium, Norman, O.K., 13-14 Apr.
[22] Reches, Z., and Z. Liao (2016), An Experimentally-based Friction Law of Earthquake Rupture, oral presentation at AGU annual meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 12-16 Dec.
[23] Reches, Z., Z. Liao, and Y. Boneh (2016) Energy dissipation and fault slip kinematics: Effects of velocity history, poster presentation at AGU annual meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 12-16 Dec.
[24] Liao, Z., N. Gupta, K. Marfurt, and Z. Reches (2013), Characterizing a fault-zone and associated fractures using lab experiments and attribute-based seismic analysis: an example from Woodford Shale, Anadarko basin, Oklahoma, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2013: 1416-1420. doi: 10.1190/segam2013-0656.1.
[25] Liao, Z., Z. Reches (2014), Frictional strength evolution during earthquake-like shear experiments, EGU annual meeting, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr.-02 May.
[26] Liao, Z., J. Chang, and Z. Reches (2013), Dynamic rupture simulation with an experimentally-determined friction law leads to slip-pulse propagation, oral presentation at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 8-14 Dec.
[27] Liao, Z., N. Gupta, K. Marfurt, and Z. Reches (2013), Characterizing a fault-zone and associated fractures using lab experiments and attribute-based seismic analysis: an example from Woodford Shale, Anadarko basin, Oklahoma, oral presentation at SEG annual meeting, Houston, TX, Sept. 22-27.
[28] Liao, Z., and Z. Reches (2013) Shear rupture along a fault with an experimentally-determined frictional strength, poster at 2013 SSA annual meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 17 Apr.
[29] Liao, Z., and Z. Reches (2013) Application of high-velocity friction experiments to the shear rupture of a fault in an elastic half-space, oral presentation at EGU annual meeting, Vienna, Austria, 07-12 Apr.
[30] Liao, Z., and Z. Reches (2013) Earthquake rupture: Modeling with experimental-based friction law, poster at AAPG/SEG EXPO, Norman, O.K., 14-15 Mar.
[31] Liao, Z., S. Kalra, J. Nordvik, and Y. Ma (2012) Geological analysis of natural fractures for horizontal well planning within Woodford Shale within central-west Oklahoma, Advanced Drilling Consortium, Norman, OK, 6 Dec.
[32] Liao, Z., and Z. Reches (2012) Modeling dynamic Weakening-Strengthening (WEST) of a granite fault under high slip-velocity experiments, poster at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec.
[33] Liao, Z., J. Chang, Y. Boneh, X. Chen, and Z. Reches (2011) Dynamic strengthening during high velocity shear experiments with siliceous rocks, poster at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.
[34] Liao, Z., Y. Hong, D. Kirschbaum, H. Fukuoka, K. Sassa, D. Karnawati, and F. Fathani (2010) Prototyping an early-warning system for rainfall-triggered landslides on a regional scale using a physical-based model and remote sensing datasets, poster at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec.
[35] Hong, Y., and Z. Liao (2010) Monitoring and early warning in complex terrains under changing climate, oral presentation at National Geological Engineering (ENGGEO) annual meeting, Fuzhou, China, 19 Nov.
[36] Liao, Z., Y. Hong, R. Adler, and D. Kirschbaum (2010) A physically based SLIDE model for landslide hazard assessments using remotely sensed data sets, oral presentation at International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro (IS-Shanghai 2010), Shanghai, China, 10 Oct.
[37] Liao, Z., Y. Hong, H. Fukuoka, and K. Sassa (2009) Evaluation of physically-based model’s predictive skill for hurricane-triggered landslides: Case study in North Carolina and Indonesia, poster at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 14-18 Dec.
[38] Liao, Z., Y. Hong, H. Fukuoka, K. Sassa, D. Kirschbaum (2008) Prototyping an early warning system for rainfall-induced landslides: Case studies in Java Island in Indonesia and North Carolina in USA, oral presentation at Early Warning for Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction in the Eastern Asian Region, Kunming, China, 30 Nov.-5 Dec.
[39] Hong, Y., J. J. Gourley, H. Vergara, Z. Liao, S. V. Cooten, and K. Kelleber (2009) Prototyping a hurricane-flood-landslide continuum prediction system: a CI-FLOW contribution to north Carolina & broader coaster regions, oral presentation at Hurricane Floyd Symposium, Greenville, N.C., 18 Sept.