2022, 中国石油大学(北京)石油工程学院,教授
[1] Liu, W.*, Lin, H., Liu, H., Luo, C., Wang, G., and Deng, J., “Numerical Investigation of Wellbore Stability in Deepwater Shallow Sediments,” Geofluids, vol. 2021(2021), 5582605..
[2] 刘伟, 闫新江, 林海,等. 中等固结砂岩出砂机理与规律实验研究. 石油科学通报, 6, 2021, 184-195.
Liu, W.*, Yan, X.J., Lin, H., et al, “Experimental Investigation of Sand Production in Moderately Consolidated Sandstones,” Petroleum Science Bulletin, vol.6(2021) pp.184-195
[3] Li, Y.*, Liu, W., Deng, J., Yang, Y., and Zhu, H.Y., “A 2D explicit numerical scheme-based pore pressure cohesive zone model for simulating hydraulic fracture propagation in naturally fractured formation,” ENERGY SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, vol. 7(2029), pp.1527-1543.
[4] Zhou, B., Liu, W.*, and Tan, Q., “Quantitative Prediction of Sand Production in Weakly Consolidated Sandstone Through Numerical Simulation,” 5th ISRM Young Scholars' Symposium on Rock Mechanics and International Symposium on Rock Engineering for Innovative Future, Okinawa, Japan, December 1-4, 2019.
[5] Palencia Yrausquin E, Liu W*, Zhou B, et al. Experimental Study on Sand Control in Unconsolidated Sandstones by Chemical Injection and Hydraulic Fracturing. 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium held in New York, NY, USA, 23–26 June 2019. ARMA19-473.
[6] Liu, W.*, Xie, S.Y., Lin, H., Deng, J.G. Numerical modeling of wellbore stability in naturally fractured shale formation. 52st US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Seattle, Washington, USA, 17–20 June 2018. ARMA 18–1059.
[7] Liu, W.*, Yu, B., & Deng, J. (2017). Analytical method for evaluating stress field in casing-cement-formation system of oil/gas wells. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 38(9), 1273-1294.
[8] Liu, W.*, Tan, Q., Yu, B. and Deng, J. Modeling the Borehole Breakout in Coal Seams with a Coupled Hydro-mechanical Model. 51st US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, California, USA, 25-28 June 2017. ARMA 17-317.
[9] 刘伟*,陶长洲,万有余,池晓明,李扬,林海,邓金根. “致密油储层水平井体积压裂套管变形失效机理数值模拟研究”. 石油科学通报, 2017, 2(4): 466-477
[10] Li, Y., Deng, J. G., Liu, W.*, & Feng, Y. (2017). Modeling hydraulic fracture propagation using cohesive zone model equipped with frictional contact capability. Computers and Geotechnics, 91, 58-70.
[11] Li, Y., Deng, J., Liu, W.*, Yan, W., Feng, Y., Cao, W., Wang, P., Hou, Y. (2017). Numerical simulation of limited-entry multi-cluster fracturing in horizontal well. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 152, 443-455.
[12] Cao, W., Deng, J., Liu, W.*, Yu, B., Tan, Q., Yang, L., Li, Y., Gao, J. (2017). Pore pressure and stress distribution analysis around an inclined wellbore in a transversely isotropic formation based on the fully coupled chemo-thermo-poroelastic theory. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 40, 24-37.
[13] Li, Y., Deng, J., Liu, W., Yan, W., Cao, W., Gao, J. (2016). The Effect of Cyclic Pressure Drop on Shear Activation of Natural Fractures. In 50th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. American Rock Mechanics Association.
[14] W. Liu, H.T. Li, B.H. Yu, J.G. Deng. Finite element characterization of the influence of rock plasticity on hydraulic fracturing, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES'09), Reno, NV, USA, 2015.
[15] 刘伟,李海涛,孙金,蔚宝华,邓金根. 疏松砂岩水力压裂物模实验及数值模拟研究. 中国力学大会, 上海, 2014.
[16] 李扬, 邓金根, 刘伟, 闫伟, 曹文科,王鹏飞. (2017). 水平井分段多簇限流压裂数值模拟. 断块油气田, 24(1), 69-73.
[17] W. Liu, D. Schesser, Q. D. Yang, D. S. Ling. A consistency-check based algorithm for element condensation in augmented finite element methods for fracture analysis, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2015, 139, 78-97.
[18] W. Liu, Q. D. Yang, S. Mohammadizadeh, X. Y. Su. An efficient augmented finite element method for arbitrary cracking and crack interaction in solids, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2014, 99(6): 438-468.
[19] W. Liu, Y. Q. Liu, X. Y. Su, Z. Li, Finite element analysis of the interface/surface effect on the elastic wave band structure of two-dimensional nanosized phononic crystals, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2014, 6(1), 1450005.
[20] W. Liu, Q. Yang, S. Mohammadizadeh, X. Y. Su, D. S. Ling, An Accurate and Efficient A-FEM for Arbitrary Crack Interactions, Journal of Applied Mechanics- Trans. ASME, 2013, 80(4), 041033.
[21] W. Liu, Interfacial failure analysis based on cohesive zone model, Computer Aided Engineering, 2013, 22(A02), 456-460. (In Chinese)
[22] W. Liu, J. W. Chen, Y. Q. Liu, X. Y. Su. Effect of interface/surface stress on the elastic wave band structure of two-dimensional phononic crystals, Physics Letters A, 2012, 376(4), 605-609.
[23] W. Liu, J. W. Chen, X. Y. Su. Local resonance phononic band gaps in modified two-dimensional lattice materials, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2012, 28(3), 659-669.
[24] W. Liu, X. Y. Su, Y. R. An, K. F. Huang. Local Buckling Prediction for Large Wind Turbine Blades, Computers, Materials & Continua, 2011, 25(2), 177-193.
[25] W. Liu, J. C. Yin, P. Chen, X. Y. Su. Dynamic analysis and aeroelastic stability analysis of large composite wind turbine blades. Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, 2011, 29(3), 263-267. (In Chinese)
[26] W. Liu, X. Y. Su. Collimation and enhancement of elastic transverse waves in two-dimensional solid phononic crystals, Physics Letters A, 2010, 374(29).
[27] 陈子剑, 刘伟, 邓金根, 蔚宝华, 田中兰, 杨恒林, 刘军波. 多因素耦合条件下煤层井壁稳定性分析模型研究. 煤炭技术, 2016, 2, 66-69.
[28] Y. Liu, W. Liu, B. Li, X. Y. Su. Transformation Method to Control Shear Horizontal Waves, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2015, 7(03), 1550049.
[29] B. C. Do, W. Liu, Q. D. Yang, X. Y. Su. Improved Cohesive Stress Integration Schemes for Cohesive Zone Elements, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2013, 107, 14-28.
[30] Y. Liu, W. Liu and X. Su. Precise method for controlling elastic waves by conformal mapping. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letter, 2013, 3, 021012.
[31] J. C. Yin, W. Liu, P. Chen. Modal re-analysis of rotary wind turbine blades in refinement design, Wind Energy, 2012, 15(6), 864-881.
[32] J. W. Chen, W. Liu, X. Y. Su. Vibration and Buckling of Truss core Sandwich plates on an Elastic Foundation Subjected to Biaxial In-plane Loads, Computers, Materials & Continua, 2011, 24(2), 163-181.
[33] J. W. Chen, Y. Q. Liu, W. Liu, X. Y. Su. Thermal buckling analysis of truss-core sandwich plates. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2013 34 (10): 1177-1186.
[34] Q. D. Yang, X. J. Fang, W. Liu, B. N. Cox. High-Fidelity Analysis of Composites at Various Length Scales with Discrete Damage Representation, Journal of Multifunctional Composites, 2012, 1(1).
[35] 李扬, 邓金根, 蔚宝华, 刘伟, 陈建国. 储/隔层岩石及层间界面性质对压裂缝高的影响, 石油钻探技术, 2014, 42(6), 80-86.
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目“疏松砂岩水力压裂裂缝起裂延伸机理与裂缝形态预测方法研究”,2021.01-2024.12
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“裂缝性油气储层水力裂缝模拟的增强有限元方法”,2016.01-2018.12
[2] 国家科技重大专项任务“煤储层井壁稳定分析与软件”,2011.01-2015.12
[3] 国家科技重大专项任务“水淹储层压裂充填防砂工艺技术优化研究及应用”,2016.01-2020.12
[1] 北京大学优秀博士学位论文获得者,2013
[2] 中国石油大学(北京)青年拔尖人才,2014-2017
[3] 教育部科学技术进步奖二等奖,2019
[4] 中国石油和化工自动化应用协会科技进步二等奖, 2021
[5] 新疆自治区科技进步二等奖,2021
[6] 中国石油大学(北京)青年教学骨干教师,2019
[7] 中国石油大学(北京)教学成果二等奖,2019
[8] 中国石油大学(北京)教学成果特等奖,2021
[1] Petroleum Science杂志副主编,2019-2021
[2] 石油科学通报青年编委,2016-至今
[3] 中国岩石力学与工程学会深层岩石力学与油气工程专业委员会副秘书长,2017-至今
[4] 美国岩石力学学会(ARMA)第53届年会分会主席(Session Chair),2019.6