姓名: 夏阳
职称: 副教授/博导
2009-2013 中国石油大学(北京)石油工程,本科
2013-2018 中国石油大学(北京)油气井工程,博士
2016-2017 美国亚利桑那州立大学,联合培养博士生
2018-2021 中国石油大学(北京)测井系,博士后
2019-2021 中国石油大学(北京)油气井工程系,讲师
2021-至今 中国石油大学(北京)油气井工程系副教授、硕士生导师、博士生导师
电子邮箱: xiayang@vip.126.com
联系电话: 13810986965
所在系所: 油气井工程系
研究方向: 石油工程岩石力学
[1] Xia Y, Jin Y, Chen M, et al. Hydrodynamic modeling of mud loss controlled by the coupling of discrete fracture and matrix. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2015.(SCI)
[2] Xia Y, Jin Y, Chen M. Comprehensive methodology for detecting fracture aperture in naturally fractured formations using mud loss data. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2015.(SCI)
[3] Xia Y, Jin Y, Chen M, et al. Dynamic analysis of a cylindrical casing-cement structure in a poroelastic stratum. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2017.(SCI)
[4] Xia Y, Jin Y, Chen M, et al. Poroelastodynamic response of a borehole in a non-hydrostatic stress field. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2017.(SCI)
[5] Xia Y, Jin Y, Chen K, et al. Simulation on gas transport in shale: The coupling of free and adsorbed gas. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2017.(SCI)
[6] Xia Y, Jin Y, Jay O, et al. Extended finite element modeling of production from a reservoir embedded with an arbitrary fracture network. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2017.(SCI)
[7] Xia Y, Jin Y, Chen M, et al. An Enriched Approach for Modeling Multi-Scale Discrete-Fracture/Matrix Interaction for Unconventional Reservoir Simulations. SPE Journal, 2019.(SCI)
[8] Xia Y, Jin Y, Wei S M, et al. Transient failure of a borehole excavated in a poroelastic continuum. Mechanics Research Communications, 2019.(SCI)
[9] Wei S M, Xia Y, Jin Y, et al. Quantitative study in shale gas behaviors using a coupled triple-continuum and discrete fracture model. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019.(SCI)
[10] Wei S M, Jin Y, Xia Y, et al. The flowback and production analysis in sub-saturated fractured shale reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020.(SCI)
[11] Wei S M, Jin Y, Xia Y, et al. Predict the mud loss in natural fractured vuggy reservoir using discrete fracture and discrete vug network model. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020.(SCI)
[12] Lu Y H, Wei S M, Xia Y, et al. Modeling of geomechanics and fluid flow in fractured shale reservoirs with deformable multi-continuum matrix. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021.(SCI)
[13] Wei S M, Jin Y, Xia Y, et al. Studies on gas behaviors in shale matrix. Journal of Porous Media, 2021.(SCI)
[14] Xia Y, Wen H, Jin Y, et al. Poroelastodynamic response of an inclined wellbore during an unloading process. 13th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation, 2017.(EI)
[15] Xia Y, Jin Y, Chen M. Characterization of multi-scale discrete-fracture/matrix interactions in naturally fractured reservoirs using mud loss data. 52th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 2018.(EI)
[16] Xia Y, Jin Y, Huang Z, et al. An extended finite element method for hydro-mechanically coupled analysis of mud loss in naturally fractured formations. 53th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 2019.(EI)
[16] Zeng Y J, Xia Y, Ding S D, et al. Dynamics of multi-continuum/discrete-fracture interactions of nonlinear gas transport in shale. 2th International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference, 2018.(EI)
[17] Wei S M, Jin Y, Xia Y, et al. Quantitative study of the influence of organic-rich and natural fractures rich regions on shale gas production. 11th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2020.(EI)
[18] Fu S H, Chen M, Xia Y, et al. Experimental investigation on fracture propagation for vertical well fracturing in coalbed and shale interbedded reservoir. 55th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 2021.(EI)
[19] Jin Y, Deng Y H, Xia Y. Numerical simulation of hydro-mechanically coupled mud loss in fractured reservoirs. 12th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2021.(EI)
[20] Deng Y H, Xia Y, Jin Y. Numerical simulation of hydro-mechanically coupled production process in fractured reservoirs: Using extended finite element method. 12th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2021.(EI)
[21] 夏阳,金衍,陈勉,等. 页岩气渗流数学模型. 科学通报,2015.
[22] 夏阳,金衍,陈勉. 页岩气渗流过程中的多场耦合机理. 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学,2015.
[23] 夏阳,文豪,金衍,等. 非均匀应力场中井筒卸载过程井壁围岩孔隙弹性动力响应机制. 岩石力学与工程学报,2018.
[24] 夏阳,韦世明,金衍,等. 适用于深层页岩气井生产模拟和预测的自扩散流热耦合模型. 天然气工业, 2021.
[25] 韦世明,夏阳,金衍,等. 三维页岩储层多重压力流固耦合模型研究. 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学,2019.
[26] 韦世明,夏阳,陈勉,等. 超深层碳酸盐岩储层孔隙弹性动力学起裂规律. 石油钻采工艺,2020.
[27] 付世豪,陈勉,夏阳,等. 煤系页岩地层水力裂缝穿层扩展规律. 断块油气田,2021.
[28] 付世豪,侯冰,夏阳,等. 多岩性组合层状储层一体化压裂裂缝扩
[1] 煤系页岩物模试件以及煤系页岩物模试件的制备方法. ZL 201910420055.0, 2021年授权, 排名1
[2] 用于模拟多层理岩样的试验装置及方法. ZL 201910441803.3, 2021年授权, 排名1
[3] 层理与天然裂缝耦合的页岩压展试验. 煤炭学报,2021.裂试样及其制备方法. ZL 201910859949.X, 2021年授权, 排名1
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 多井干扰下页岩储层应力场动态演化机理, 主持
[2] 国家自然科学基金-联合基金项目子课题, 海相页岩储层孔隙压力分布规律及表征方法、地层孔隙压力预测及检测方法, 主持
[3] 中国石油大学(北京)拔尖人才科研启动基金, 复杂缝网页岩气藏流体流动多尺度特征, 主持
[1] 中国岩石力学与工程学会优秀博士学位论文, 2018
[2] 中国石油大学(北京)青年拔尖人才, 2019-2022
[3] 中国岩石力学与工程学会技术发明二等奖, 排名5, 2017
[4] 中国岩石力学与工程学会科技进步二等奖, 排名10, 2019
[5] 中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖, 排名12, 2020
[1] 中国岩石力学与工程协会会员
[2] SPE(美国石油工程师协会)会员
[3] ARMA(美国岩石力学协会)会员
[4] SPE Journal, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering等国际SCI期刊审稿人