1980-1984 大庆石油学院,本科
1984-1987 北京石油勘探开发研究院研究生部,硕士
1987-1997 江汉石油学院教师
1997年 美国塔尔萨大学访问学者
1997-2000 中科院渗流流体力学所,博士
2000-2003 中国石油大学(北京)博士后
2003-至今 中国石油大学(北京)教师
其中:2006 美国塔尔萨大学访问学者
研究方向: 油气藏动态监测,油气藏工程,非常规油气田开发,油气藏开发软件研制
教学情况: 研究生课程《高等气藏工程》,《石油工程大数据》
[1] 致密凝析气井多相流不稳定产量预测方法,石油勘探与开发,2024
[2] Generalized analytical solutions of vertically fractured wells in commingled reservoirs: Field case study,SPE Journal,2024
[3] 超低渗透油藏注水诱导动态裂缝开发理论及实践,中国科学:技术科学,2022
[4] Temperature Transient Analysis of Naturally Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs. SPE Journal,2022
[5] Analytical well-test model for hydraulicly fractured wells with multiwell interference in double porosity gas reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2022
[6] Big Data Technique in the Reservoir Parameters Prediction and Productivity Evaluation: A Field Case in Western South China Sea. Gondwana Research, 2021,
[7] Evaluation of fracture closure and its contribution to total production for a well with non-planar asymmetrical vertical fracture based on bottom-hole pressure,Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2021
[8] Explicit Determination of Reserves for Variable-Bottomhole-Pressure Conditions in Gas Rate-Transient Analysis,SPE Journal,2020
[9] Investigation on the Transient Pressure Response of Water Injector Coupling the Dynamic Flow Behaviors in the Wellbore, Waterflood-Induced Fracture and Reservoir: Semi-Analytical Modeling and A Field Case.,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2019
[10] A Comprehensive Work Flow To Characterize Waterflood-Induced Fractures by Integrating Real-Time Monitoring, Formation Test, and Dynamic Production Analysis Applied to Changqing Oil Field, China. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, In Press, 2018.
[11] An Innovative Model to Evaluate Fracture Closure of Multi-Fractured Horizontal Well in Tight Gas Reservoir Based on Bottom-Hole Pressure. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, In Press, 2018.
[12] Pressure-transient Behavior of Multi-segment Horizontal Wells with Non-uniform Production and Case Study. Journal of Energy Resource and Technology, 140, 2018.
[13] Case Studies: Pressure-Transient Analysis for Water Injector with the Influence of Waterflood-Induced Fractures in Tight Reservoir. SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference, 2018.
[14] An Improved Rate-Transient Analysis Model of Multi-Fractured HorizontalWells with Non-Uniform Hydraulic Fracture Properties, Energies, 2018 (11), 393.
[15] The Physical Process and Pressure-Transient Analysis Considering Fractures Excessive Extension in Water Injection Wells. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 439–454.
[16] A Semianalytical Methodology to Diagnose the Locations of Underperforming Hydraulic Fractures through Pressure-Transient Analysis in Tight Gas Reservoir. SPE Journal, 2017, 924-939.
[17] Waterflood Direction and Front Characterization with Four-Step Work Flow: A Case Study in Changqing Oil field, China. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 2017, 708-72.
[18] A Semianalytical Approach to Estimate Fracture Closure and Formation Damage of vertically fractured Wells in tight gas Reservoir. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 85–90.
[19] Pressure Transient Behavior for Alternating Polymer Flooding in a Three-zone Composite Reservoir, Polymers & Polymer Composites, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2017, 1-10.
[20] A Novel Well Testing Method for Characterization of Non-Darcy Flow Behavior by Well Testing Method in Low Permeability Reservoirs. Presented at SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, 2017.
[21] Successful Application of Well Testing and Electrical Resistance Tomography to Determine Production Contribution of Individual Fracture and Water-breakthrough Locations of Multifractured Horizontal Well in Changqing Oil Field, China. Presented at SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, 2017.
[22] Estimation of Non-Uniform Production Rate Distribution of Multi-Fractured Horizontal Well through Pressure Transient Analysis: Model and Case Study. Presented at SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, 2017.
[23] 致密油藏多级压裂水平井同井缝间注采可行性, 石油学报,2017,38(12):1411-1419
[24] 多段压裂水平井不均匀产油试井模型,中国石油大学学报,2017,41(4):116-122
[25] Variable-Permeability Well-Testing Models and Pressure Response in Low-Permeability Reservoirs with non-Darcy Flow. Earth Sciences Research Journal,2016,20(1): 2496-2503
[26] Pressure-Transient Analysis of a Well with a Double-Segment Vertical Fracture. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience,2016,13(4): 2496-2503
[27] 多段生产水平井试井解释方法,中国海上油气,2014,26(6):44-49
[28] The Use of Equivalent Horizontal Well Length to Evaluate Formation Damage for Horizontal Wells,Petroleum Exploration and Development,2013,40(3):352-355
[29] 鱼骨状分支水平井注采井网见水时间和波及系数,新疆石油地质,2013,34(3):307-310
[30] 聚合物驱复合油藏试井模型与典型曲线,华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2012,29(4):110-113
[31] 多层系油田剩余油分布研究新方法,大庆石油地质与开发,2012,31(1): 51-55
[32] 根据油井含水率确定分层剩余油饱和度的图版法,大庆石油地质与开发,2011
[33] 三重介质分支水平井试井分析,水动力学研究与进展,2009,24(2):127-132
[34] 高速非达西气井渗流模型及压力曲线特征,石油钻探技术,2009,31(4):28-31
[35] 低渗透油藏通用非达西渗流模型及压力曲线特征,大庆石油地质与开发,2009,28,(4):72-75
[36] 异常高压低渗砂岩油藏开发策略,中国海上油气,2008,20(6),382-385
[37] 物质平衡法分区计算定容气藏动储量和压力,石油钻探技术,2007,35(3):66-68
[38] 应用渗流反问题理论进行非均质油气藏多参数分布计算,石油学报,2006,27(3):87-90
[39] 用物质平衡—二项式产能方程计算气井动态储量,新疆石油地质,2005. 26(2):181-182
[40] 产水凝析气井三相流产能方程,天然气工业,2004. 24(12):99-101
[41] 油水两相低速非达西渗流数值模拟,石油勘探与开发,1998,25(1):41-43
[1] 复杂结构井试井理论与方法,科学出版社,2018
[2] 试油测试工艺,石油工业出版社,2014
[3] 试油与试采,中国石油大学出版社,2012
[4] 油气田开发地质学,石油工业出版社,1999
[1] 中石化西北分公司,TP8-AD6次级断控区碳酸盐岩裂缝导流能力计算研究,课题负责人,2023-2024
[2] 中石油长庆油田,合水油田长6油藏注水诱导裂缝研究与不稳定注水制度优化,课题负责人,2023-2024
[3] 中海油上海分公司,ZZ气田H3b气藏开发机理及合理配产研究,课题负责人,2023-2024
[4] 中石化中原油田,水驱开发效果评价及挖潜方向研究,课题负责人,2023-2024
[5] 中石油勘探开发研究院,不同类型气藏水侵机理及产能评价研究,课题负责人,2023
[6] 延长油田项目,樊学区块致密油有效开发方式研究,课题负责人,2022-2024
[7] 国家自然科学基金项目(11872073),致密油藏注水诱发微裂缝机理及反演方法,负责人,2019-2022
[1] 裂缝非均匀导流能力压力分析技术及工业化应用,全国商业联合会科技进步奖一等奖,2023
[2] 致密气藏非均匀导流能力压裂井产量和压力分析技术及应用,中国石油和化工自动化协会技术发明一等奖,2020
[3] 海上油田聚合物驱开发过程关键参数监测技术及应用,中国石油和化工自动化应用协会科技进步二等奖,2016
[4] 凝析气藏多相渗流机理及有效开发方式,中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖,2014
[5] 复杂类型油气藏动态反演与监测技术及其工业化应用,陕西省科技进步二等奖,2011
[6] 超低渗透油藏非达西渗流理论与开发应用,中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖,2010