2002 – 2006 本科 西南石油大学
2006 – 2009 硕士 中国石油勘探开发研究院
2009 – 2014 博士 加拿大里贾纳大学
2014 – 至今 博士后 加拿大卡尔加里大学
X. Jia, Q., Wang, R. Lin, J. Li, Z. Chen (2016). Transient Convective Heat Transfer in a Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) Process. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, MSID: PETROL8987. (Under review)
Q. Wang, X. Jia, Z. Chen (2016) Modeling of Dynamic Mass Transfer in a Vapor Extraction Heavy Oil Recovery Process, Journal of Canadian Chemical Engineering, (accepted)
Q. Wang, X. Jia, Z. Chen (2016). Mathematical modeling of the solvent chamber evolution in a vapor extraction heavy oil recovery process, Fuel. 186 (2016), 339–349.
X. Jia, J. Li, and Z. Chen (2015). Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Mass Transfer in Cyclic Solvent Injection, SPE Journal, MS ID: SJ-0615-0057,(under review).
D. Wang, F. Zhou, W. Ding, H. Ge, X. Jia, and S. Yang (2015). A Numerical Simulation Study of Fracture Reorientation with a Degradable Fiber-Diverting Agent. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015 (25): 215–225.
X. Jia, F. Zeng, and Y. Gu (2015). Gasflooding-Assisted Cyclic Solvent Injection for Enhancing Heavy Oil Recovery. Fuel, 140 (2015): 344–353.
T. Jiang,F. Zeng, X. Jia, and Y. Gu (2014). An Improved Solvent-Based Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery Method: Cyclic Production with Continuous Solvent Injection. Fuel, 115 (2014): 268-281.
X. Jia, F. Zeng, and Y. Gu (2014). Dynamic Solvent Process (DSP) for Enhancing Heavy Oil Recovery. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 93 (5): 1-10.
X. Jia, F. Zeng, and Y. Gu (2014). A New Mathematical Model for the Solvent Chamber Evolution in the Vapor Extraction Process. Journal of Porous Media, 17 (12): 1093-1108.
X. Jia, F. Zeng, and Y. Gu (2013). Semi-Analytical Solutions to a One-Dimensional Advection–Diffusion Equation with Variable Diffusion Coefficient and Variable Flow Velocity. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 221 (2): 268-281.
X. Jia, J. Li, Z. Chen (2016). Modeling of Foamy-Oil Flow in Solvent-Based Recovery Processes. To be presented at the SPE Europec featured at 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, 30 May−2 June. SPE-180183-MS.
X. Jia, J. Li, Z. Chen (2015). Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Mass Transfer in Cyclic Solvent Injection. SPE Canada Heavy Oil Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 9−11. SPE-174519-MS.
X. Jia, F. Zeng, and Y. Gu (2014). Enhanced Vapour Extraction of Heavy Oils through Foamy Oil Flow and Viscous Fingering. SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherland, October 27−29. SPE-170847-MS.
X. Jia, F. Zeng, and Y. Gu (2014). Gasflooding-Assisted Cyclic Solvent Injection for Enhancing Heavy Oil Recovery. SPE Heavy Oil Conference-Canada, Calgary, Alberta, June 12−14. SPE-170157-MS.
X. Jia, F. Zeng, and Y. Gu (2013). Pressure Pulsing Cyclic Solvent Injection: A New Way to Enhance the Recovery of Heavy Oil through Solvent-Based Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques. SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 30−October 2. SPE-166453-MS.
X. Jia, F. Zeng, and Y. Gu (2013). Enhanced Vapour Extraction through Foamy-Oil Flow. SPE Heavy Oil Conference Canada, Calgary, Alberta, June 11−13. SPE-165526-MS.
T. Jiang, X. Jia, F. Zeng, and Y. Gu (2013). An Improved Solvent-Based Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery Method: Cyclic Production with Continuous Solvent Injection. Presented at SPE Heavy Oil Conference Canada, Calgary, AB, Canada, June 11-13. SPE-165455-MS.
X. Jia, F. Zeng, and Y. Gu (2012). One-Dimensional Mathematical Modeling of Vapour Extraction (VAPEX). SPE Heavy Oil Conference-Canada, Calgary, Alberta, June 12−14. SPE-157938-MS.
X. Jia, F. Zeng, and Y. Gu (2011). A Semi-Analytical Solution of 1-D Diffusion−Convection Equation with Variable Convection Velocity. SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, October 30−November 2. SPE-156887-MS.
F. Zeng, K. Knorr, and X. Jia (2011). Tee-SVX: Enhanced Oil Flow Rate in Solvent Vapor Extraction Process. Natural Resources Research, 21 (1): 83–93.
M. Derakhsfar, X. Jia, F. Zeng, and Y. Gu (2011). Effects of Waterflooding and Solvent Injection on the Solvent Vapour Extraction (VAPEX) Heavy Oil Recovery. Presented at SPE Heavy Oil Conference and Exhibition, Kuwait City, Kuwait, December 12-14. SPE-150691-MS.