2011.09 - 2015.06 东北石油大学,石油工程,本科
2016.09 - 2021.06 中国石油大学(北京),油气田开发工程,硕博连读
2021.07 - 2023.07 吉林大学,鼎新学者博士后
2023.07 - 2024.10 中国地质大学(北京),讲师
2024.11 - 至今 中国石油大学(北京),讲师
1. 第一/通讯作者文章
[1] Wang, Y.*, Chu, H., Lyu, X. Deep learning in CO2 geological utilization and storage: Recent advances and perspectives. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2024, 13(1): 161-165.
[2] Wang, Y., Sun, Q.*, Chen, F., Wang, M. Multiscale model for hydrogen transport and storage in shale reservoirs. SPE Journal, 2024, 29(06): 3238-3264.
[3] Chen, F., Wang, Y.*, Bi, R., Pan, Y., & Wang, M. Molecular insights into CO2 enhanced hydrocarbon recovery and its sequestration in multiscale shale reservoirs. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 498: 155913.
[4] Wang, Y., Dai, Z.*, Wang, G., Chen, L., Xia, Y., Zhou, Y.* A hybrid physics-informed data-driven neural network for CO2 storage in depleted shale reservoirs. Petroleum Science, 2024, 21(1): 286-301.(ESI 高被引)
[5] Xia, Y., Cai, M., Wang, Y.*, Sun, Q., Dai, Z. Competitive adsorption mechanisms of multicomponent gases in kaolinite under electric fields: A molecular perspective. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2024, 238: 212897.
[6] Wang, Y., Dai, Z.*, Chen, L., Shen, X., Chen, F., Soltanian, M. R. An integrated multi-scale model for CO2 transport and storage in shale reservoirs. Applied Energy, 2023, 331: 120444.
[7] Zhou, Y., Wang, Y.* An integrated framework based on deep learning algorithm for optimizing thermochemical production in heavy oil reservoirs. Energy, 2022, 253: 124140.
[8] Wang, Y., Dai, Z.*, Liu, H. Pore-scale mechanisms and simulations for gas–water two-phase transport processes in natural gas reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021, 96: 104314.
[9] Wang, Y., Liu, H.*, Zhou, Y.* Development of a deep learning-based model for the entire production process of steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD). Fuel, 2021, 287: 119565.
[10] Wang, Y., Liu, H., Guo, M., Shen, X., Han, B., Zhou, Y.* Image recognition model based on deep learning for remaining oil recognition from visualization experiment. Fuel, 2021, 291: 120216.
[11] Guo, M., Liu, H.*, Wang, Y.*, Zhang, H., Wang, J., Dong, X. Sand production by hydraulic erosion during multicycle steam stimulation: An analytical study. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 201: 108424.
[12] Sun, K., Liu, H.*, Wang, Y.*, Wang, J., Kang, Z., Zheng, S. A practical integrated forecast method for estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) and well production performance after water breakthrough during waterflooding in naturally fractured reservoirs (NFRs). Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 204: 108789.
[13] Wang, Y., Liu, H.*, Zhang, Q., Chen, Z., Wang, J., Dong, X., & Chen, F. Pore-scale experimental study on EOR mechanisms of combining thermal and chemical flooding in heavy oil reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 185: 106649.
[14] Liu, H., Wang, Y.*, Zheng, A., Sun, X., Dong, X., Li, D., Zhang, Q. Experimental investigation on improving steam sweep efficiency by novel particles in heavy oil reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 193: 107429.
[15] Zhang, Q., Liu, H.*, Dong, X., Liu, Y., Li, G., Wang, Y.* A new comprehensive model to estimate the steam chamber expansion and recovery performance of entire SAGD process. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 185: 106629.
[16] Wang, Y.*, Liu, H., Wang, J., Dong, X., Chen, F. Formulation development and visualized investigation of temperature-resistant and salt-tolerant surfactant-polymer flooding to enhance oil recovery. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 174: 584-598.
[17] Wang, Y.*, Liu, H., Chen, Z., Wu, Z., Pang, Z., Dong, X., Chen, F. A visualized investigation on the mechanisms of anti-water coning process using nitrogen injection in horizontal wells. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 166: 636-649.
[18] 王焱伟*, 刘慧卿, 东晓虎, 张琪琛. 边水稠油油藏蒸汽吞吐后转冷采物理模拟研究. 西南石油大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 42(01): 91-100.
2. 会议论文/报告
[1] 王焱伟. 物理-数据融合驱动的枯竭页岩储层CO2封存预测研究. 第七届全国流固耦合与非定常流体力学学术会议, 中国, 盐城, 2024.04.(分会场特邀报告)
[2] 王焱伟. 枯竭页岩储层CO2封存渗流理论与智能模拟技术. 第一届中国环境科学青年论坛, 中国, 广州, 2023.07.(分会场报告)
[3] 王焱伟. 物理-数据融合驱动的枯竭页岩储层CO2封存预测方法. 第一届地球能源前沿论坛, 中国, 武汉, 2024.04.(分会场特邀报告)
[4] Wang, Y.*, Liu, H., Chen, Z., Dong, X. A study of scaling 3D experiment on cold recovery after steam stimulation in heavy oil reservoirs with edge water. ICCESEN 2019, Antalya-Turkey.(国际会议)
[1] 一种电场作用下页岩气竞争吸附实验装置及实验方法,国家发明专利,2024,第一发明人
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:电场强化页岩气储层碳封存中的CO2/CH4竞争吸附机理研究(42202292),2023-2025,负责人
[2] 中央高校基本科研业务费项目:物理-数据融合驱动的海底CO2水合物封存预测研究(2652023052),2024-2026,负责人
[3] 中海油田服务股份有限公司项目:不同射孔地层参数组合下油藏数值模型流量测试服务,2024-2025,负责人
[4] 国家重点研发计划项目:场地污染实时响应监测预警技术与装备(2018YFC1800900),2018-2022,参与
[5] 国家重点研发计划项目课题:场地土壤污染智能模拟与预测技术研究(2018YFC1800904),2018-2022,参与
[6] 国家自然科学基金专项项目:基于高含水油藏去碳目标导向的CO2捕集-驱油-埋存一体化理论及技术研究(42141011),2022-2025,参与
[7] 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目:核素在多尺度裂隙系统中运移的尺度效应研究(U2267217),2023-2026,参与
[8] 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作项目:二氧化碳驱油封存中的人工智能技术与应用研究(2023YFE0119600),2023-2026,参与
[9] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:多孔介质中纳米颗粒与发泡剂协同构建Pickering泡沫机制及其运移规律(52074321),2021-2024,参与
[1] 北京市优秀博士学位论文,2022
[2] 吉林大学“鼎新学者”人才计划,2021
[3] 中国石油大学(北京)优秀博士学位论文,2022
[4] 中国地质大学(北京)优秀本科毕业设计(论文)指导教师,2024
[1] SPE会员
[2] Petroleum Science青年编委
[3] Advances in Geo-Energy Research青年编委
[4] International Journal of Coal Science & Technology科学编辑
[5] Rnewable Energy、Energy、Fuel、Petroleum Science、Geoenergy Science and Engineering、Gas Science and Engineering等期刊审稿人