教育和工作经历: (从本科开始 至今)
2009.9 - 2013.6 长江大学石油工程系,石油工程,学士
2013.9 - 2016.6 中国石油大学(北京)石油工程系,油气田开发工程,硕士
2016.9 - 2021.1 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学应用数学系,应用数学,博士
2021.4 - 2024.07 中国石油大学(北京),校青年拔尖人才,讲师,
2024.07 - 至今 中国石油大学(北京),副教授
[1] Xiao C, Zhang SC . Robust optimization of geoenergy production using data-driven deep recurrent auto-encoder and fully-connected neural network proxy.Expert Systems with Applications.2024
[2] Xiao C , Zhang SC . Robust production forecast and uncertainty quantification for waterflooding reservoir using hybrid recurrent auto-encoder and long short-term memory neural network.Geoenergy Science and Engineering,2023
[3] Xiao C , Zhang SC . Deep-learning-generalized data-space inversion and uncertainty quantification framework for accelerating geological CO2 plume migration monitoring.Geoenergy Science and Engineering.2023
[4] Xiao C , Zhang SC . Data-driven model predictive control for closed-loop refracturing design and optimization in naturally fractured shale gas reservoir under geological uncertainty.Computers and Chemical Engineering.2023
[5] Xiao C , Zhang SC . Model-reduced adjoint-based inversion using deep-learning: Example of geological carbon sequestration modelling.water resources research.2022
[6] Xiao C , Zhang SC . Machine-learning-based well production prediction under geological and hydraulic fracture parameters uncertainty for unconventional shale gas reservoirs.JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING.2022
[7] Xiao, C., Lin, H.X, Leeuwenburgh, O., Heemink, A. Surrogate-assisted inversion for large-scale history matching: Comparative study between projection-based reduced-order modeling and deep neural network[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022.
[8] 肖聪,张士诚,马新仿,等.基于模型降维和递归神经网络的油藏参数反演[J].计算物理,2022,39(05):564-578.
[9] Xiao, C., Leeuwenburgh, O , Heemink, A., Lin, H.X. Conditioning of Deep-Learning Surrogate Models to Image Data with Application to Reservoir Characterization[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021, 3.
[10] Xiao C , Deng Y, Wang GD . Deep-Learning-Based Adjoint State Method: Methodology and Preliminary Application to Inverse Modeling[J]. Water Resources Research, 2021, 2.
[11] Xiao, C., Leeuwenburgh, O ,Heemink, A., Lin, H.X. Efficient estimation of space varying parameters in numerical models using non-intrusive subdomain reduced order modeling[J]. Journal of Computational Physics, 2020, 424.
[12] Xiao C , Tian L . Surrogate‐Based Joint Estimation of Subsurface Geological and Relative Permeability Parameters for High‐Dimensional Inverse Problem by Use of Smooth Local Parameterization[J]. Water Resources Research, 2020, 56(7).
[13] Xiao C , Tian L . Modelling of fractured horizontal wells with complex fracture network in natural gas hydrate reservoirs[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45( 28):14266-14280.
[14] Xiao C , Tian L , Zhang L , et al. Distributed Gauss-Newton Optimization with Smooth Local Parameterization for Large-Scale History-Matching Problems[J]. SPE Journal, 2020, 25(1):056-080.
[15] Xiao C , Zhan M B , Leng T C . Semi-analytical modeling of productivity analysis for five-spot well pattern scheme in methane hydrocarbon reservoirs[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44( 49):26955-26969.
[16] Xiao, C., Leeuwenburgh, O ,Heemink, A., Lin, H.X. Non-intrusive Subdomain POD-TPWL Algorithm for Reservoir History Matching[J]. Computational Geosciences, 2018, 23(6).
[17] Xiao C , Dai Y , Tian L , et al. A Semi-analytical Methodology for Pressure-Transient Analysis of Multi-well-Pad-Production Scheme in Shale Gas Reservoirs, Part 1: New Insights Into Flow Regimes and Multi-well Interference[J]. SPE Journal, 2018.
[18] Xiao C , Tian L , Zhang Y , et al. A Novel Approach To Detect Interacting Behavior Between Hydraulic Fracture and Natural Fracture Using Semi-analytical Pressure-Transient Model[J]. SPE Journal, 2017.
[19] Xiao C , Tian L , et al. Comprehensive application of semi-analytical PTA and RTA to quantitatively determine abandonment pressure for CO2 storage in depleted shale gas reservoirs[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016.
[20] 肖聪,张士诚,马新仿等。基于深度学习代理模型的油藏自动历史拟合算法研究,第七届数字油田国际学术会议,2021年11月3日-5日。
[21] Xiao, C., et al, O., Projection-based autoregressive neural network for model-reduced adjoint-based variational data assimilation, Presented at The 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition. Netherlands, 18 - 23, October, 2021.
[22] Xiao, C., et al, O., Deep Learning Surrogate-Assisted Assimilation of Image-type Data, Presented at International EnKF Workshop. Norway, 11 - 15, June, 2021.
[23] Xiao, C., Heemink, A., Lin, H.X. and Leeuwenburgh, O., Efficient Deep-Learning Inversion for Big-Data Assimilation: Application to Seismic History Matching, Presented at ECMOR XVII, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 14-17 September, 2020.
[24] Xiao, C., Heemink, A., Lin, H.X. and Leeuwenburgh, O., Subdomain Reduced-Order Modelling with Smooth Local Parameterization for Large-Scale Inversion Problem, Presented at ENUMATH 2019 conference, The Netherlands, 30 September - 4 October, 2019.
[25] [Xiao, C., Heemink, A., Lin, H.X. and Leeuwenburgh, O., A machine-learning Based Subdomain POD-TPWL for Large-Scale Inversion Problems, Presented at InterPore2019, Valencia, Spain, 6 -10 May, 2019.
[26] Xiao, C., Heemink, A., Lin, H.X. and Leeuwenburgh, O., Subdomain Adjoint-Based Variational Data Assimilation for Reservoir History Matching, Presented at 13th International EnKF Workshop. Bergen, Norway, 28 - 30, May, 2018.
6、《Surrogate-Assisted Reservoir History Matching》,Delft University of Technology, 2021. ISBN:978-94-6366-365-6.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineerin, SPE Journal以及Water Resource Research等国际权威期刊审稿人。《Natural Gas Industry B》(天然气工业英文版)副主编,《Petroleum Science》和《东北石油大学学报》青年编委。