2008.09-2012.06 东北石油大学,石油工程,本科
2013.09-2019.06 中国石油大学(北京),油气田开发工程,硕博连读
2018.09-2019.03 University of Calgary,化学与石油工程,联合培养博士生
2012.07-2013.08 中石油辽河油田分公司,助理工程师
2020.01-2022.03 中国石油大学(北京),石油工程学院,优秀学科博士后
2022.04-2022.06 中国石油大学(北京),石油工程学院,讲师
2022.07-至今 中国石油大学(北京),石油工程学院,副教授
[1] Zheyu Liu, Jian Zhang, Xianjie Li, et al. Conformance control by a microgel in a multi-layered heterogeneous reservoir during CO2 enhanced oil recovery process. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2022, 43, 324-334.
[2] Zheyu Liu, Yiqiang Li, Xin Chen, et al. The optimal initiation timing of a surfactant-polymer flooding in a water-flooded conglomerate reservoir. SPE Journal. 2021, 26 (04): 2189–2202.
[3] Zheyu Liu, Maojie Chai, Xin Chen, et al. Emulsification in a microfluidic flow-focusing device: Effect of the dispersed phase viscosity. Fuel. 2021, 283, 119229
[4] 刘哲宇, 李宜强, 冷润熙, 等. 孔隙结构对砾岩油藏聚表二元复合驱提高采收率的影响. 石油勘探与开发. 2020, 47(1): 134-145.
[5] Zheyu Liu, Shruti Mendiratta, Xin Chen, et al. Amphiphilic-Polymer-Assisted Hot Water Flooding toward Viscous Oil Mobilization. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2019, 58: 16552−16564.
[6] Zheyu Liu, Yiqiang Li, Huoxin Luan, et al. Pore scale and macroscopic visual displacement of oil-in-water emulsions for enhanced oil recovery. Chemical Engineering Science. 2019, 197: 404–414.
[7] Zheyu Liu, Shruti Mendiratta, Xin Chen, et al. Investigation of inverse emulsion assisted controlled release of polyacrylamides for enhanced oil recovery. RSC Advances. 2019, 9: 11968–11977.
[8] Zheyu Liu, Hongjie Cheng, Yanyue Li, et al. Experimental investigation of synergy of components in surfactant/polymer flooding using three-dimensional core model. Transport in Porous Media. 2019, 126(2): 317–335.
[9] Zheyu Liu, Yiqiang Li, Jianrong Lv, et al. Optimization of polymer flooding design in conglomerate reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 152: 267-274.
[10] Zheyu Liu, Yiqiang Li, Minghui Cui, et al. Pore-Scale investigation of residual oil displacement in surfactant-polymer flooding using nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. Petroleum Science, 2016, 13: 91-99.
[11] Xin Chen, Yiqiang Li, Zheyu Liu*, et al. Core- and pore-scale investigation on the migration and plugging of polymer microspheres in a heterogeneous porous media. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 195: 107636.
[12] Zheyu Liu, Yiqiang Li, Hossein Hejazi. In-Situ Emulsification for Enhanced Oil Recovery: A Microfluidic Study. Presented in 21th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery Conference. 2021.
[13] Zheyu Liu, Yiqiang Li, Yukun Chen, et al. A systematic investigation of surfactant/polymer flooding in conglomerate reservoir: from laboratory to field test. Presented in 20th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery Conference. 2019.
[14] Zheyu Liu, Hongjie Cheng, Changfu Xu, et al. Effect of lithology on pore-scale residual oil displacement in chemical flooding using nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. Presented in SPE EOR Conference at Oil and Gas West Asia. 2018 SPE-190450.
[15] 刘哲宇, 魏秋帆, 张菁,等. 二元复合体系动用不同模态孔隙结构的剩余油. 断块油气田, 2019, 26 (3): 337-341.
[16] 刘哲宇, 李宜强, 庄永涛,等. 多孔介质中二元复合体系乳化前后流动规律研究. 石油科学通报, 2017, 04: 527-535
[17] 刘哲宇, 李宜强, 高文彬,等. 纵向非均质油藏聚合物变阻力渗流规律实验研究, 新疆石油地质, 2017, 38(3): 331-336.
[18] 刘哲宇, 李宜强, 王晓光,等. 三元复合驱组分协同作用规律研究. 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 40(6): 118-125.
[19] 李织宏, 云庆庆, 唐文洁, 刘哲宇*, 郭杨, 娄清香. 石油磺酸盐乳化相行为及乳化作用对提高采收率的影响, 2020(3): 468-473.
[20] 王贵江, 张杰, 苑光宇, 刘哲宇*. 中高矿化度聚表剂乳化性能及稳定乳状液驱油机理. 特种油气藏, 2019(4): 142-147.
[1] 一种基于荧光示踪评价不同界面性能纳米粒子提高原油采收率能力的方法,中国, ZL 202210043295.5.
[2] 用于评价化学体系原位乳化对提高原油采收率的贡献程度的方法和装置,中国,ZL 202011005399.4.
[3] 聚合物溶液在多孔介质中的滞留信息的测定方法及系统,中国, ZL 202010060610.6.
[4] Artificial sandstone and/or conglomerate core based on lithology and pore structure control and preparation method and application thereof, 美国, US11192824B1
[5] Artificial sandstone and/or conglomerate core based on lithology and permeability control and preparation method and application thereof, 美国, US11136265B1
[6] 基于水动力学特征尺寸的聚合物临界缔合浓度的测定方法,中国, ZL 202011594974.9.
[7] 测定聚合物水动力学尺寸的方法,中国,ZL 201910522255.7.
[1] 国家自然基金青年基金项目:活性纳米流体复合驱原位乳化控制方法与高效驱油机制(52004305),课题负责人,2021-2023.
[2] 中国石油大学(北京)人才引进科研启动基金项目,“纳米流体原位乳化抑/控制指进现象可视化研究”,课题负责人,2020-2021.
[3] “十三五”国家科技重大专项:海上稠油高效开发新技术-海上油田化学驱油技术-海上油田微观非均相驱油技术研究,副子课题长.
[4] “十三五”国家科技重大专项:高含水油田提高采收率新技术-优势渗透通道识别与表征及控制无效循环技术-高含水后期微观渗流规律研究,主要参与人.
[5] 油田企业委托项目,基于CT扫描技术对特高含水期长期剩余油形态及分散程度定量测试及分析,项目负责人.
[1] 无碱绿色高效二元驱关键技术与应用,科技进步奖特等奖,中国石油和化工自动化应用协会,排名11,2020年
[2] 聚合物梯次降粘提高储层动用程度理论与精细开发模式,科技进步奖一等奖,中国石油和化工自动化应用协会,排名12,2018年
1. Petroleum Science 青年编委
2. SCI期刊Energies 2022年专刊 Oil Field Chemicals and Enhanced Oil Recovery 客座编辑
3. SPE, EAGE 会员
4. 期刊审稿人:Fuel, SPE Journal, Langmuir, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research等.