[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51679251,深水钢纤维混凝土夹心管的热屈曲研究,2017.01-2020.12,已结题,主持;
[2] 天津大港油田集团工程建设有限责任公司横向项目,海底管道管沟原土机械回填技术及装备研究,2016,已结题,主持;
[3] 中国石油集团海洋工程有限公司横向项目,月东油田外输海管部分埋深不足治理工程屈曲计算,2015,已结题,主持;
[4] 教育部高校博士学科点基金,20120007120002,深水管道铺设的局部屈曲及其传播控制,2013.01-2015.12,已结题,主持;
[5] 中海石油研究中心国家科技重大专项(深水海底管道和立管工程技术)子课题“深水海底管道和立管监测技术研究”,2008ZX05026-005-08,2008.01-2011.03,已结题,主持;
[6] 海洋石油工程股份有限公司国家科技重大专项(荔湾3-1气田工程设计、建造、安装技术)子课题“深水安装技术及安装机具研究”,2008ZX05056-03,2008.01-2011.06,已结题,主要完成人;
[7] 单层保温海底管道现场节点设计及试验研究-单层保温管节点受力分析,中海石油研究中心,CNOOCRC(LTD)ZHKY2008-016,2008.011-2011.03,已结题,主要完成人;
[8] UJUNG PANGKAH PLATFORM INSTALLATION & FLOWLING EPCI项目(印尼)海底管道侧向屈曲评估,海洋石油工程股份有限公司项目,2009.03-2011.06,已结题,主要完成人;
[9] NH4/HYSY931钻井平台彩虹项目作业拔桩及防硫能力评估和适应性改造方案研究,中海油田服务股份有限公司,JSKF2008YJ01,2008.01-2010.03,已结题,主要完成人;
[1] Zhao Tianfeng, Zhang Qingyuan*, Chu Gui. Truss-type maintenance devices and corresponding pipeline lifting control strategies. Petroleum Science. 2021, 18(3):939-950. (SCI, JCR二区, Impact Factor: 2.096);
[2] Tianfeng Zhao*, Fajun Yu. Critical upheaval buckling forces of sandwich pipelines with variable stiffnesses of pipe material. Ocean Engineering. 2020,217(SCI, JCR一区, Impact Factor:3.068);
[3] Zhao Tianfeng, Fu Shixiao*, Wu Tianhao. Seabed stiffness influences and water damping effects on vibration of the touchdown zone in a steel catenary riser. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. 2019,170:30-39. (SCI, JCR四区, Impact Factor:2.075);
[4] Yajun Chai, Tianfeng Zhao*. Probability of upheaval buckling for subsea pipeline considering uncertainty factors. Ships and Offshore Structures. 2018,13(6):630-636. (EI、SCI, JCR四区, Impact Factor: 1.685);
[5] Tianfeng Zhao*, Menglan Duan. Upheaval buckling of in-service cased insulated flowline. Ships and Offshore Structures. 2017,12(5): 706–714. (EI、SCI, JCR四区, Impact Factor: 1.387);
[6] Zhao Tianfeng*, Tian Zhigang. New tool for internal pressure during fabrication and installation of mechanically lined pipelines using reel-lay method. Applied Ocean Research. 2016, 58:232-240. (SCI, JCR三区, Impact Factor: 1.596);
[7] Zhao Tianfeng*, Feng Xianhong. Upheaval buckling solution for submarine pipelines by segmented ditching and hot water flushing. Ocean Engineering. 2015,102:129–135. (SCI, JCR二区, Impact Factor: 1.351);
[8] Tianfeng Zhao*, Yang He. Exact thermal elasticity solution for non-compliant pipe-in-pipe systems, Ships and Offshore Structures. 2015, 10(4):385-392. (EI、SCI, JCR四区, Impact Factor: 0.79);
[9] Tianfeng Zhao *, Zhihui Hu. Numerical analysis of detaching and wrinkling of mechanically lined pipeline during its spooling-on stage to the reel. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters. 2015, 5:205-209.