




[1] 国家重点研发计划“国家石油及天然气储备库安全保障技术与装备研发”专题:石油和天然气储罐多灾种耦合效应与事故反演技术研究.

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金: 涡流激励条件下缺陷表面磁场和温度场分布规律研究.

[3] 中国石油科技创新基金:基于交流电磁场的油气长输管道内检测技术基础研究.

[4] 中国博士后科学基金第51批面上资助项目:基于交流电磁场的海洋平台结构损伤检测技术研究.

[5] 中国石油大学(北京)引进人才科研启动基金:基于涡流激励热成像的海洋平台结构损伤检测技术研究.

[6] 中海石油(中国)有限公司北京研究中心:注水井堵塞机理及增注降耗方法研究—解堵注水安全评价.

[7] 中国石油大学(华东):海上钻完井工程风险评估技术及软件研究—海上钻井作业过程动态风险评估及钻井事故数据库和软件接口设计研究.


[1] Laibin Zhang, Shengnan Wu, Wenpei Zheng, Jianchun Fan. A dynamic and quantitative risk assessment method with uncertainties for offshore managed pressure drilling phases. Safety Science, Volume 104, April 2018, Pages 39–54.

[2] Wu, S., Zhang, L., Barros, A., Zheng, W., Liu, Y. . Performance analysis for subsea blind shear ram preventers subject to testing strategies. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2018, 169, 281-298.

[3] Wu, S., Zhang, L., Lundteigen, M. A., Liu, Y., Zheng, W.*. Reliability assessment for final elements of SISs with time dependent failures. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. 2018, 51, 186-199.

[4] 魏嘉怡,张来斌,郑文培*,贺敏. 涡流热成像动态检测模式的缺陷信号重构方法研究,中国安全生产科学技术,2017.10.30,(10):104~109.

[5] He, M., Zhang, L., Li, J., Zheng, W.*. Methods for suppression of the effect of uneven surface emissivity of material in the moving mode of eddy current thermography. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 118, 612-620.

[6] He, M., Zhang, L., Zheng, W.*, Feng, Y. . Crack detection based on a moving mode of eddy current thermography method. Measurement, 2017, 109, 119-129.

[7] He, M., Zhang, L., Zheng, W.*, Feng, Y. . Investigation on a new inducer of pulsed eddy current thermography. AIP Advances, 2016, 6(9), 095221.

[8] Wenpei Zheng*. Alternating Current Field Measurement Inducer Design for ILI of Pipelines. 12th Pipeline Technology Conference, 2-4 May 2017, Berlin, Germany.

[9] Wenpei ZHENG*. Numerical Simulation in Alternating Current Field Measurement. 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT 2016), 13-17 June 2016, Munich, Germany.