











[1] 北京国家自然基金面上基金项目,深水油气混输管道中赋存蜡的水合物生成传热传质机制研究,课题负责人,2019-2021

[2] 校自主申报项目,课题负责人,2020-2020

[3] 中国石油工程建设有限公司北京设计分公司科研项目,海外油田CO2驱采油地面工程关键技术研究-CO2物性相态以及CO2循环注入工艺研究,2019-2020

[4] 中国石油天然气集团公司科学研究与技术开发项目,公司发展战略与科技基础工作决策支持研究-重点实验室/试验基地建设及前瞻性研究-油气管道输送条件平台试验新技术研究,课题负责人,2015-2017

[5] 国家自然青年基金项目,流动体系油包水乳状液微观特性对气体水合物生成传质传热影响机理研究,课题负责人,2014-2016

[6] 北京市煤气热力工程设计院有限公司科研项目,高中压调压站冻堵,冻胀对安全运行影响分析及应对措施研究,课题负责人,2015-2016

[7] 校引进人才启动基金项目,油包水乳状液微观特性对水合物浆液流动影响研究,课题负责人,2014-2016


[1] 油气管道输运中的水合物流动安全理论研究,海洋工程科学技术奖,中国海洋工程咨询协会,一等奖,2018(本人排名2/7,学校排名第1)

[2] 海上油气田流动管理技术,中国石油和化学工业联合会技术发明奖,三等奖,2019(本人排名3/6,学校排名第2)

[3] 油气管道流动保障关键技术研究及应用,2018年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术),二等奖,2018年(本人排名10/14,学校排名第1)

[4] 海洋油气混输管道流动预测关键技术及应用,中国石油和化学工业联合科技进步奖,二等奖,2017年(本人排名5/10,学校排名第1)

[5] 西气东输二线西段管道安全运行关键技术,新疆维吾尔自治区科学技术进步奖,三等奖,2015年(本人排名4/7,学校排名第2)


[1] Bohui Shi*,Yang Liu,Lin Ding,Xiaofang Lv,Jing Gong. New simulator for gas–hydrate slurry stratified flow based on the hydrate kinetic growth model. Journal of Energy Resources Technology-Transactions of The ASME.2019-01-01.141(1).1290601-1290611.

[2] Bohui Shi*,Shuai Chai,Lin Ding,Yuchuan Chen,Yang Liu,Shangfei Song,Haiyuan Yao,Haihao Wu,Wei Wang,Jing Gong. An investigation on gas hydrate formation and slurry viscosity in the presence of wax crystals.AIChE J.2018-09-01.64(9).3502-3518.

[3] Bohui Shi*,Shangfei Song,Xiaofang Lv,Wenqing Li,Ying Wang,Lin Ding,Yang Liu,Juheng Yang,Haihao Wu,Wei Wang,Jing Gong. Investigation on natural gas hydrate dissociation from a slurry to a water-in-oil emulsion in a high-pressure flow loop. FUEL.2018-07-02.233.743-758.

[4] Bohui Shi*,Lin Ding,Wenqing Li,Xiaofang Lv,Yang Liu,Shangfei Song,Chaoyu Ruan,Haihao Wu,Wei Wang,Jing Gong. Investigation on hydrates blockage and restart process mechanisms of CO2 hydrate slurry flow. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering.2018-03-14.13(3).219301-219314.

[5] Bohui Shi*,Lin Ding,Yang Liu,Juheng Yang,Shangfei Song,Haihao Wu,Wei Wang,Jing Gong. Hydrate slurry flow property in W/O emulsion systems. RSC Advances. 2018-03-22.8(21). 11436-11445.

[6] Bohui Shi*,Liang Yang,Shuanshi Fan,Xia Lou. An investigation on repeated methane hydrates formation in porous hydrogel particles. FUEL.2017-04-15.194.395-405.

[7] Bohui Shi*,Jiaqi Wang,Yifan Yu,Lin Ding,Yang Liu,Haihao Wu. Investigation on the transition criterion of smooth stratified flow to other flow patterns for gas-hydrate slurry flow. International Journal of Chemical Engineering.2017-05-02.9846507.1-13.

[8] Bohui Shi*,Shuai Chai,Linyan Wang,Xiaofang Lv,Huishu Liu,Haihao Wu,Wei Wang,Da Yu,Jing Gong. Viscosity investigation of natural gas hydrate slurries with anti-agglomerants additives. FUEL.2016-07-28.185.323-338.

[9] Bohui Shi*, Shuanshi Fan, Xia Lou. Application of the shrinking-core model to the kinetics of repeated formation of methane hydrates in a system of mixed dry-water and porous hydrogel particulates. Chemical Engineering Science, 2014.04.19, 109, 315-325.

[10] Bohui Shi, Jing Gong*, Changyu Sun*, Jiankui Zhao, Yao Ding, Guangjin Chen. An inward and outward natural gas hydrates growth shell model considering intrinsic kinetics, mass and heat transfer. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011.07.15, 171:1308–1316.