Petroleum Science >2012, Issue 2: 242-250 DOI:
Prediction of density and viscosity of ternary systems [C2q]Br+[C4q]Br+H2O, [C2q]Br+[C6q]Br +H2O, and [C4q]Br+[C6q]Br+H2O at different temperatures using their binary subsystems data Open Access
作者:Xiaoming Peng, Yufeng Hu, Hongda Chu, Chao Miao, Zheyu Li, Zhixin Wang
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing and High Pressure Fluid Phase Behavior & Property Research Laboratory, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
引用方式:Peng, X., Hu, Y., Chu, H. et al. Pet. Sci. (2012) 9: 242.
The simple equations for prediction of the density and viscosity of mixed electrolyte solutions were extended to the related properties of mixed ionic liquid solutions. The density and viscosity were measured for ternary solutions [C2q]Br(N-ethylquinolinium bromide)+[C4q]Br (N-butylquinolinium bromide)+H2O, [C2q]Br+[C6q]Br(N-hexylquinolinium bromide)+H2O, and [C4q]Br+[C6q]Br+H2O and their binary subsystems [C2q]Br+H2O, [C4q]Br+H2O, and [C6q]Br+H2O at 15, 20 and 25 °C, respectively. The results were used to test the predictability of the extended equations. The comparison results show that these simple equations can be used to predict the density and viscosity of the mixed ionic liquid solutions from the properties of their binary subsystems of equal ionic strength.
Density, viscosity, prediction, N-ethylquinolinium bromide, N-butylquinolinium bromide, N-hexylquinolinium bromide