Petroleum Science >2023, Issue2: - DOI:
Shale gas transport in nanopores with mobile water films and water bridge Open Access
作者:Ran Li, Zhangxin Chen, Keliu Wu, Jinze Xu
引用方式:Ran Li, Zhangxin Chen, Keliu Wu, Jinze Xu, Shale gas transport in nanopores with mobile water films and water bridge, Petroleum Science, Volume 20, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 1068-1076,
Abstract: Gas flow properties in nanopores are significantly determined by the flow patterns. Slug flow pattern is a potential water–gas two phase flow pattern, in which gas molecules flow in form of gas slugs and water molecules separate gas slugs. Considering water slippage, a portion of water molecules accumulates at the wall with lower mobility, while the remaining water molecules take the shape of a water bridge. Adopting foam apparent viscosity model to represent slug rheological behavior, how water bridge disturbs on gas flow capacity is estimated. The results are compared with the water–gas two phase flow model that assumes annular flow pattern as well as the single gas flow model without the consideration of water. The comparison illustrates that gas molecular movement is significantly hindered by flow space reduction and loss of gas slippage. The impact from water phase of slug flow pattern is more significant than that of annular flow pattern on gas flow capacity. It is discovered that larger nanopores improve gas flow capacity while maintaining bulk water layer thickness and increasing water bridge thickness tend to reduce gas transport ability. A better understanding of the structure and transport of water and gas molecules is conducive to figure out the specific gas–water flow behavior and predict shale gas production.
Keywords: Shale gas; Water bridge; Water film; Nanopore