Petroleum Science >2024, Issue2: - DOI:
Accurate simulations of pure-viscoacoustic wave propagation in tilted transversely isotropic media Open Access
作者:Qiang Mao, Jian-Ping Huang, Xin-Ru Mu, Ji-Dong Yang, Yu-Jian Zhang
引用方式:Qiang Mao, Jian-Ping Huang, Xin-Ru Mu, Ji-Dong Yang, Yu-Jian Zhang, Accurate simulations of pure-viscoacoustic wave propagation in tilted transversely isotropic media, Petroleum Science, Volume 21, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 866-884,
Abstract: Forward modeling of seismic wave propagation is crucial for the realization of reverse time migration (RTM) and full waveform inversion (FWI) in attenuating transversely isotropic media. To describe the attenuation and anisotropy properties of subsurface media, the pure-viscoacoustic anisotropic wave equations are established for wavefield simulations, because they can provide clear and stable wavefields. However, due to the use of several approximations in deriving the wave equation and the introduction of a fractional Laplacian approximation in solving the derived equation, the wavefields simulated by the previous pure-viscoacoustic tilted transversely isotropic (TTI) wave equations has low accuracy. To accurately simulate wavefields in media with velocity anisotropy and attenuation anisotropy, we first derive a new pure-viscoacoustic TTI wave equation from the exact complex-valued dispersion formula in viscoelastic vertical transversely isotropic (VTI) media. Then, we present the hybrid finite-difference and low-rank decomposition (HFDLRD) method to accurately solve our proposed pure-viscoacoustic TTI wave equation. Theoretical analysis and numerical examples suggest that our pure-viscoacoustic TTI wave equation has higher accuracy than previous pure-viscoacoustic TTI wave equations in describing qP-wave kinematic and attenuation characteristics. Additionally, the numerical experiment in a simple two-layer model shows that the HFDLRD technique outperforms the hybrid finite-difference and pseudo-spectral (HFDPS) method in terms of accuracy of wavefield modeling.
Keywords: Pure-viscoacoustic TTI wave equation; Attenuation anisotropy; Seismic modeling; Low-rank decomposition method