Petroleum Science >2025, Issue6: - DOI:
Control and prediction of bedding-parallel fractures in fine-grained sedimentary rocks: A case from the Permian Lucaogou Formation in Jimusar Sag, Junggar Basin, Western China Open Access
作者:Zhao-Hui Zhang, Teng Zhang, Hua-Qing Liu, Xiang-Bo Li, Duo-Nian Xu
引用方式:Zhao-Hui Zhang, Teng Zhang, Hua-Qing Liu, Xiang-Bo Li, Duo-Nian Xu, Control and prediction of bedding-parallel fractures in fine-grained sedimentary rocks: A case from the Permian Lucaogou Formation in Jimusar Sag, Junggar Basin, Western China, Petroleum Science, Volume 21, Issue 6, 2024, Pages 3815-3838,
Abstract: The fine-grained sedimentary rocks have numerous bedding-parallel fractures that are essential for the migration, enrichment, and efficient development of oil and gas. However, because of their variety and the complexity of the factors that affect them, their spatial prediction by the industrial community becomes challenging. Based on sample cores, thin sections, and well-logging and seismic data, this study employed a multi-scale data matching approach to quantitatively predict the development of bedding-parallel fractures and investigate their spatial distribution. Bedding-parallel fractures in the Lucaogou Formation in Jimusar Sag frequently occur along preexisting bedding planes and lithological interfaces. Unfilled bedding-parallel fractures inside or near source-rocks exhibit enhanced oil-bearing capacity. They were identified on micro-resistivity scanning images by the presence of regularly continuous black or nearly black sinusoidal curves. Overall, the developmental degree of bedding-parallel fractures was positively related to the brittle mineral and total organic carbon contents and negatively related to single reservoir interval thickness. The maintained porosity of the reservoir matrix contributed to a thorough response to factors affecting the development of bedding-parallel fractures. Here, an effective and objective method was proposed for predicting the development and distribution of bedding-parallel fractures in the fine-grained sedimentary rocks. The method was based on the matched reservoir interval density, reservoir interval density, and matched sweet spot density of bedding-parallel fractures. The prediction method integrated the significant advantages of high vertical resolution from logging curves and strong lateral continuity from seismic data. The average relative prediction error was 8% in the upper sweet spot in the Lucaogou Formation, indicating that the evaluation parameters for bedding-parallel fractures in fine-grained sedimentary rocks were reasonable and reliable and that the proposed prediction method has a stronger adaptability than the previously reported methods. The workflow based on multi-scale matching and stepwise progression can be applied in similar fine-grained sedimentary rocks, providing reliable technological support for the exploration and development of hydrocarbons.
Keywords: Bedding-parallel fractures; Fine-grained sedimentary rocks; Multiscale matching; Quantitative prediction; Lucaogou formation; Junggar Basin