Petroleum Science >2025, Issue6: - DOI:
Sandstone breaking performances and mechanisms of swirling abrasive waterjet during radial jet drilling process Open Access
作者:Huan Li, Jing-Bin Li, Chen-Rui Guo, Hao Wang, Rui Li, Zhong-Wei Huang
引用方式:Huan Li, Jing-Bin Li, Chen-Rui Guo, Hao Wang, Rui Li, Zhong-Wei Huang, Sandstone breaking performances and mechanisms of swirling abrasive waterjet during radial jet drilling process, Petroleum Science, Volume 21, Issue 6, 2024, Pages 4298-4310,
Abstract: Radial jet drilling (RJD) is one of the emerging hydrocarbon drilling technologies. And, the swirling abrasive waterjet (SAWJ) is expected to drill larger diameter laterals during RJD. Here, the performances and mechanisms of SAWJ breaking sandstone were studied by laboratory experiments. Results showed that the SAWJ could drill a smooth (surface roughness was 0.043 mm) & large (diameter was in 52.0–73.0 mm) circular hole on sandstone. The hole depth/volume increased as the jetting pressure, abrasive mass concentration and exposure time increased. Conversely, they decreased as the standoff distance increased. The optimal parameter combination under our experimental conditions was 30 MPa, 0 mm, 12% and 1 min. The SAWJ sandstone breaking mechanism were the erosion of cements, the integrally peeled off and broken of crystal grain. Failure mode of sandstone was mainly the tensile fracture. The key findings will provide guidance for the application of SAWJ in RJD technology.
Keywords: Development of unconventional oil and gas; Abrasive waterjet; Radial jet drilling; Sandstone breakage