Petroleum Science >2025, Issue6: - DOI:
Interwell interference model of horizontal wells in shale gas reservoirs based on multi-connected boundary element method Open Access
作者:Yu-Long Zhao, Hao-Yan Feng, Cheng-Zhong Bu, Li-Sha Zhou, Jian-Fa Wu, Lie-Hui Zhang, Ying-Fang Zhou
引用方式:Yu-Long Zhao, Hao-Yan Feng, Cheng-Zhong Bu, Li-Sha Zhou, Jian-Fa Wu, Lie-Hui Zhang, Ying-Fang Zhou, Interwell interference model of horizontal wells in shale gas reservoirs based on multi-connected boundary element method, Petroleum Science, Volume 21, Issue 6, 2024, Pages 4278-4297,
Abstract: Due to the wide application of closely spaced multi-well horizontal pads for developing unconventional gas reservoirs, interference between wells becomes a significant concern. Communication between wells mainly occurs through natural fractures. However, previous studies have found that interwell communication through natural fractures is varied, and non-communication also appears in the mid and late stages of production due to natural fracture closure. This study proposes a boundary element method for coupling multi-connected regions for the first time. Using this method, we coupled multiple flow fields to establish dual-well models with various connectivity conditions of the stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) region. These models also take into consideration of adsorption and desorption mechanism of natural gas as well as the impact of fracturing fluid retention. The study found that when considering the non-communication of SRV regions between multi-well horizontal pads, the transient behavior of the targeted well exhibits a transitional flow stage occurring before the well interference flow stage. In addition, sensitivity analysis shows that the well spacing and production regime, as well as the connectivity conditions of the SRV region, affect the timing of interwell interference. Meanwhile, the productivity of the two wells, reservoir properties, and fracturing operations affect the intensity of interwell interference.
Keywords: Interwell interference; Multi-connected boundary element method; Shale gas reservoirs; Complex flow mechanisms; Transient analysis