Petroleum Science >2025, Issue6: - DOI:
Feasibility of CO2 storage and enhanced gas recovery in depleted tight sandstone gas reservoirs within multi-stage fracturing horizontal wells Open Access
作者:Er-Meng Zhao, Zhi-Jun Jin, Gen-Sheng Li, Kai-Qiang Zhang, Yue Zeng
引用方式:Er-Meng Zhao, Zhi-Jun Jin, Gen-Sheng Li, Kai-Qiang Zhang, Yue Zeng, Feasibility of CO2 storage and enhanced gas recovery in depleted tight sandstone gas reservoirs within multi-stage fracturing horizontal wells, Petroleum Science, Volume 21, Issue 6, 2024, Pages 4189-4203,
Abstract: Injecting CO2 when the gas reservoir of tight sandstone is depleted can achieve the dual purposes of greenhouse gas storage and enhanced gas recovery (CS-EGR). To evaluate the feasibility of CO2 injection to enhance gas recovery and understand the production mechanism, a numerical simulation model of CS-EGR in multi-stage fracturing horizontal wells is established. The behavior of gas production and CO2 sequestration is then analyzed through numerical simulation, and the impact of fracture parameters on production performance is examined. Simulation results show that the production rate increases significantly and a large amount of CO2 is stored in the reservoir, proving the technical potential. However, hydraulic fractures accelerate CO2 breakthrough, resulting in lower gas recovery and lower CO2 storage than in gas reservoirs without fracturing. Increasing the length of hydraulic fractures can significantly increase CH4 production, but CO2 breakthrough will advance. Staggered and spaced perforation of hydraulic fractures in injection wells and production wells changes the fluid flow path, which can delay CO2 breakthrough and benefit production efficiency. The fracture network of massive hydraulic fracturing has a positive effect on the CS-EGR. As a result, CH4 production, gas recovery, and CO2 storage increase with the increase in stimulated reservoir volume.
Keywords: Tight sandstone gas reservoir; CO2 geological storage; Enhanced gas recovery; Multi-stage fracturing horizontal well; Numerical simulation