Petroleum Science > DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petsci.2024.12.023
Self-supervised simultaneous deblending and interpolation of incomplete blended data using a multistep blind-trace U-Net Open Access
作者:Ben-Feng Wang, Shi-Cong Lin, Xin-Yi Chen
引用方式:Ben-Feng Wang, Shi-Cong Lin, Xin-Yi Chen, Self-supervised simultaneous deblending and interpolation of incomplete blended data using a multistep blind-trace U-Net, Petroleum Science, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petsci.2024.12.023.
Abstract: Blended acquisition offers efficiency improvements over conventional seismic data acquisition, at the cost of introducing blending noise effects. Besides, seismic data often suffers from irregularly missing shots caused by artificial or natural effects during blended acquisition. Therefore, blending noise attenuation and missing shots reconstruction are essential for providing high-quality seismic data for further seismic processing and interpretation. The iterative shrinkage thresholding algorithm can help obtain deblended data based on sparsity assumptions of complete unblended data, and it characterizes seismic data linearly. Supervised learning algorithms can effectively capture the nonlinear relationship between incomplete pseudo-deblended data and complete unblended data. However, the dependence on complete unblended labels limits their practicality in field applications. Consequently, a self-supervised algorithm is presented for simultaneous deblending and interpolation of incomplete blended data, which minimizes the difference between simulated and observed incomplete pseudo-deblended data. The used blind-trace U-Net (BTU-Net) prevents identity mapping during complete unblended data estimation. Furthermore, a multistep process with blending noise simulation-subtraction and missing traces reconstruction-insertion is used in each step to improve the deblending and interpolation performance. Experiments with synthetic and field incomplete blended data demonstrate the effectiveness of the multistep self-supervised BTU-Net algorithm.
Keywords: Blind-trace U-net; Self-supervised learning; Simultaneous deblending and interpolation; Multi-step processing