孙挺:1981年10月出生, 辽宁锦州人,博士。2001年获得中国石油大学(华东)油气储运专业学士学位;2005年获得中国石油大学大学(北京)油气田开发工程硕士学位,研究方向为低渗透压裂井产量预测;2014年获得路易斯安那州立大学石油工程博士学位,研究方向为油藏自动历史拟合,产量优化,以及地震数据在油藏历史拟合中的应用。2013年至2016年就职于Halliburton位于休斯顿的软件研究与服务中心(Landmark),担任高级油藏工程师,主要从事海上油气田开发中管网与油藏开发一体化的研究。
电话:010-89731681 邮箱:ting.sun@cup.edu.cn
1. Ting Sun, Christopher White, Yuanyuan Shuai. “Scaling Analysis of Capillary Transition Zone“ (in press),International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 2017.
2. Ting Sun, Christopher White, Juan Lorenzo, Yuanyuan Shuai. “A physical experiment - Sand tank experiment for testing continuous reservoir model updating methods” (in press),JPSE, 2017.
3. Lin Xin, Shicheng Zhang, Chenggang Zheng, Yuanyuan Shuai, Yin Feng, Ting Sun, and Peng Yang. “Optimal production of enzymatic guar gel breaker by Bacillus sp. M1-4 and its potential in hydraulic fracturing”. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 2016.
4. Juan M.Lorenzo, DavidE.Smolkin, ChristopherWhite, ShannonR.Chollett, TingSun. “Benchmark hydrogeophysical data from a physical seismic model”. Computers&Geosciences, 2013.
5. Ting Sun, Christopher White, Juan Lorenzo. “Scaling Analysis and Seismic Resolvability of a Capillary Transition Zone in an Air-Water System”, AGU, 2011.
6. Yuanyuan Shuai, Christopher D. White, Hongchao Zhang and Ting Sun, “Using Multiscale Regularization to Obtain Realistic Optimal Control Strategies”. SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, 2011.