首页» 过刊浏览» 2018» Vol. 3» Issue (1) 83-96     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2018.01.009
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1 中国石油大学(北京)机械与储运工程学院,北京 102249 2 中海油研究总院,北京 100027
Diagnostic testing of sustained casing pressure for an offshore gas well
ZHANG Ximing, FAN Jianchun, LIU Di, LIU Shujie, LV Ningyi, LIANG Zhengwei,WEN Min
1 College of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249,China 2 CNOOC Research Institute, Beijing 100027,China

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摘要  生产管柱泄漏导致的气井环空带压(Sustained Casing Pressure,SCP)问题被普遍认为是危及气田开发生产最大的安全问题,且环空带压发生在“A”环空(生产套管环空)的原因目前仍不明确,尚无有效的、能够在地面实现的检测诊断技术。针对以上问题,本文开发了气井环空带压地面检测诊断技术。利用事故树分析法归纳了导致 “A”环空带压的54种气体泄漏途径。通过分析,得出生产管柱泄漏是 “A”环空带压的最主要原因。建立了基于井筒压力分布的井下管柱泄漏地面定位模型,并研发了综合压力、流量、温度、液位及气体组分监测指标的适用于海上生产平台的环空带压地面检测诊断系统。开展海上气井环空带压现场试验,对系统的检测诊断功能进行了验证。结合井下管柱泄漏地面定位模型和检测系统现场检测数据,利用图解法分析了生产管柱泄漏引起环空压力变化的机理:当生产管柱泄漏点位于初始压力平衡点以上时,导致环空带压;当泄漏点位于初始压力平衡点以下时,将导致环空保护液面下降,环空井口压力依然为0。最后给出了环空井口压力变化与定期泄压导致的环空液面下降的定量关系,阐明了环空液位作为环空带压监测指标的必要性。本文提出的环空带压地面诊断检测技术对提高海上气井生产作业安全保障技术水平,控制开采风险和防止环空带压井发生安全事故具有重要意义。
关键词 : 海上气井, 环空带压, 泄漏检测, 安全屏障, 诊断系统, 完整性

  Industry experience has shown that the most serious problems resulting from sustained casing pressure (SCP) are caused by a tubing leak. In addition, the causes of SCP in the “A” annulus are unclear and there is still no effective detection technology. In order to understand the mechanism of SCP in the “A” annulus of an offshore gas well, a ground-based diagnostic test technology of SCP in the production casing annulus has been investigated. 54 kinds of gas leakage paths leading to SCP are clarified using Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). We identified that a tubing leak is the main reason for SCP. Hence, a model is established for leak detecting and locating for a gas well, based on pressure distribution in the wellbore. And combining a detection index including pressure, flow, temperature, annular liquid level and gas components, a diagnostic test system is developed to monitor well data on offshore platforms. On the base of the model for leak detecting and locating and the testing data, two cases of SCP resulting from production tubing leakage are determined by a graphical method. A tubing leak causes SCP if the leakage point is above the original balance point (the intersection of the profiles of tubing pressure and production casing annulus pressure upon well completion). And the wellhead pressure increases along with the falling of the annular liquid level. If the leakage point is below the original balance point, the annular liquid level falls and the pressure at wellhead remains zero.. At the same time, a quantitative relation is developed of the wellhead pressure increases along with the falling of annular liquid level as a result of a series of pressure bleeding-down operations. It is of significance to improve the safeguard technology level of oil and gas activities.

Key words: offshore gas well sustained casing pressure(SCP) leakage detection security barrier diagnostic system well integrity
收稿日期: 2018-05-30     
通讯作者: 樊建春, fjc688@126.com
张喜明,樊建春,刘迪,刘书杰,吕宁贻,梁政伟,文敏. 海上气井环空带压地面检测诊断技术[J]. 石油科学通报, 2018, 3(1): 83-96. ZHANG Ximing, FAN Jianchun, LIU Di, LIU Shujie, LV Ningyi, LIANG Zhengwei,WEN Min. Diagnostic testing of sustained casing pressure for an offshore gas well. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2018, 3(1): 83-96.
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