首页» 过刊浏览» 2018» Vol. 3» Issue (3) 354-368     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2018.03.032
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中国石油大学 ( 北京 ) 工商管理学院,北京 102249
Evaluation of sustainable economic efficiency in oilfields
YUAN Xingzhi, SUN Zhu, ZHANG Baosheng, YANG Xinlei
School of Business Administration, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China

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摘要  本文基于能值分析的方法,构建了一套适用于石油矿区的可持续经济效率评价体系,该体系分为复合生 态系统和子系统两个层次,分别从整体以及资源、环境、社会和经济4个具体方面评价油区生态系统的运行效率,并以此判断矿区的经济发展趋势、环境承载能力、资源利用效率和可持续发展能力等。该体系共包含13个评价指标,其中部分指标是针对石油矿区的特点,依据能值分析原理创新得出。这13个指标相互补充、相互联系,从资源、环境、社会和经济4个微观方面以及宏观方面对石油矿区复合生态系统进行评价。为检验评价体系的适用性,本文搜集并整理了华北油田冀中矿区 2005 年至 2014 年的生产、消费和自然数据,并将这些数据代入到石油矿区可持续经济效率评价体系中,分析得出 1)该油区现阶段不可再生资源利用量相对较高,资源状况已进入耗竭阶段;2)油区对环境保护有所投入,但治理效率尚需提高;3)当地经济处于平稳上升态势,未来会有更多的发展契机。此外,本文建立的油区可持续经济效率评价系统可以应用于其他油区的可持续发展能力评价,对处于各发展阶段的油区,尤其是进入资源耗竭阶段的老油区更有适用性。
关键词 : 可持续经济效率;能值分析;评价体系;华北油田

Based on the emergy analysis method, this paper constructs a set of systems for evaluation of the sustainable economic efficiency of oilfields. The evaluation system is divided into two levels; a complex ecosystem and a subsystem. The complex ecosystem evaluates the oilfields’ ecosystems from a macro perspective. And the subsystem evaluates the sustainable economic efficiency of oilfields’ ecosystems in terms of resources, environment, society and economy. Based on the evaluation system results, we can judge the economic development trend, the environmental carrying capacity, the resource utilization efficiency and the sustainable development capacity of oil fields. The evaluation system contains 13 evaluation indicators. Some evaluation indicators are suggested on the basis of the characteristics of the oilfields and the principles of emergy analysis. These indicators are complementary and interrelated. They comprehensively evaluate the complex ecosystem of oil fields from four microcosmic aspects of resources, environment, society and economy. In order to test the applicability of the evaluation system, we collected and compiled the production, consumption and environmental data of the Jizhong block in the Huabei oilfield from 2005 to 2014. And fed these data into the evaluation system for oilfields’ sustainable economic efficiency. The results show:1) The current non-renewable resources utilization in the oilfield is relatively high, which reflects that the oilfield has entered the depletion period. 2) The oilfield has invested in environmental protection, but the protection efficiency needs to be improved.3) The local economy is in a steady upward trend. And there will be more development opportunities in the future. In addition, the evaluation system can be applied to the entire Huabei oilfield and also for other oilfields. It is applicable to oilfields at all stages of development, and especially old oilfields that have entered the depletion period.

Key words: sustained economy efficiency; emergy analysis; evaluation system; Huabei oilfield
收稿日期: 2017-09-17     
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目“页岩气开发环境影响量化评估与管理政策研究”(71503264)和国家社科基金重大项目“非常规油气开发利用对 国家能源安全和社会经济的影响”(13&ZD159)联合资助
通讯作者: 孙竹,zhusun1231@163.com
袁省之, 孙竹, 张宝生, 杨鑫磊. 石油矿区可持续经济效率评价体系构建及应用 . 石油科学通报 , 2018, 03: 354-368.YUAN Xingzhi, SUN Zhu, ZHANG Baosheng, YANG Xinlei. Evaluation of sustainable economic efficiency in oilfields. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2018, 03: 354-368. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2018.03.032
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