Morphological distribution and discharge characteristics of nitrogen pollutants in point source wastewater from three typical crude oil refining enterprises
LI Changgang1,3, LANG Xudong1,3, GUO Shaohui1,3, YAN Guangxu2,3
1 College of Science, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China 2 College of Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China 3 Beijing Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Pollution Control, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China
Crude oil refining enterprises are major emitters of nitrogen pollutants. Based on the analysis of point source wastewater from three typical crude oil refineries in China—processing heavy crude oil, medium crude oil and high acid crude oil,the morphological distribution and discharge characteristics of nitrogen pollutants were evaluated, which will provide refining enterprises with basic data support for nitrogen pollutant control. During petroleum refining, nitrogen in oils is transferred to the aqueous phase in the form of ammonia, nitrate and organic nitrogen, of which ammonia is the major form. The heavy crude oil processing discharges the highest amount of nitrogen pollutants, approximately 31.4 g TN/t oil. The medium crude oil processing emits the lowest amount of nitrogen pollutants. A large amount of Organic Nitrogen (ON) pollutants is emitted from the high acid crude oil processing, approximately 10.1 g ON/t oil. When the wastewater reusing process is adopted, the nitrate nitrogen will increase the load of wastewater treatment system, and increase the difficulty for meeting the-standard for discharge of total nitrogen.
LI Changgang, LANG Xudong, GUO Shaohui, YAN Guangxu. Morphological distribution and discharge characteristics of nitrogen pollutants in point source wastewater from three typical crude oil refining enterprises. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2019, 02: 204-212.