2025年3月14日 星期五
首页» 过刊浏览» 2022» Vol.7» Issue(3) 420-428     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2022.03.036
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中国石油大学(北京)油气资源与探测国家重点实验室,北京 102249
Large-eddy simulation of flow characteristics near the wall of conestraight nozzl
JIANG Tianwen, HUANG Zhongwei, LI Jingbin
State key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Exploration, China University of Petroleum-Beijing 102249, China

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摘要  近壁处流体受到收缩斜面的激荡产生边界层转捩,在近壁处形成回流 涡,延缓了近壁处流动速度的增长,增加了边界层厚度
关键词 : 锥直型喷嘴;边界层;摩擦阻力;大涡模拟;壁面剪切力

Nozzles are widely used in the petroleum industry, including cleaning, auxiliary rock breaking, perforation, and other functions. As the most commonly used nozzle type, the cone-shaped nozzle has been widely studied, the flow properties nearwall play an essential role in flow resistance and need to be revealed. In this paper, the large eddy simulation model numerically were used to simulate the flow field in the nozzle. The velocity field distribution, velocity gradient, wall pressure, wall shear stress, skin friction coefficient in the nozzle were analyzed. The following results were concluded: the velocity distribution of the fluid changes from a parabola to an M shape during the acceleration process in the contraction section, and Peaks appear near the wall; boundary layer transitions and vortices appear near at the beginning of the converging section; boundary layer transitions and separations occur near at the end of the converging section and the beginning of straight pipe sections, where the velocity gradient, wall shear force, and skin friction coefficient all have peak values; the flow near the wall of the straight pipe section is vortex-laminar alternately; the wall shear force, velocity gradient, and skin friction coefficient of the straight pipe section show periodic fluctuations, which alternate with the flow state near the wall. Most of the nozzle flow resistance is generated in the nozzle straight pipe section, and the appearance of the vortex reduces the skin friction coefficient. When the nozzle drag reduction is performed, the contour of the transition from the nozzle contraction section to the straight pipe section can be optimized, and the straight pipe section should also be considered when passive drag reduction design is carried out inside. By describing the flow characteristics near the inner wall of the nozzle, the location and reason of the frictional resistance of the internal flow characteristics of the nozzle were analyzed, which aimed to provide theoretical support for further optimizing the nozzle structure and reducing the nozzle flow resistance.

Key words: cone-straight nozzle; boundary layers; flow resistance; large eddy simulation; wall shear stress
收稿日期: 2022-09-29     
基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目分支井眼辅助干热岩注采井缝网沟通机理研究( 项目号:52020105001) 资助
通讯作者: huangzw@cup.edu.cn
姜天文, 黄中伟, 李敬彬. 锥直型喷嘴内近壁处流动特性的大涡模拟. 石油科学通报, 2022, 03: 420-428
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