首页» 过刊浏览» 2022» Vol.7» Issue(3) 365-381     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2022.03.032
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unconventional oil and gas; degradable diverter; transport and plugging; fracture propagation; fracturing technique
Advances and key techniques of temporary plugging and diverting fracturing
ZHOU Fujian, YUAN Lishan, LIU Xiongfei, WANG Bo, LI Minghui, LI Ben
unconventional oil and gas; degradable diverter; transport and plugging; fracture propagation; fracturing technique

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摘要  暂堵转向压裂技术是通过泵注暂堵剂进入井底,封堵液体主要流动通 道,提高井底压力,从而促使新的裂缝起裂延伸,作业结束后暂堵剂 完全降解,解除封堵。暂堵转向压裂技术关键技术包括暂堵剂运移与 封堵行为、裂缝转向规律,以及现场施工与监测。
关键词 : 非常规油气;可降解暂堵剂;运移封堵;裂缝扩展;压裂工艺

Temporary plugging and diverting fracturing (TPDF) is one of the important stimulation means to increase production when developing unconventional oil and gas resources. By compiling the literature on TPDF technique at home and abroad, the development of TPDF technique was summarized from three aspects: mechanism, material and process. Firstly, TPDF included three key steps: transport of the temporary plugging agent, plugging process, and fracture diverting. The divergent behavior in transport of different temporary plugging agent particles affected the subsequent plugging process, which in turn affected the opening of new fractures, and all three are closely related. Secondly, various types of temporary plugging agents are applied in the field, including solid particles, fibers, gels, foams, etc. Suitable temporary plugging agents need to be selected according to the reservoir characteristics, especially considering their temperature resistance, degradability and intensity. Presently, degradable particles and fiber temporary plugging agents were the mainstream development trend. Finally, the TPDF technique had a wide range of application scenarios, and its effectiveness had been confirmed by various monitoring methods. During the operation, different filling methods need to be adopted according to the difference in temporary plugging agent types, and the amount and timing of temporary plugging agent can be optimized and designed through various advanced technical means such as fiber optics outside the pipe and high frequency pressure monitoring. With the application and promotion of these advanced technologies, the TPDF operation will finally realize real-time regulation and optimization.

Key words: unconventional oil and gas; degradable diverter; transport and plugging; fracture propagation; fracturing technique
收稿日期: 2022-09-29     
基金资助: zhoufj@cup.edu.cn
通讯作者: zhoufj@cup.edu.cn
周福建, 袁立山, 刘雄飞, 王博, 李明辉, 李奔. 暂堵转向压裂关键技术与进展. 石油科学通报, 2022, 03: 365-381
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