2025年3月13日 星期四
首页» 过刊浏览» 2024» Vol.9» lssue(4) 563-573     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2024.04.042
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郑炀, 时新磊, 岳宝林, 张彬
1 中海石油( 中国) 有限公司天津分公司,天津 300459 2 中海油能源发展股份有限公司工程技术分公司, 天津 300459
A method for permeability evaluation based on relative permeability experiments and pressure mobility
ZHENG Yang, SHI Xinlei, YUE Baolin, ZHANG Bin
1 Tianjin Branch of CNOOC Ltd., Tianjin 300459, China 2 CNOOC EnterTech-Drilling & Production Co., Tianjin 300459, China

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摘要  储层渗透率是制定油田开发方案的关键参数,但海上取心价格昂贵,部分油田由于缺少岩心资料导致渗透率难以准确评价。本文基于岩心实验、核磁共振测井和测压等资料,提出一种评价地层渗透率的方法,其过程如下:①通过分析岩心相渗资料发现,岩心的束缚水饱和度与相对渗透率相关性较好,利用研究区39 块相渗实验资料建立了基于束缚水饱和度的油相相对渗透率计算模型。②根据研究区27 块岩心核磁共振T2 谱的形态,将岩石类型分为3 类,并分别确定3 种岩石类型的T2 截止值。针对不同类型的储层,采用变T2 截止值方法获取地层的束缚水饱和度,进而计算得到地层的油相相对渗透率曲线。③根据测压流度的测量原理,结合相渗曲线和地层流体的黏度,将测压流度转换为地层的油相渗透率,结合计算得到的油相相对渗透率曲线,将其转化为地层的绝对渗透率,并通过刻度Coates公式,建立了地层绝对渗透率的评价模型。实际应用结果表明:①计算的地层绝对渗透率与岩心渗透率的误差小。②基于地层绝对渗透率的计算结果对14 口井的产能进行预测,预测结果与钻后实际产量吻合度高。两者说明该方法计算的渗透率精度高,对于类似油田的渗透率评价具有重要的借鉴意义。
关键词 : 渗透率,相渗曲线,油相相对渗透率,束缚水饱和度,测压流度,T2 截止值

Reservoir permeability is a key parameter for oilfield development plans, but offshore coring is expensive, and some oilfields have difficulty accurately evaluating permeability due to the lack of core data. This article proposes a method for evaluating formation permeability based on core experiments, nuclear magnetic resonance logging, and pressure measurement data. The process is as follows: ① the study found that the relative permeability of the oil phase mainly depends on the saturation of the bound water in the formation. Through analyzing the experimental data of 39 core permeability experiments in the study area, it was found that the saturation of bound water in the core is well correlated with the relative permeability of the oil phase. Therefore, an oil phase relative permeability evaluation model based on the saturation of bound water was established. ② By simulating the measurement conditions of nuclear magnetic resonance logging, 27 core nuclear magnetic resonance experimental data were obtained. According to the shape of the core’s nuclear magnetic resonance T2 spectrum, the core is divided into three categories, and the nuclear magnetic resonance T2 cut-off values for each rock type are determined separately. Combined with nuclear magnetic resonance logging data, the bound water saturation of the formation can be calculated. Statistics show that the bound water saturation calculated using this method has a small error compared to the bound water saturation of the rock core, and the calculation accuracy of bound water saturation is high, thus enabling the calculation of the relative permeability of the oil phase in the formation. ③ Based on the measurement principle of pressure measuring fluidity, combined with experimental data on phase permeability and viscosity of formation fluids, the pressure measuring fluidity is converted into the oil phase permeability of the formation. Combined with the relative permeability curve of the oil phase, it is converted into the absolute permeability of the formation, and a formation absolute permeability evaluation model based on the Coates formulas is established. The practical application results show that: ① the error between the calculated absolute permeability of the formation and the permeability of the core is small. ② The permeability calculated based on the new method was used to predict the production capacity of 14 wells, and the predicted results were highly consistent with the actual production after drilling. Both indicate that this method has high accuracy in calculating permeability and has important reference significance for permeability evaluation in similar oil fields.

Key words: permeability; relative permeability curve; relative permeability of oil phases; bound water saturation; mobility from pressure measurement; T2 cutoffs
收稿日期: 2024-08-30     
基金资助:中海石油( 中国) 有限公司科技项目“渤海油田3000 万吨持续稳产关键技术研究- 渤海中深层复杂油气藏高效开发技术”(CNOOCKJ135-ZDXM36-TJ-03-TJ) 资助
通讯作者: zhengyang4@cnooc.com.cn
郑炀, 时新磊, 岳宝林, 张彬. 利用相渗实验和测压流度评价地层绝对渗透率. 石油科学通报, 2024, 04: 563-573 ZHENG Yang, SHI Xinlei, YUE Baolin, ZHANG Bin. A method for permeability evaluation based on relative permeability experiments and pressure mobility. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2024, 04: 563-573.
版权所有 2016 《石油科学通报》杂志社