首页» 过刊浏览» 2024» Vol.9» lssue(4) 604-616     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2024.04.045
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戴佳成, 李根生, 孙耀耀, 李敬彬, 王天宇
中国石油大学( 北京) 油气资源与工程全国重点实验室,北京 102249
Productivity simulation and parameter analysis of shale oil production in radial wells based on horizontal wells
DAI Jiacheng, LI Gensheng, SUN Yaoyao, LI Jingbin, WANG Tianyu
State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China

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摘要  中国页岩油资源储量丰富,潜力巨大。实现页岩油资源的高效开发对于保障国家能源安全,加快行业战略转型具有重要意义。本文提出了一种结合水平井和径向水射流钻井的技术,以高效开采页岩油资源。该技术通过在水平井周围钻进一个或多个径向分布的钻孔,穿透井邻污染区,增加与储层的接触面积,并建立高导流通道以提高生产和注入性能。本文创建了一个考虑地层损伤的耦合流动模型,可以对由水平井和径向射流钻井开发的页岩油生产性进行预测,该模型使用双精细网格,能够描述页岩油储层的压力响应,并分析径向井长度、直径、起始角度、侧向数量、钻井位置和簇数对生产性的影响。文章进一步比较了在相同条件下,由径向射流钻井或水力压裂开发的储层的生产性。结果表明:径向井可显著减小水平井附近流体渗流阻力,增加储层有效泄流面积;径向井长度、分支数、簇数和直径的增加可提升页岩油累产油量;径向井的簇数增加,虽然泄流区域扩大,有利于提升产油量,但是井间的干扰随着簇数的增加而增强,使得累计产油量的增加趋势逐渐减弱;径向井起始角度受渗透率各向异性和重力影响,应以穿透垂向储层为目标;当径向井长度较大时,打开位置对产量影响不大;等簇数下四分支长30 m径向井累产油量略大于水力裂缝缝高15 m时累产油量,其与缝高15 m水力裂缝结合时,累产油量略大于水力裂缝缝高25 m时累产油量。研究发现,该开发模式不仅可以作为水力压裂技术的有效替代或补充,还能以更高效、成本更低的方式实现页岩油的高效开采。研究成果表明“水平井+径向井”页岩油开发模式具有一定的可行性,为页岩油资源高效开采提供了一种高效低成本的新方法。
关键词 : 页岩油,水平井,径向井,产能模拟,水力压裂

There are significant reserves of shale oil in China, which has substantial potential. The efficient development of these resources is crucial for ensuring national energy security and accelerating strategic transformation in the industry. This study introduces an innovative extraction technique that combines horizontal wells with radial water jet drilling, aimed at optimizing the recovery of shale oil. The approach involves drilling radially distributed boreholes around the horizontal well to penetrate the adjacent contamination zone, which can increase the contact area with the reservoir and establishing highly conductive pathways to enhance production and injection performance. A coupled flow model considering formation damage was developed to enable accurate predictions of productivity from shale oil reservoirs developed via horizontal and radial jet drilling. The model, employing dual refined grids, accurately describes the pressure dynamics within shale oil reservoirs and analyzes the impact of radial well parameters such as length, diameter, initial angle, number of laterals, drilling locations, and cluster numbers on productivity. Comparative analyses between reservoirs developed under identical conditions by radial jet drilling versus hydraulic fracturing were conducted. Findings reveal that radial wells significantly mitigate near-well fluid flow resistance and expand the effective drainage area of the formation. Enhancements in radial well dimensions, including length, number of branches, clusters, and diameter, are shown to increase cumulative shale oil production. Although increasing the number of clusters in radial wells expands the drainage area and benefits oil production, the interference between wells intensifies with more clusters, leading to a diminishing trend in the increase of cumulative oil production. The initial angle of radial wells, influenced by anisotropic permeability and gravity, is crucial for targeting vertical formations. Longer radial wells demonstrate that opening positions have a minimal impact on output. Under equal cluster conditions, a radial well with four 30 m laterals slightly outperforms a hydraulically fractured well with 15 m fracture height; when combined with a 15 m hydraulic fracture, the output slightly exceeds that of a 25 m fracture height. This study reveals that the horizontal plus radial well model not only serves as an effective alternative or supplement to hydraulic fracturing techniques but also facilitates more efficient, cost-effective shale oil extraction. The technique proposed herein combines the horizontal well and radial jet drilling technology and has higher economic feasibility, which can serve as a supplementary technology for the hydraulic fracturing approach and provide reference for efficient development of shale oil resources.

Key words: shale oil; horizontal wells; radial wells; productivity simulation; hydraulic fracturing
收稿日期: 2024-08-30     
基金资助:中国石油大学(北京)科研启动基金项目“二氧化碳强化径向井压裂页岩油产能预测及参数优化研究”(No.2462023BJRC025) 资助
通讯作者: ligs@cup.edu.cn
戴佳成, 李根生, 孙耀耀, 李敬彬, 王天宇. 基于水平井的径向井开采页岩油产能模拟和参数分析. 石油科学通报, 2024, 04: 604-616 DAI Jiacheng, LI Gensheng, SUN Yaoyao, LI Jingbin, WANG Tianyu. Productivity simulation and parameter analysis of shale oil production in radial wells based on horizontal wells. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2024, 04: 604-616.
版权所有 2016 《石油科学通报》杂志社