首页» 过刊浏览» 2024» Vol.9» lssue(4) 549-562     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2024.04.041
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侯斯允, 李景叶, 耿伟恒, 韩磊, 王永平.
1 中国石油大学( 北京) 油气资源与工程全国重点实验室,北京 102249 2 中国石油大学( 北京) 地球物理学院,北京 102249 3 清华大学自动化系,北京 100084
A modified inversion method for elastic impedance based on the differentiable hyper-Laplacian blocky constraint
HOU Siyun, LI Jingye, GENG Weiheng, HAN Lei, WANG Yongping
1 State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China 2 College of Geophysics, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China 3 Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

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摘要  岩石物理模型的引入,使得我们可以充分利用叠前地震资料进行反演从而得到更加全面的地下介质信息。然而以反射系数方程为基础的弹性阻抗方程中包含的需要反演的参数的增多,不同参数对反射系数贡献量的不同等问题也增加了反演的难度。因此,为了保证多参数反演的稳定性,两步法反演得到了广泛的应用。即首先进行弹性阻抗反演以得到不同入射角、方位角下的弹性阻抗信息,随后以弹性阻抗作为输入进行下一步的多参数反演。弹性阻抗作为波阻抗反演技术的拓展已经十分成熟,但仍然存在解的非唯一性、分辨率不足和稀疏性较差等问题。为此,本文将信号与图像处理领域中被广泛应用的超拉普拉斯约束引入到反演过程当中。该方法能够避免0 范数求导问题,同时能够根据数据本身特征选取最优p 值,使反演结果获得较高分辨率的同时保证一定的稳定性。并且引入线性化反射系数公式,以求直接通过地震数据反演得到弹性阻抗的反演结果。首先,对线性化弹性阻抗近似公式进行推导并分析其精度。随后,基于贝叶斯反演理论框架,推导了引入微分超拉普拉斯块约束后的弹性阻抗反演目标函数,并选用迭代重加权最小二乘法求解目标函数来获得弹性阻抗反演结果。最后,将新方法结果与传统方法获得的结果进行比较,进而验证方法的准确性以及稳定性。相关系数以及弹性阻抗曲线的对比均有效地证明了所提出方法的反演结果优于传统L1 范数和L2 范数约束的反演结果。将新方法应用于合成数据以及实际数据的反演当中,证明了其有效性和可行性,可以广泛应用于弹性阻抗的反演流程当中,为后续多参数的反演提供了更加可靠全面的信息。
关键词 : 弹性阻抗,叠前反演,微分超拉普拉斯,贝叶斯框架,分辨率

The introduction of rock physics models allows us to fully utilize pre-stack seismic data for inversion, thereby obtaining more comprehensive information about the subsurface media. However, the increase in the number of parameters to be inverted in the elastic impedance equation, which is based on the reflection coefficient equation, as well as the varying contributions of different parameters to the reflection coefficient, have also increased the difficulty of the inversion. Consequently, to ensure the stability of multi-parameter inversion, the two-step inversion method has been widely applied. That is, firstly, perform elastic impedance inversion to obtain elastic impedance information under different incident angles and azimuthal angles, and then use elastic impedance as input for the next step of multi-parameter inversion.Elastic impedance, as an extension of acoustic impedance inversion technology, has become very mature, but there are still problems such as non-uniqueness of solutions, insufficient resolution, and insufficient sparsity of the solution. This article introduces the hyper-Laplacian blocky constraint into the inversion process. This is commonly used in the field of signal and image processing. It can avoid the issue of 0-norm differentiation and also allow for the selection of the optimal p-value according to the characteristics of the data itself, ensuring a certain degree of stability while obtaining higher resolution in the inversion results. At the same time, a linearized approximate PP wave reflection coefficient equation is introduced to obtain the inversion results of elastic impedance directly from the seismic data. First, the derivation of a linearized elastic impedance approximation equation is carried out, and its accuracy is analyzed. Subsequently, based on the Bayesian theory, the objective function of elastic impedance inversion with the introduction of the differentiable hyper-Laplacian blocky constraint is derived. The iterative reweighted least squares method is chosen to solve the objective function to obtain the elastic impedance inversion results. Finally, the results of the new method are compared with those obtained by traditional methods to verify the accuracy and stability of the method. Both the correlation coefficient and the comparison of elastic impedance curves effectively demonstrate that the inversion results obtained by the proposed method are better than those of the traditional inversion results constrained by L1 norm and L2 norm. By applying the new method to the inversion of both synthetic data and real data, its effectiveness and feasibility have been proved. Therefore it can be widely applied in the inversion process of elastic impedance, providing more reliable and comprehensive information for subsequent multi-parameter inversion.

Key words: elastic impedance; pre-stack inversion; differentiable hyper-Laplacian blocky constraint; Bayesian-based inversion framework; resolution
收稿日期: 2024-08-30     
基金资助:中国石油天然气集团有限公司项目“物探应用基础实验和前沿理论方法研究”( 编号:2022DQ0604-04) 资助
通讯作者: lijingye@cup.edu.cn
侯斯允, 李景叶, 耿伟恒, 韩磊, 王永平. 基于微分超拉普拉斯块约束的改进弹性阻抗反演方法. 石油科学通报, 2024, 04: 549-562 HOU Siyun, LI Jingye, GENG Weiheng, HAN Lei, WANG Yongping. A modified inversion method for elastic impedance based on the differentiable hyper-Laplacian blocky constraint. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2024, 04: 549-562
版权所有 2016 《石油科学通报》杂志社