Department of Chemical Technology
2001 ~ 2004 PhD of Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology
1999 ~ 2001 Master of Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology
1995 ~ 1999 Bachelor of Engineering, Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology
1. Synthesis of various kinds of grapheme
2. Modification of graphene by foreign atom doping
3. Application of graphene in catalysis, solar cell, dye-Sensitized solar cells
4. Preparation, property characterization, and applications of various forms carbon nanomaterials (such as fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, nanotube peapods, carbon coated nanometals and CNTs composites)
5. Two dimensional nanomaterials
6. Nanodevice, nanosensors, photosensor, bio-sensors
7. Petrochemical, such as desulfurization for gasoline by carbon materials
Previous Professional Experience
2011 ~ now
School of Chemical Engineering
China University of Petroleum
2008 ~ 2011
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronic Engineering
Tohoku University
2006 ~ 2008
Research Fellow (JSPS: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
Department of Electronic Engineering
Tohoku University
2004 ~ 2006
Research Fellow (COE: 21st Century Center of Excellence)
Department of Electronic Engineering
Tohoku University
Professional Affiliations
Member of a council for Particle Society 2013-now
Member of Japan Society of Applied Physics, 2005-2011
Member of Fullerene and Nanotube Research Society, 2005-2011
Member of American Nano Society 2011- now
1. Scholarship of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2003
2. Postdoctoral Fellowship of COE, Oct 2004—Nov 2006
3. Postdoctoral Fellowship of JSPS, Nov 2006—Nov 2008
4. Excellent Ph. D Thesis in Liaoning Province of China, 2006
5. Top 100 Excellent Ph. D Thesis of China, 2007
6. Liaoning Province Science and Technology Advancement Award, 2008
7. The 7th plasma-electronic award (Japan Society of Applied Physics), 2009
8. New Century Excellent Talents in University, 2009
9. Best review paper award, 2011
10. Young Thousand Talents Program, 2011
Email: yfli@cup.edu.cn
Fax: 86-010-89739028
1. “Schottky junction solar cells based on graphene with different numbers of layers”, Y.F. Li,* W. Yang, Z.Q. Tu, Z.C. Liu, F. Yang, L.Q. Zhang, R. Hatakeyama: Appl. Phys. Lett., 2014, 104, 043903-1-3.
2. “Controllable growth of 1-7 layer graphene by chemical vapor deposition”, Zhiqiang Tu, Zhuchen Liu, Yongfeng Li, * Fan Yang, Liqiang Zhang, Zhen Zhao, Chunming Xu, Hongwen Liu, Haitao Yang, and Pierre Richard: Carbon 2014, 73, 252-258.
3. “Synthesis of three-dimensional graphene from petroleum asphalt by chemical vapour deposition”, Zhuchen Liu, Zhiqiang Tu, Yongfeng Li,*?Fan Yang, Shuang Han, Wang Yang, Liqiang Zhang, Gang Wang, Chunming Xu, and Jinsen Gao, Materials Letters 122 (2014) 285-288.
4. “Plasma Processing Based Synthesis of Functional Nanocarbons”, R. Hatakeyama, T. Kato, Y.F. Li, T. Kaneko: Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 34 (2014) 377-402
5. “In situ observation of structure and electrical property changes of a Ga-doped ZnO/graphene flexible transparent electrode during deformation”, Liqiang Zhang, Zhenfei Gao , Zhiqiang Tu , Chao Liu , Yang Qi , Fan Yang , Wang Yang , Daqiang Jiang , Yunpeng Guo , Zhizhen Ye , Jianguo Lu , Xiao Yuan Hou , Yongfeng Li,* Lishan Cui: Applied Physics Letters , 104 (2014) 221907-1-4.
6. “Plasma Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Porous Graphene Supporting Pd Nanoparticles as a Catalyst for C-C Coupling Reactions”, Liang Ren, Fan Yang, Yongfeng Li,* Ting Liu, Liqiang Zhang, Guoqing Ning and Zhichang Liu: RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 26804-26809.
7. “Synthesis and Microwave Absorption Property of Flexible Magnetic Film Based on Graphene Oxide/Carbon nanotubes and Fe3O4 Nanoparticles” Lina Wang, Xilai Jia, Yongfeng Li,* Fan Yang, Liqiang Zhang, Liping Liu, Xiao Ren, and Haitao Yang, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2(2014)14940-14946.
8. “Enhancing the Li Storage Capacity and Initial Coulombic Efficiency for Porous Carbons by Sulfur Doping”, Ning, Guoqing; Ma, Xinlong; Zhu, Xiao; Cao, Yanming; Sun, Yuzhen; Qi, Chuanlei; Fan, Zhuangjun; Li, Yongfeng; Zhang, Xin; Lan, Xingying; Gao, Jinsen, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6 (2014) 15950-15958.
9. “N-doped nanoporous graphene decorated three-dimensional CuO and its application to photocatalytic degradation of dyes”, Liqiang Zhang, Yunpeng Guo, Zhenfei Gao, Liang Ren, Zhiqiang Tu, Yang Shao, Yang Qi, Fan Yang, Daqiang Jiang, Zhizhen, Jianguo Lu, Xiaoyuan Hou, Yongfeng Li,* and Lishan Cui, RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 47455-17460.
10. “Highly Stable and Active PtNiFe Dandelion-Like Ternary Alloys Synthesized at Room Temperature for Methanol Electrooxidation” Zhen-guo Guo, Xin Zhang, Shi-qi Mi, Kai Xu, Yongfeng Li, Jinsen Gao: Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol.1, pp. 13252-13260, 2013.
11. “Graphene sensing of an inhomogeneous, ultrafast, and minor strain”, L. Zhang, Y. Shao, Z.Q. Tu, R. Liu, D. Jiang, F. Yang, F. Yang, Y. Guo, Y. F. Li, *and L.S Cui: Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2014, 45 (1), 1-6.
12. “Plasma Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube-Gold Nanohybrids: An Efficient Catalyst for Green Oxidation of Silanes in Water”, Ting Liu, Fan Yang, Yongfeng Li, *Liang Ren, Liqiang Zhang, Kai Xu, Xian Wang, Chunming Xu, and Jinsen Gao: Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014,2014, 2, 245-250.
13. “Controllable synthesis of single- and double-walled carbon nanotubes from petroleum coke and their application to solar cells”, Kai Xu, Yongfeng Li, Fan Yang, Wang Yang, Liqiang Zhang, Chunming Xu, Toshiro Kaneko and Rikizo Hatakeyama: Carbon, 2014, 68, 511-519.
14. “C59N peapods sensing the temperature”, Y. F. Li,* T. Kaneko, and R. Hatakeyama: Sensor, 2013, 13, 966-974.
15. “Synthesis and Electrical Transport Properties of Boron-Doped Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, Y. F. Li,*Y. Wang, S.M. Chen, H. Wang, T. Kaneko and R. Hatakeyama: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.113, pp.054313-1-6, 2013.
16. “Synthesis of graphene nanosheets from petroleum asphalt by pulsed arc discharge”, Y. F. Li, * Q. Chen, K. Xu, T. Kaneko and R. Hatakeyama: Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 215-216, pp. 45-49, 2013.
17. “Controllable synthesis of single-, double- and triple-walled carbon nanotubes from asphalt”, K. Xu, Y. F. Li, * C.M. Xu, J.S. Gao, H. Liu, and P. Richard: Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 225, pp.210-215, 2013.
18. “Plasma synthesis of Pd nanoparticles decorated-carbon nanotubes and its application in Suzuki reaction”, F. Yang, Y. F. Li,* T. Liu, K. Xu, L. Zhang, C.M. Xu and J.S. Gao: Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 226, pp.52-28, 2013.
19. “Laboratory-scale experiments and industrial practice of low-temperature contact and high ratio of catalyst to oil in the FCC process”, G. Wang, Z. Li, Y. F. Li, J. Gao, C. Xu, Y. Liang, and X. Wang: Energy Fuels, Vol. 27, pp.1555-1563, 2013.
20. “High-quality single-walled carbon nanotubes synthesized from asphalt and petroleum coke”, K. Xu, Y. F. Li, *T. Liu, F. Yang, C.M. Xu, J.S. Gao, Proceeding of The 13th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology.
21. “Facile synthesis of ultrasmall gold nanoparticles by a gas-liquid Interfacial plasma”, T. Liu, F. Yang, Y. F. Li,* K. Xu, L.Q. Zhang, C.M. Xu, T. Kaneko, R. Hatakeyama, Proceeding of The 13th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology.
22. Finding a cheaper carbon source--High-quality,single-walled carbon nanotubes from asphalt and petroleum coke”, K. Xu, Y. F. Li, *T. Liu, F. Yang, C.M. Xu, J.S. Gao, IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, Vol. 9, pp.15-18, 2013.
23. Synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes from heavy oil residue”, Y. F. Li, * H. Wang, G. Wang, J.S. Gao: Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 211-212, pp. 255-259, 2012
24. “Performance enhancement of solar cells based on single-walled carbon nanotubes by Au nanoparticles”, Y. F. Li,* S. Kodama, T. Kaneko, and R. Hatakeyama: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, No. 8, pp. 083901-1-3, 2012
25. Yongfeng Li, Toshiro Kaneko, Rikizo Hatakeyama.Harvesting infrared solar energy by semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes, Applied Physics Express, 2011, 4: 065101-1-3.
26. Rikizo Hatakeyama, Toshiro Kaneko, Toshiaki Kato,Yongfeng Li, Plasma-Synthesized single-walled carbon nanotubes and their applications, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2011, 44: 174004-1-21
27. Yongfeng Li, Shimo Chen, Toshiro Kaneko, Rikizo Hatakeyama. Electrically moving single-stranded DNA into and out of double-walled carbon nanotubes, Chemical Commnication, 2011, 47: 2309-2311
28. Nguyen Thanh Cuong, Otani, Minoru, Iizumi, Yoko, Okazaki, Toshiya, Rotas, Georgios, Tagmatarchis, Nikos, Yongfeng Li, Kaneko, Toshiro, Hatakeyama, Rikizo, Okada, Susumu, Origin of the n-type Transport Behavior of Azafullerene Encapsulated Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes, Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99: 053105-1-3.
29. Rikizo Hatakeyama, Yongfeng Li, Toshiro Kaneko, Tatsuya Kato, Infrared photovoltaic solar cells based on C60 encapsualted single-walled carbon nanotubes, Applied Physics Letters,2010, 97: 013104-1-3.
30. Yongfeng Li, Toshiro Kaneko, Sunao Miyanaga, Rikizo Hatakeyama. Synthesis and Property Characterization of C69N Azafullerene Encapsulated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, ACS Nano, 2010, 4(6): 3522-3526.
31. Yongfeng Li, Toshiro Kaneko, Rikizo Hatakeyama. Tailoring the electronic structure of double-walled carbon nanotubes by encapsulating single-stranded DNA, Small, 2010, 6(6): 729-732.
32. Yongfeng Li, Toshiro Kaneko, Rikizo Hatakeyama, Light-induced electron transfer through DNA decorated single-walled carbon nanotubes.Small, 2010, 6(1): 27-30.
33. Yongfeng Li, Toshiro Kaneko, Rikizo Hatakeyama. Formation of quantum dots in single sranded DNA-wrapped single-walled carbon nanotubes.Applied Physics Letters,2010, 96: 023104-1-3.
34. Yongfeng Li, Rikizo Hatakeyama, Toshiro Kaneko. High-performance negative differential resistance behavior in fullerenes encapsulated double-walled carbon nanotubes Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, 106:124316-1-6.
35. Yongfeng Li, Rikizo Hatakeyama, Toshiro Kaneko. Formation of p-n junction in double-walled carbon nanotubes by heteromaterial encapsulation. Applied Physics Express, 2009, 2, 095005-1-3.
36. Yongfeng Li, Toshiro Kaneko, Jing Kong, and Rikizo Hatakeyama, Photoswitching in azafullerene encapsulated single-walled carbon nanotube FET devices,Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131,3412-3413, 2009.
37. Yongfeng Li, Toshiro Kaneko, Rikizo Hatakeyama. Creation of functional double-walled carbon nanotubes by plasma processing,Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES,2009, 8: 534-538.
38. Yongfeng Li, Toshiro Kaneko, S. Nishigaki, and Rikizo Hatakeyama. Synthesis and electrical transport properties of C59N encapsulated single-walled carbon nanotubes. Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 33 (3): 665-668, 2008.
39. Yongfeng Li, Toshiro Kaneko, Rikizo Hatakeyama. Thransport proeprties of various peapods interacting with lightNanotechnology, 19: 415201-1-7, 2008.
40. Yongfeng Li, Toshiro Kaneko, Rikizo Hatakeyama. Photoinduced electron transfer in C60 single-walled carbon nanotubes, Applied Physics Letters, 92: 183115-1-3, 2008.
41. Rikizo Hatakeyama, Toshiro Kaneko, W. Oohara, Yongfeng Li, Toshiaki Kato, K. Baba, Jun Shishido. Novel-structured carbon nanotubes creation by nanoscopic plasma control. Plasma Source Science & Technology, 17: 024009-1-11, 2008.
42. Yongfeng Li, Toshiro Kaneko, Tomoyuki Ogawa, Migaku Takahashi,and Rikizo Hatakeyama, Novel properties of magnetic-atoms encapsulated single-walled carbon nanotubes, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics47 (4): 2048-2055, 2008.
43. Toshiro Kaneko, Yongfeng Li, S. Nishigaki, and Rikizo Hatakeyama. Azafullerene encapsulated single-walled carbon nanotubes with n-type electrical transport proeprties. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130, 2714-2715, 2008.
44. Yongfeng Li, Toshiro Kaneko, Tomoyuki Ogawa, Migaku Takahashi, Rikizo Hatakeyama. Magnetic characterization of Fe-nanoparticles encapsulated single walled carbon nanotubes, Chemical Communications,254-256, 2007.
45. Yongfeng Li, Rikizo Hatakeyama, Toshiro Kaneko, Takeru Okada, Toshiaki Kato. Negative differential resistance in tunneling transport through C60 encapsulated double-walled carbon nanotubes, Applied Physics Letters, 90: 073106-1-3, 2007.
46. Yongfeng Li, Rikizo Hatakeyama, Jun Shishido, Toshiaki Kato, Toshiro Kaneko. Air-stable p-njunction diodes based on single-walled carbon nanotubes encapsulated with Fe nanoparticles, Applied Physics Letters, 90: 173127-1-3, 2007.
47. Yongfeng Li, Rikizo Hatakeyama, Toshiro Kaneko, Takeru Okada, Toshiaki Kato. Formation of C60 encapsulated double-walled carbon nanotubes with novel electrical transport propertie based on plasma technology, Plasma and Fusion Research: Rapid Communications 2: 017-1-2, 2007.
48. Yongfeng Li, Rikizo Hatakeyama, Toshiro Kaneko, n- and p-type double-walled carbon nanotubes field-effect transistors based on charge-transfer modulation, Applied Physics A 88: 745-748, 2007.
49. Rikizo Hatakeyama, Yongfeng Li, Syntheisis and electronic-property control of Cs-encapsulated single- and double-walled carobn nanotubes by plasma ion irridiation, Journal of Applied Physics, 102: 034309-1-7, 2007.
50. Yongfeng Li, Rikizo Hatakeyama, Toshiro Kaneko, Takeshi Izumida, Takeru Okada, Toshiaki Kato. Electrical properties of ferromagnetic semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes, Applied Physics Letters, 89: 083117-1-3, 2006.
51. Yongfeng Li, Rikizo Hatakeyama, Toshiro Kaneko, Takeshi Izumida, Takeru Okada, Toshiaki Kato. Electronic transport properties of Cs-encapsulated double-walled carbon nanotubes, Applied Physics Letters, 89: 093110-1-3, 2006.
52. Yongfeng Li,Takeshi Izumida,Takeru Okada, Toshiaki Kato, Rikizo Hatakeyama, Jieshan Qiu. Modification of double-walled carbon nanotubes by Cs plasma ion irridiation , Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 45 (10B): 8330-8334, 2006.
53. Yongfeng Li, Rikizo Hatakeyama, Toshiro Kaneko, Takeshi Izumida, Takeru Okada, Toshiaki Kato. Synthesis and electrical transport measurement of functionalized double-walled carbon nanotubes by ferrocene encapsulation, Nanotechnology, 17: 4143-4147, 2006.
54. Yongfeng Li, Rikizo Hatakeyama, Takeru Okada,Toshiaki Kato,Takeshi Izumida, Takamichi Hirata, Jieshan Qiu. Synthesis of Cs-filled double-walled carbon nanotubes by a plasma process,Carbon, 44: 1586-1589, 2006.
55. Yongfeng Li, Rikizo Hatakeyama, Toshiro Kaneko, Takeru Okada. Nano sized magnetic particles with diameters less than 1 nm encapsulated in single-walled carbon Nanotubes, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 45 (15): L428-431, 2006.
56. Zongbin Zhao, Jieshan Qiu, Tonghua Wang, Yongfeng Li, Ying Zhou. Fabrication of single-walled carbon nanotube ropes from coal by an arc discharge method, New Carbon Materials21 (1): 19-23 2006.
57. Yongfeng Li, Jieshan Qiu, Yunpeng Wang. Hongzhe Zhang.Novel iron-decorated carbon nanorods from fullerenes soot. Chemical Communications,656-657, 2004.
58. Jieshan Qiu, Yongfeng Li, Yunpeng Wang, Novel fluffy carbon balls obtained from coal which consist of short curly carbon fibres, Carbon, 42(11): 2371-2373, 2004.
59. Jieshan Qiu, Yongfeng Li, Yunpeng Wang, Zongbin Zhao, Ying Zhou, Yanguo Wang, Synthesis of carbon-encapsulated nickel nanocrystals by arc-discharge of coal-based carbon in water. Fuel, 83(4-5): 615-617, 2004.
60. Jieshan Qiu, Yongfeng Li Yunpeng Wang. Mass production of carbon nanotubes from coal. Fuel Processing Technology, 85: 1663-1670, 2004.
61. Jieshan Qiu, Yongfeng Li, Yunpeng Wang, Zongbin Zhao, Ying Zhou, Wen Li. Preparation of carbon-coated magnetic iron nanoparticles from composite rods made from coal and iron powders. Fuel Processing Technology, 86(3): 267-274, 2004.
62. Jieshan Qiu, Yuliang An, Zongbin Zhao, Yongfeng Li, Ying Zhou. Catalytic synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes from coal gas by chemical vapor deposition method. Fuel Processing Technology, 85(8-10): 913-920, 2004.
63. Jieshan Qiu,Yongfeng Li, Tonghua Wang, Yunpeng Wang, Zongbin Zhao. Effect of catalyst on the formation and diameter of single-walled carbon nanotubes from coal. Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering, 55 (8): 1348-1352, 2004. (In Chinese)
64. Jieshan Qiu,Yongfeng Li, Xiuna Wang, Zongbin Zhao. Coal-derived hollow carbon capsules with inner diameter over 40 nanometers: giant multishell fullerenes? Preprint Papers - American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry, 49(2): 876-878, 2004.
65. Jieshan Qiu,Yongfeng Li, Yunpeng Wang, Fayu Wu, Huiming Cheng, Guobin Zheng, Yasuo Uchiyama, Large-scale synthesis of high-quality double-walled carbon nanotubes from coal-based carbon rods in vacuum by arc discharge. Preprint Papers - American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry, 49(2): 874-875, 2004.
66. Songyun Xu, Yongfeng Li, Hanfa Zou, Jieshan Qiu, Zhong Guo, Baochuan Guo. Carbon nanotubes as assisted matrix for laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Analytical Chemistry, 75: 6191-6195, 2003.
67. Jieshan Qiu,Yongfeng Li, Yunpeng Wang, Changhai Liang, Dehe Wang. A novel form of carbon micro-balls from coal. Carbon, 41: 767-772, 2003.
68. Jieshan Qiu, Yongfeng Li, Yunpeng Wang, Tonghua Wang, Zongbin Zhao, Ying Zhou, Feng Li, Huiming Cheng. High-purity single-walled carbon nanotubes synthesized from coal by arc discharge Carbon, 41 (11): 2170-2173, 2003.
69. Yongfeng Li, Jieshan Qiu, Zongbin Zhao, Tonghua Wang, Yunpeng Wang, Wen Li. Bamboo-shaped carbon tubes from coal. Chemical Physics Letters, 366: 544-550, 2002.
70. Yongfeng Li, Jieshan Qiu, Ying Zhou, Testsu Mieno. Laser desorption time of mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of extracts from coal-derived fullerenes containing soots. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 7: 769-773, 2002. (In Chinese)