Department of Drilling Engineering
Dr. Sheng Mao
PhD from China University of Petroleum, Beijing (China), 2014
PhD from China University of Petroleum, Beijing (China), 2014
Bachelor from China University of Petroleum, Beijing (China), 2008
Research (Areas of Research Focus)
High pressure water jet drilling;
Numerical simulation of hydraulic fractures propagation in shale reservoir
Well completion
Previous Teaching Experience (Previous Relevant Working Experience)
2011-2012 The University of Oklahoma(United States), Visiting Scholar
Other Functions
Professional Affiliations
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Email: shengmao@cup.edu.cn TEL: +861089732176 Fax: +861089733379
Address of Office: Office 1102 North, PetroChina Building, 18 Fuxue Street, Changping, Beijing, 102249 China
1. SHENG M, LI G, SHAH S, LAMB A R, BORDAS S P. Enriched finite elements for branching cracks in deformable porous media[J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2015, 50:435-446.
1. SHENG M, LI G, SHAH S, LAMB A R, BORDAS S P. Enriched finite elements for branching cracks in deformable porous media[J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2015, 50:435-446.
2. SHENG M, LI G, SHAH S. A modified method to determine the radius of influence domain in element-free Galerkin method [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2014, DIO: 0954406214542034.
3. SHENG M, LI G, HUANG Z, TIAN S, QU H. Experimental study on hydraulic isolation mechanism during hydra-jet fracturing[J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2013, 44:722-726.
4. GENSHENG L, MAO S, SHOUCENG T, ZHONGWEI H, YUANBIN L, XUEFANG Y. Multistage hydraulic jet acid fracturing technique for horizontal wells[J]. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2012, 39(1): 107-112.
5. SHENG M, LI G, SHAH S N, JIN X. Extended Finite Element Modeling of Multi-scale Flow in Fractured Shale Gas Reservoirs; proceedings of the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2012 [100]. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
6. LI G, SHENG M, TIAN S, HUANG Z, LI Y, YUAN X. New Technique: Hydra-jet Fracturing for Effectiveness of Multi-zone Acid Fracturing on an Ultra Deep Horizontal Well and Case Study; proceedings of the IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition, 2012 [100]. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
7. JIN X, SHAH S, SHENG M. Hydraulic Fracturing Model Based on Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics: Theory and Simulation; proceedings of the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2012[100]. Society of Petroleum Engineers.