Department of Drilling Engineering
Dr. Cheng Li
PhD from Harbin Engineering University (China) (majoring in Fluid Mechanics)
Master from Harbin Engineering University (China) (majoring in Fluid Mechanics)
Bachelor from Harbin Engineering University (China) (majoring in Shipbuilding Engineering)
Research (Areas of Research Focus)
Hydrodynamic interactions between underwater bodies and wall (during master’s and doctoral period);
Water impact phenomena in engineering, e.g. aircraft ditching, planing of high speed shallow water craft (in postdoctoral research)
1. Course Name: Fluid Mechanics of Multiphase System
Teaching Target: postgraduate students
Credit Hour: 48
Credit: 3
2. Course Name: Fluid Mechanics
Teaching Target: Undergraduate students (the innovation class and the excellent engineer class)
Credit Hour: 64 (cooperate with other teacher)
Credit: 4
3. Course Name: Fluid Mechanics
Teaching Target: Undergraduate students (the second Bachelor’s degree class)
Credit Hour: 64
Credit: 4
Previous Teaching Experience (Previous Relevant Working Experience)
2009.06-now, Lecturer, College of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing;
2006.11-2009.04, Postdoctoral research (mechanics), Institute of Fluid Mechanics, School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University.
[1] 程丽,张亮,吴德铭,陈强。无升力双体水动力干扰计算,哈尔滨工程大学学报,2005,26(1):1-6.
[1] CHENG Li, ZHANG Liang, WU De-ming, CHEN Qiang. Hydrodynamic interactions between two underwater non-lifting bodies. Journal of Harbin Engineering University, 2005, 26(1):1-6. (in Chinese)
[2] 程丽,张亮,吴德铭,汪玉。二维Rankine体升力受邻近壁面干扰的简化算法,哈尔滨工程大学学报,2006,27(1):42-47.
[2] CHENG Li, ZHANG Liang, WU De-ming, WANG Yu. Simplified algorithm for wall effect on the lift of 2D Rankine oval. Journal of Harbin Engineering University, 2006, 27(1): 42-47. (in Chinese)
[3] ZHANG Liang, CHENG Li, LI Feng-lai, SHENG Qi-hu, WANG Yu. Experiment on Hydrodynamic Interaction Between 2D Oval and Wall, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2006, 10(6):1-10.
[4] CHENG Li, WU De-ming, XU Yu-ru, et al. Hydrodynamic interactions between two bodies, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B, 2007, 19(6):784-785.
[5] 程丽,罗庆杰,张亮,吴德铭。三维钝体的近壁面受力,水动力学研究与进展,A辑,2008,23(2):149-157.
[5] CHENG Li, LUO Qing-jie, ZHANG Liang, WU De-ming. On the forces of 3D blunt-end bodies near wall. Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2008, 23(2): 149-157. (in Chinese)
[6] Li Cheng, Guo-long Chen, Qing-jie Luo, et al. The unsteady interacting forces during near-wall movement of a sphere. Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Maritime Technology, 25-28 June, 2012, Harbin, China, 89-93.