Department of Drilling Engineering
Dr. Chen Mian
PhD from China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing)
M.S. from Liaoning University
B.S. from Peking University
Research (Areas of Research Focus)
Rock mechanics in petroleum engineering
Continuum mechanics, Engineering mechanics, Rock mechanics.
Previous Teaching Experience (Previous Relevant Working Experience)
1982-1985, Liaoning University, Assistant professor
1991-1993, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Postdoc
1993-1995, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Associate professor
1995-present, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Professor
1997, University of Oklahoma, Visiting scholar
Other Functions
Convenor of Oil & Gas Engineering in the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council
National Postdoc Administration Committee experts team member
Executive member of Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering
Director of National Deep Rock Mechanics Committee
Vice chairman of the CPPCC Beijing Municipal Changping District Committee
Professional Affiliations
Society of Petroleum Engineering
Email: chenmian@vip.163.com
TEL: 86-10-89732206
Address of Office: Rm 913, Zhongyou Building
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