Department of Field Development Engineering
Dr. Shi Juntai
PhD from China University of Petroleum at Beijing, (China)
Masters from China University of Petroleum at Beijing (China)
PhD from China University of Petroleum at Beijing, (China)
Masters from China University of Petroleum at Beijing (China)
Research (Areas of Research Focus)
Conventional Gas Reservoir Engineering
Unconventional Gas Reservoirs Development Engineering (Coal-Bed Methane, Tight Gas, Tight Oil, and Shale Gas Reservoirs)
Reservoir Simulation
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Gas Reservoir Engineering, Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow Theory, Coal-bed Methane Production Technology
Previous Teaching Experience (Previous Relevant Working Experience)
2009-2010, The University of Texas at Austin, (Co-Supervised Ph.D.)
Other Functions
Head person’s Assistant of Oil and gas field development disciplines
Member of the gas reservoir engineering teaching team
Reviewer of Fuel
Professional Affiliations
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Email: juntai.shi@gmail.com TEL: 18618348216 Fax: 86-10-89734951
Address of Office: Room 613, Zhongyou Building, The Department of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Changping District, Beijing, China 102249.
Publications (文章、出版物列表)
[1] Song, Z., Jia, C., Li, X., et al. Unconventional Oil & Gas Exploration and Development, Petroleum Industry Press, Beijing,2011. (One of Co-authors)
Journal Articles
[1] Shi, J., Varavei, A., Huh, C., Delshad, M. Sepehrnoori, K., and Li, X., “Viscosity Model of Preformed Microgels for Conformance and Mobility Control,” Energy & Fuels. Vol.25(2011), pp.5033-5037 (SCI IF="2.853)
[2] Shi, J., Varavei, A., Huh, C., Delshad, M. Sepehrnoori, K., and Li, X., “Transport Model Implementation and Simulation of Microgel Processes for Conformance and Mobility Control Purposes,” Energy & Fuels.Vol.25(2011), pp.5063-5075 (SCI IF="2.853)
[3] Shi, J., Li, X., Li, Q., Wang, F., and Sepehrnoori, K., “Gas Permeability Model Considering Rock Deformation and Slippage in Low Permeability Water-Bearing Gas Reservoirs,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, published online, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2014.04.019. (SCI IF="0.997、EI)
[4] Shi, J., Li, X., Zhou, J., Li, Q., and Wu, K., “Deliverability Prediction of Gas Condensate Wells Based on Statistics,”Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol.31(2013), pp.1353-1360 (SCI IF="0.335)
[5] Shi, J., Li, X., Zhou, J., Li, Q., and Wu, K., “How to Evaluate and Predict Deliverability Change of Gas Condensate Wells?” Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol.32(2014), pp.442-449 (SCI IF="0.335)
[6] Shi J., Li X., Xu B., Du X., Li Y.,Wen S., Zhang D., “Review on desorption-diffusion-flow model of coal-bed methane,” SCIENTIA SINICA Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica, Vol.43(2013) pp.1548-1557
[7] Shi, J., Li, X., Zhou, J., and Li, Q., “The Method for Determining The Permeability and The Radius of The Multi-Region Distribution in Condensate Gas Reservoirs,” Petroleum Geology and Oilfield Exploitation in Daqing. Vol.31(2012), pp.80-84
[8] Shi, J., Li, X., Zhang, D., Hu, X., Li, Q., Hu, S., and Wu, K., “Optimization of Well Pattern in The Development of Coal-Bed Methane Reservoir Using Vertical Wells,” Coal Geology & Exploration.Vol.40(2012), pp.28-31
[9] Shi, J., Li, X., Cheng, S., Zhou, J., and Gu, N., “Using Simple Numerical Model to Correct Abnormal Productivity Curve,” Fault-block Oil & Gas Field. Vol.18(2011), pp.616-618
[10] Shi, J., Li, X., Wu, K., and Li, Q., “The New Method for Deliverability Prediction of Gas Condensate Wells Based on the Statistics,” Petroleum Geology and Oilfield Exploitation in Daqing. Vol.30(2011), pp.107-111
[11] Shi, J., Li, X., Li, L., Du, H., and Zhou, J., “The Radius of Investigation Considering Resolution Ratio of Pressure Gauge” Well Testing. Vol.21(2012), pp.8-10
[12] Wu, K., Li, X., Yan, B., Shi, J., and Li, Q., “Research on Computational Method for Reservoir Pressure of Water-Drive Condensate Gas Reservoir,” Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol.31(2013), pp.1744-1751 (SCI IF="0.335)
[13] Li, Q., Li, X., Zan, K., Song, Z., Shi, J., and Wu, K., “Experimental Research of Critical Condensate Saturation and Flow Characteristics of Gas Condensate Reservoir,” Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol.31(2013), pp.1361-1370 (SCI IF="0.335)
[14] Wu, K., Li, X., Wang, X., Yan, B., and Shi, J., “Predicting Method of Oil Recovery in Gas-Assisted Gravity Drainage Process,” Accepted by Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology. (SCI IF="0.328)
[15] Li, X., Shi, J., Du, X., Hu, A., Chen, D., and Zhang, D., “Transport Mechanism of Desorbed Gas in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs,” Petroleum Exploration Development. Vol.39(2012), pp.1-12 (EI)
[16] Wu, K., Li, X., Shi, J., Li, Q., and Yan, B., “Research on Computational Method for Reservoir Pressure of Water-Drive Condensate Gas Reservoir,” ACTA PETROLEI SINICA. Vol.33(2012), pp.278-283 (EI)
[17] Wu, K., Li, X., Xu, Z., Shi, J., Wang, L., Cui, B., “Establishment of The New Productivity Equation for Abnormal Pressure Gas Reservoirs Considering Variable Threshold Pressure Drop,” Petroleum Geology and Oilfield Exploitation in Daqing. Vol.31(2012), pp.74-78
[18] Zhang, L., Li, X., Xu, B., Shi, J., Gong, J., Zhang, B., “Production Evaluation Model of Fractured Horizontal Shale Gas Wells Considering Gas Slippage Effect,” Petroleum Geology and Oilfield Exploitation in Daqing, Vol.32(2013), pp.157-163
Conference Paper
[1] Shi J., Li S., Sun F., Li J., Li X., Zang J., Li Y., Zhang F., “A New Approach to Evaluate Stimulation Effectiveness in Unconventional Reservoirs,” IPTC 18047, the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-12 December, 2014. (EI)
[2] Shi J., He X., Sun F., Yu W., Li X., “A New Analytical Model for Liquid Loading in Shale Gas Reservoirs,” URTeC 1922861, SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 25-27 August, 2014. (EI)
[3] Shi J., Zhang L., Li Y., Yu W., He X., Liu N., Li X., Wang T., “Diffusion and Flow Mechanisms of Shale Gas through Matrix Pores and Gas Production Forecasting,” SPE 167226 presented at the 2013 SPE Unconventional Resources Conference – Canada, Calgary Alberta, Canada, November 5-7, 2013. (EI)
[4] Shi J., Li X., Xu H., Li Y., Sun F., Ren W., Wang H., Xu Z., Wang Z., “Desorption And Transport Mechanisms Of Gas Through Coal Matrix Pores And Gas Production Forecasting,” SPE 166999 presented at the 2013 SPE Unconventional Resources Conference & Exhibition – Asia Pacific, Brisbane, Australia, November 11-13, 2013. (EI)
[5] Shi, J., Li, X., Shi, D., Xu, H., Li, B., and Zhou J., “A New Deliverability Testing Method for Gas Condensate Wells,” Proceedings of the International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, Society of Petroleum Engineers, vol.3(2010), pp. 1888-1903 (EI)
[6] Shi, J., Varavei, A., Huh, C., Delshad, M., Sepehrnoori, K., and Li, X., “Viscosity Model and Transport Model Implementation and Simulation of Microgel Processes for Conformance and Mobility Control Purposes” Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media, March 29-31, 2011.
[7] Li Y., Li X., Shi J., et al., “The Analysis and Interpretation of Parameters on Well Performance of Low Permeability Water-producing Reservoirs: a Case Study of Daniudi Gas Field,” SPE169938, the Trinidad & Tobago Energy Resources Conference, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 9-11 June, 2014. (EI)
[8] Li Y., Li X., Shi J., et al., “A nano-pore scale gas flow model for shale gas reservoir,” SPE169939, the Trinidad & Tobago Energy Resources Conference, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 9–11 June, 2014. (EI)
[9] Li Y., Li X., Teng S., Shi J., Xu D., Lei G., “A transient Model for the Liquid-Loading Process in fractured horizontal gas well,” SPE 167190 presented at the 2013 SPE Unconventional Resources Conference – Canada, Calgary Alberta, Canada, November 5-7, 2013. (EI)