Department of Mechanics
Li Shiyuan
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Email: lishiyuan1983@cup.edu.cn TEL: +86-10-89739073 Cell Phone: +86-15330011512
Address of Office: Room 803 in the Zhongyou Building, School of Petroleum Engineering,18 Fuxue Road, Changping District, Beijing 102249,China
Ph.D., Structural Geology and Geomechanics, RWTH Aachen University (Germany), 2013
M.S., Civil Engineering, Delft Technology University (the Netherlands), 2007
B.S., Engineering Mechanics, Shanghai Jiaotong University (China), 2005
Research Areas and Interests
Wellbore Integrity of Composite Salt -gypsum formation
Rheological property of Shale Gas Reservoir Rock
Geomechanics of Caprock
Theoretical Mechanics; Mechanics of Material; Rock Mechanics, Visco-elasitic Theory
Professional Experiences
2012.10-2014.02, Post-doctoral Fellow, Institute of Applied Geophysics and Geothermal Energy, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
2014.03-present, Assistant Professor, School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, China
Other Appointments
2016.06- present, Director, Department of Engineering Mechanics, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, China
2017.06- present, Youth Editorial Board, Petroleum Scientific Bulletin
2018.01- present, Editorial Board, Ship Engineering
2018.01-present, principal investigator, National Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China
Honors and Awards
The Youth Talent support program, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, 2014-2017
Youth Backbone Teacher, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, 2017
Selected Publications
1. Shiyuan Li, Garbriele Marquart, Lars Reuning, Yan Wang, Pengyun Zhao. Numerical model of halite precipitation in porous sedimentary rocks adjacent to salt diapirs. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2017, 14: 1160-1166.
2. Shiyuan Li, Janos Urai, Guangqing Zhang. Numerical modeling of the deformation of embedded brittle rock bodies in compressive environment during salt tectonics – A case study from SOSB. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 152:1-8.
3. Shiyuan Li, Yu Yan and Guangqing Zhang. Numerical research of creep behavior of shale gas reservoir rock and effects on hydraulic fracturing. American Rock Mechanics Association, 2017.
4. Shiyuan Li and Yuekun Xing. A new method to evaluate long-term rheology of Zechsteinsalt through inverting gravitational sinking stringer. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology, 2016, 12: 38.1-38.6.
5. Shiyuan Li. A sensitivity study on the numerical model of displacement and deformation of embedded brittle rock bodies in extension environment during salt tectonics.Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2016, 9: 680.
6. Shiyuan Li and Janos Urai. Rheology of rock salt for salt tectonics modeling. Petroleum Science, 2016, 13: 712-714.
7. Shiyuan Li and Janos Urai.Numerical modelling of gravitational sinking of anhydrite stringers in salt (at rest). Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 2016, 57(3): 233-246.
8. Shiyuan Li, Qing Lin and Yan Wang. Numerical studies of the deformation of salt bodies with embedded Carbonate or anhydrite stringers. American Rock Mechanics Association, 2017.
9. Shiyuan Li. Method Validatoin of DEM Simulation of the Sinking of Carbonate Inclusion in Salt. Proceeding of International Conference on Sustainable Energy, Environment and Information Engineering, 2016.
10. Shiyuan Li and Guangqing Zhang. Numerical Modeling on the Creep Behavior of Rocksalt-mudstone Interlayer. Proceeding of International Conference on Civil Engineering and Rock Engineering, 2015.